WATCH: Dr Alister Jackson Prays For Parliamentarians At National Day of Prayer


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  1. Amen! Amen! Powerful. Gratitude is in place for all the people, for all the prayers, for all the blessings, for all the changes small and big, in and within our communities and whole nation 🇦🇬. Let’s not forget. Thanks to be God.

  2. All them damn prayers dem a do and this useless govt that made Thurs a day for prayer will do what for the country? If you raise them right from the beginning and bang dem when they needed a good banging and making the punishments fit the crimes, we wouldn’t be here today.

    Just more bullshit. Instead of making the jails bigger and fixing the infrastructure here, govt pissing away tax dollars on “free concerts”. This is the shit govt you voted for and now you go tek what this govt give you.

    Prayers is nothing but empty words, hopeful words at best but prayers don’t do shit when it comes to the criminals. Take the criminals out one by one till either they all dead or choose not to engage in criminal activities. That is what it will take to bring back safety and security to our country.

    Criminals never played by the rules and that includes wishful works, what you calling prayer, and will do as they like. Take them out one by one and dem will never commit another crime again.


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