Violent Altercation Among Ottos Comprehensive School Students Marks Unfortunate Start to School Year

Blood stained the steps of the Little Canton Supermarket on Independence Avenue

The first week of school in Antigua was marred by a violent altercation outside the Little Canton Supermarket on Independence Avenue involving students from Ottos Comprehensive School (OCS).

Approximately 50 students gathered after an early dismissal for a staff meeting, turning to violence outside the popular supermarket.

Eyewitnesses reported the use of objects such as scissors, resulting in injuries, including a boy with a gash over his eye and another with multiple stab wounds, despite their young age, some as young as 13.

Concerns rise over a potential resurgence in youth-on-youth violence, with prior incidents and recent viral videos highlighting the issue.

Police responded swiftly to the altercation, with at least four students taken into custody while others fled.


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  1. Lord have mercy on our youths. Adults we need to set better examples and we need to train and supervise our children.

  2. The head line is quite unfortunate, highlighting only one school when there have been other incidents involving other schools. It is quite frustrating that the news is making it look like only the students of ocs is involved in this youth on youth violence when the truth is we have a social dilemma at this time. If the powers that be is not will and the parents of the children are not willing to take action then our society is going to, in quick order be subjected to something far worst than we have seen. So lets tell the truth, as parents as leaders, as a society, as a country we need to do something fast. An it has to be a collective effect or we are doomed.

  3. Time to pass laws for school children not to loiter after school and some penalties like community service. When I went to school several years ago you would face severe punishment for having on the school uniform after a certain time, without a proper excuse. These days you see school children in gangs liming in town and involved in all sorts of unwanted activities including sexual. Just go to that alleyway between old Benjie, now twist mall and where establishment use to be. They are there by the hundreds every afternoon after school by the hundred- smoking, making out and fights always break out. Something needs to be done immediately.

  4. PMS students and those from Antigua girls high school had fights in town on the first day of school and i did not see anything in this or other news platforms. Those schools are talked about highly so no body say nothing but ocs them wash them mouth on. Stop it we have a problem with all our young people. Lets work together and stop the madness.

  5. Unfortunate as well is that the first week of school, the children were dismissed early FOR A STAFF MEETING! You people had how many weeks vacation, what happen to even the week before school open. Gimme a break.

    • The week before school open the Ministry of Education disrupted the teachers planning week to host workshop because they were still upset that teachers last year stand up for their rights and had industrial action. You need to follow whats going on cause the meeting would have taken place in that week had it not been for the action on the ministry. Pay attention.

  6. This island needs Jesus! I am calling for a national day of prayer against crime and violence! Blessed is the national whose God is the Lord! Sin is a reproach to any people!

  7. Well the principal always busy doing media interviews, so no time to run the school. Man love more spotlight than anything

  8. I am paying attention very well. I was educated in Antigua, nothing has changed, this has been years ongoing. Teachers have their rights but let’s balance it with our expectations cause in the interim our future leaders suffer.

    Parents, teachers, churches all form the community helping to mold and raise young minds . In instances too numerous too mention MANY OF THESE KEY INDIVIDUALS HAVE FAILED.

    in this little space I am addressing TEACHERS. First kudos to those who actually do care and do work. To the rest, we respect and honour your role so ah beg you please, show up for class, frequently and on time. Don’t conduct and charge for after class with content you should have covered in the classroom. Speak positively to the children. there are identifiers in the youths behavior your teacher-trained eyes might sée, don’t make it a gossip topic in the staffroom, help the child get the help they need.Staff meeting, what is wrong if you have your meeting after contact time with the students , 1:30🧐. Balance your transaction with our youths, cuz more than them, God is paying attention.

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