Loop News – Antigua and Barbuda which has been experiencing water challenges due to drought conditions, was drenched with so much rain from tropical storm Philippe that several of the island’s water catchments are now near full.
This information is according to Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister Lionel Hurst at Friday’s Post Cabinet briefing.
He said Antigua and Barbuda received more than 8 inches of rain from tropical storm Philippe, which had also caused widespread flooding.
Hurst said the Potswork Dam, which could hold one billion and 200 million gallons of water, is about one-third full. That equals about 400 million gallons of water.
Hurst pointed out that water experts say it is enough water to service Antigua for the next three to four months.
He said this shows that the issue of getting water into households was not an Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) problem, but one of drought.
Hurst believes that the water rationing which the island has been under should not be needed over the next three to four months.
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Hurst is a b******t artist. If according to them, the plants are producing 240 million gallons monthly, then the issue isn’t drought, it is APUA’s mismanagement of resources that is the issue. Stop making excuses, replace the rusted pipes and provide the country with daily water. Build more storage tanks while you’re at it. They don’t care because it doesn’t affect them.
So you mean to tell me APUA was waiting on rain and relies on Potswork muddy dam to provide water to the reversed osmosis plants!!??? Instead of… IDK the ENTIRE SEA AND OCEAN SURROUNDING THIS ISLAND!!???
Give the people of this land their BASIC NEEDS! Mr. Brown, I’m sure your houses here and your 3 mil $ one in Miami are never without water!! Potswork dam 😆 🤣 chupz…
Someone ought to cut it off so he can collect water from barrels outside lol and bathe with buckets and flush his porcelain shitter with buckets too… 🪣
Oh, wait, he’d just have his minions or police guards do it.
Next time VOTE BETTER. 🗳 get him out!!
Mr Hurst trupz!!
Give me a break!!
I hope for the day when this guy will find a way to speak the truth. How can Potworks Dam possibly contain 1 bil. gallons? There is a bridge that creates a shortcut to Bethesda and that was some 6 ft. above the high-water mark in its day and presently the bridge is at level with the ground. The measuring platform on the eastern end is displaying 13 ft above the surface because some 12ft and some inches are actually under mud. If what he’s saying about the suspended rationing of water could ever be true, then why don’t we have running water in my area for 5 consecutive days? The guy is so dishonest that he’s still driving a THING that cooks landfill would easily refuse, claiming that he cannot afford to purchase a vehicle. I would really like to know what information about that THING is on the inspection form at the Transport Biard.
APUA water manager also said with this amount of surface water and the Wells coming back on stream that they will be producing a few million gallons more. Not only that but the locations like Bethesda and Bendals is also important. So in a week time the water problem should be over ( my interjection). This should give the APUA/government more than enough time to fix and improve on the other area such as production and distribution.
Hurst listening to the shit he saying? Seriously? Look, you, Gaston and the whole flock of lemmings need to stop gaslighting this country! The whole bunch of you have shit for brains!
Lots of well thought-out responses here. Are you reading what people are saying? Stop making excuses for poor or non-existing leadership!
I still keep shaking my damn head wondering how allyuh got through primary school…and worse, who the arse voted for the ABLP!
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