Residents in Rural North are expressing their disgust with the “nasty” condition of the constituency.
One Cedar Grove resident is giving voice to their complaints about the filthy and overgrown gutters in that village, and the garbage accumulating in the gutters or on various parcels of lands.
In particular, she points to the Cedar Grove Main Road and the dirt and grass that appear to cover the stretch of sidewalk, and the black stagnant water in the drains.
The woman says it is disgraceful that this stretch of road is kept in such a condition when it is travelled daily by a number of Government officials, including the Governor-General.
She is calling on the Parliamentary representative, Charles “Max” Fernandez, and his liaison officers to address the matter – which she sees as a public-health issue – immediately.
Residents in the constituency pay their taxes and deserve and demand better representation, she declares.
Meanwhile, a Yorks Village woman says she, too, is appalled at the state of her community, especially with its overgrown sidewalks, and cannot recall the last time the sides of the roads were cut.
According to her, COVID-19 will be blamed for the issue, but this was the case even before the pandemic, she says. She adds that many areas of that village are plagued with filthy gutters and the community is littered with garbage.
The Yorks resident says she sees the liaison officers traveling through the village, and finds it unethical that they are receiving money every month but not ensuring that issues such as these are addressed.
She is calling on MP Fernandez to do the work for which he was elected and represent the people.
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Well, I guess ‘these ladies’ are not aware that there is a law that says persons are to clean infront of their homes (gap as we would say in the old days).
Imagine that. Government had to pass a law for people to clean infront their gap.
Oh and on the issue of littering. I guess the litter just picked up itself and deposited itself where they see it.
But no, oh gosh. Let us call on the Member of Parliament and his liaison officer to get ‘the problem’ solved.
Max, you and your liaison officers dutty um up so show representation.
Just give me a god DAMN BREAK ‘ladies’!!!
BEEF you need to give all of us a break. If a constituency is dirty and untidy isn’t that something that should be brought to the constituency representative. And the good thing in this case, the constituency representative is a member of the government so he is in a better position to get things done. Beef just give me a break and stop finding excuses for every damn thing.
Who this? The Half-Lawyer?
It’s called taking personal responsibility for your surroundings. Why do people think that everything it’s the government’s duty. That is why this law was passed. You know how many clean up campaigns Max has organized in his constituency. You have a set of lazy and dirty people that refuse to clean even in front of their own yard. Just the other day solid waste had an Island wide clean up and the amount of bulk waste they removed was astonishing. And still today you can drive around and still see more bulk waste everywhere and people still doing illegal dumping. It is something I must call out my own people for. We are a nasty set of people. Can’t keep our country clean. I participated in the first national clean up campaign one of the good things done by the UPP and the next day along side the road was as dirty as the day before. You go cleanup the beach today and the next week people just leave all kind of garbage and diapers behind. As if they do not give a damn. We have new litter laws and wardens yet we don’t see a difference on the road. When you go hiking and see what some hikers just throw down in the bushes it is just sad. I don’t know what will change our culture of this nastiness, but we need to start with the very young children. Cause as the saying goes you can’t teach an old dog new tricks
“You know how many clean up campaigns Max has organized in his constituency”
This statement could not be further from the truth. Any clean up campaign was organize by the Ministry of Health and was done island wide. Residents are asking for the gutters and side of the roads to be clean.
“Just the other day solid waste had an Island wide clean up and the amount of bulk waste they removed was astonishing”
I guess you know of a bulk waste collection that is done weekly.
” I participated in the first national clean up campaign”
National cleanup campaign existed long before UPP took power.
“We have new litter laws and wardens yet we don’t see a difference on the road”
Exactly what the ladies are complaining about. Persons having a responsibility but are incompetent.
“It’s called taking personal responsibility for your surroundings.”
Taking personal responsibility for public domain. Good Luck!!! Why don’t you start cleaning the side of the road and gutters and then others will be motivated and join you.
You have already bowled yourself out, by your name alone “from the USA”. It is a fact that the MP has organized local cleanups . Two unnamed persons now constitute a village? Max has a Hitler like personality so they need to hide? Less than 3 weeks ago, he engaged a private backhoe (Jace) to clean ponds and gutters in the constituency. Just last week they were in the constituency working with public works to take care of the various potholes. I have had friends visit the Rural North constituency (I reside there) and when they see the facilities (play fields, health clinic, school), I can see a look of jealousy. The stand our is Cedar Grove school which is the crown Jewel in said constituency. Clearly I am a proud Rural North constituent.
The poodles bark and defend everything. Even the poodles black Rose called out MAX for the neglect of the constituency. I have the recording if any of the poodles want it.
Keep your DAMN Recording. Have They KICKED you off the SNAKE PIT ( OBSERVER RADIO ) yet ???? It is time for you to go . Go now DUNCY BAT Knight.
L.O.L. A now it done it sweet
Its so funny, for I was commenting on this also.
What I do believe we need, and could help alleviate this situation, is for the government to constitute a council, and this council would be responsible for an area which is determined by the central government.
With the council in place, the central government would not need to worry about having to know if the side of the roads need to clean, or the state of a road, or garbage collection, or maintenance of sidewalks.
The Central Government funds the council, and they take are of everything. Of course they must account for every dollar that is spent.
This works in other countries, and if we think it though, we can have effective councils here, which could raise the standard of living in the communities in the nation.
Just my thoughts, hopefully someone seeing this can expand
Cedar Grove always look so. Ah Cedar Grove lol
Fair Antigua and Barbuda,
Let us all make our civic pride stand!
I say this to my fellow Cedar Grovians
Let’s come together and work as one.
Remember, Cedar Grove belongs to us, the residents,
We need to ” Man Up” & take that stance,
Stop rely on politicians to clean the
Bcuz we are the ones who make it filthy.
So, let’s be cognizant & find some pride
And put partisan politics aside.
Let’s clean our community for the world to see
A clean Cedar Grove would only benefit, you and me.
I Totally agree with you on that. This is community working together to keep it clean. But I’ve been their before and my experience is that it doesn’t work in these days. Used to work many years ago when I was growing up. Man in the community assisted in everything to uplift the community. These days everyone is an Island unto himself and everything is left up to the government. And politicians these days have their plate full running ministry and a household at the same time. Once the week they come their constituents only to hear what they personally want. Money or a job.
“I Totally agree with you on that. This is community working together to keep it clean. But I’ve been their before and my experience is that it doesn’t work in these days. Used to work many years ago when I was growing up. Man in the community assisted in everything to uplift the community.”
I guess you have been to the Cedar Grove on Mars
“Bcuz we are the ones who make it filthy.”
Are Cedar Grovians the ones hiring contractors to build gutters where water remain still?
From The Sideline please don’t mix apples and oranges. Yes there is private responsibility but there is also public responsibility. Our taxes are paid so that the public responsibility can be addressed. Yes there is a law that persons should be responsible for the cleaning of the environs of their property. However, I am sure you would not expect a person in a community to be responsible for the cleaning of the highways and byways of his community. This is essentially a public responsibility. That is not to say, though, that community initiatives cannot be mounted to clean a community. What the people of the constituency of Rural North are complaining about is the overgrown bush on the highways, byways and in the gutters. Isn’t that a legitimate concern that should be brought to the attention of the constituency representative? I am surprised that you like Beef are also trying to find excuses. There are no excuses when constituency representatives fail to do what is expected of them.
Just like our security is that of the police, but it helps for each one to be on the look out for one another. And when you see something you say something. That is why communities got together to form community watch groups. And that is what makes community. Some community went as far to have form associations and they come together and ensue their community is kept clean. Where I live we certainly do that. My gardener has the instruction not just to clean the road in front of me, but to also keep to grass of the vacant lots clean that surround my house. And so are other neighbours in the community. And when other areas need help we come together on a Saturday and clean it. Not everything is left up to the government. When we need help with removing of bulk waste we call Mr. Spencer at Solid Waste and he has always assisted us. But when you have dysfunctional communities the entire neighborhood will look like a dump in no time. And tenman has already spoken for Max and his effort in the community so who ever these so called ladies are must be in some forgotten hole in the community.
Well i see some dum dums not reading the article. Typical so call educated idiots. @Beef, Where did the ladies complain about littering? @bluddy Bloke, are Cedar Grovians planting shrubs at the side of the roads and causing water to remain still in the gutters.
I see Gaston’s puppies are on the attack.How dare anyone touched and or say anything about the the anointed ones.
Don’t you know that the VILLAGERS have a responsibility for Cleanliness ? You Guys are so unreasonable. Next thing BLACK MAN , TABOR and Knight will ask that Government to go into homes in Cedar Grove and Flush the toilets. I have never met a bunch of HYPOCRITES than BLACK MAN , TABOR and KNIGHT. AWFUL GUYS.
ERIC CARDEN I expect better from you. Don’t take the discussion to the ridiculous. Yes villagers have a responsibility for cleanliness, however, that responsibility is for their personal space. The latter responsibility though does not mean that a few villagers or the whole village cannot come together and organize a village clean up. Why do we have constituency representatives? A constituency representative should be concerned about all facets of the state of the constituency he or she represents. What has triggered this debate is the overgrown bush and dirty gutters in Rural North. Yes the villagers can organize to deal with the problem, however, that does exonerate the constituency representative of his responsibility. For you to fall therefore to the most ridiculous level of suggesting that the residents in Cedar Grove will next be asking the government to flush the toilets in their homes is most unfortunate. However, this is not surprising since you guys will go to any lengths to justify everything that this administration does. As your friend BEEF has indicated the citizen is only responsible to clean their immediate environment. All the overgrown bush and dirty gutters in a constituency is a public responsibility. That is why we pay taxes.
PHILLIP G I cannot believe that a matter as simple as this is causing so much discussion and consternation. Let me again make my position clear. If there is overgrown bush and dirty gutters in any constituency, that is a matter that can be brought to the attention of the constituency representative. Yes, residents of the constituency can assist in any organized clean up. However, depending on the scale of the problem I say that it is essentially a matter of public responsibility. What is so difficult for you, BEEF, TENMAN, FROM THE SIDELINE, ERIC CARDEN etc to understand? The dichotomy is between what is PRIVATE and what is PUBLIC Responsibility. After you guys have determined what falls within each category we can begin to have a sensible discussion.
We are on the attack because when People like You , Knight and Tabor chat STUPIDNESS We shall defend our Prime Minister !!!!!. Black Man are you afraid to come home to Antigua ? I believe that you would NOT be able to return to the U S A. Do you know Percy ??? I believe both are in the same boat.
@CARRINGTON:What you are defending.I would not give it to my dogs and or cat.So keep on eating Gaston’s left overs,crumbs from the table.Then what.I am a National of Antigua and Barbuda.Citizen of the United States of America for over 45 years.
Beef is correct. Home owners need to clean the front of their properties. No law or government is needed to do that in any community. The fact that the gutters are dirty gives insight to the people themselves. Communities need to come together and clean general/common areas. This article is a poor political hit on max. They need to come with something a lot better.
Never make excuses for truth.
1 Max has had many clean up campaigns. Truth
2 The gutters are indeed dirty and over growth on the road side. Truth
3 The parliamentary Representative is responsible for ensuring the health safety and and hygiene for the community. Truth
4 It is the right of any constituent to complain on a point of fact. Truth
6 Property tax means someone will clean the gutter in front my gap and ensure the shrubs are kept cut. My responsibility is to ensure that my tax dollars are well spent and accounted for.
Melchesidec I hope your sensible and intelligent comment will bring an end to this discussion and that people like BEEF and FROM THE SIDELINE will see the light and stop finding excuses for the indefensible. I agree with you completely.
I heard she who wants to replace Max during the next election. She struggles to sound ordinarily.
As you can see they have changed their tac tics. Suddenly you have one with a new name “From the USA” And what you also notice is that they are trying to call out parliamentarians for abandoning their constituency. But nothing is further from the truth and each Labour Party member takes their job very serious. Feeding the poor on a weekly basis in this hard Covid time. They arejust looking for straws to grab onto. Since they cannot find anything policy wise to criticize this government for. they had wish doom and gloom with Covid and even refuse to be part of the solution when invited to. Not that they would have made any good and sensible contribution. They didn’t know how to run the country and they don’t know how to be an effective opposition.
Why behave in this manner when I believe that you know better !!!!!! Tabor you blame ABLP for everything . If the UPP is so PERFECT why the hell UPP lost so badly at the POLLS. In 2023 UPP will be EXTINCT. Tabor I do not understand your Logics. I went back and search all the comments on ANR and Tabor is about the only Person from the UPP is supporting this NONSENSE. Expect better from you Tabor.
Knight ,Black Man…Nobody expect any better. These Guys I would not want Their support !!!!
Expect better from Charles Tabor? Trupz. That must be the joke of the day.
PHILLIP G I cannot believe that a matter as simple as this is causing so much discussion and consternation. Let me again make my position clear. If there is overgrown bush and dirty gutters in any constituency, that is a matter that can be brought to the attention of the constituency representative. Yes, residents of the constituency can assist in any organized clean up. However, depending on the scale of the problem I say that it is essentially a matter of public responsibility. What is so difficult for you, BEEF, TENMAN, FROM THE SIDELINE, ERIC CARDEN etc to understand? The dichotomy is between what is PRIVATE and what is PUBLIC Responsibility. After you guys have determined what falls within each category we can begin to have a sensible discussion.
I heard an Interview with Pearl Quinn Williams She sounds like a LOSER and the election is almost 3 years away. I shall make a prediction that most of the UPP Candidates will quit before election. They will be BURNT OUT. Hon. Gaston Browne is the best. He knows how to play the POLITICAL GAME. Listen to Point FM this Saturday and whatever statement the Prime Minister make will be BREAKING NEWS for UPP. Hon. Gaston Browne has UPP ,TABOR ,KNIGHT and OBSERVER RADIO under Raps. Hon. Gaston Browne best Prime Minister in the WORLD. WORLD BOSS.
@ Sideline and Tenman
From my observation, there are individuals who will rush to defend this government to deflect from the issue. I realized that some of you people are paid to say what you write. My question is, are the people in Antigua responsible for building Proper drains and gutters? There are communities without drains and gutters for years and the stagnant weather builds up at the side of what should be roads. When it rains filthy water overflows on the so-called roads and unto people’s properties Creating a health hazard. Some people like to talk about how good the government is and some of these are ones living under unsanitary conditions in the ghettos. Molwyn Joseph should take a tour of Cashew Hill. I doubt Tenman and Sideline ever go into these areas. They are too busy prostituting themselves for the cause.
Guy perhaps unlike you, not only do I live in the said community, my children go to public school in the said community. I go to church in said community. Have many friends in said community. Ensure I do my part in helping them get redress for any issue they may have, whenever they reach our to me. Boss the time for the kin of bitterness you embrace, I don’t have time for. For me its about building up, making things better, not making people life’s hell and sell them on some false notion that the sky is falling. I know you guys have this need to see the devil in others who don’t think like you. Let me suggest you look in the mirror. Hopefully it will help you to change. Come to work in helping to better A&B.
I thought you said you lived in the north coast? I am referring to all the ghettos in Antigua. Tell the leader of the government you support to stop chat and do something about cleaning up the communities where the poor people live and putting in proper drains. Being a leader of a country is not only about making money and getting rich.
If everyone did their part and cleaned up after themselves as well as stop throwing garbage wherever they felt like, this wouldn’t be so much of an issue. Those people who love throwing their food containers and bottles out their car windows should have their cars confiscated and fined. Illegal garbage truck dumps should have their trucks impounded too.
Antigua Citizen I agree with you. There is a Litter Act and I believe that the government is trying to enforce it since a number of litter wardens were appointed. So it comes back to the simple point of private and public responsibility.
I am well aware of the Litter Act but it’s no good if no one enforces it. The culprits need to be hit hard.
And unfortunately, many have no civic pride at all.
Finally We see EYE to EYE. We are now on the right track. Hope it stays that way. Have a wonderful day my Friend Tabor.
ERIC CARDEN we see eye to eye on this issue but I am sure in the future we will disagree on some things and in that case we will just agree to disagree. Have a wonderful day as well my Brother (I know you would have preferred Comrade).
Do you know what people do on a labour day in some countries instead of political beach bumming? They do community service. So for all the yap yap yapping on this chat, yinna need to go get two shovel and couple rake and deal with the filth. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Pot & Kettle I agree with your sentiments about citizens taking up rake and shovel and help to clean their community. As you say that is done in some countries on Labour Day. I lived in Dominica and there is a day called Community Day of Service during the Independence celebrations where the residents of every community in Dominica clean up their community. Yes, all that is fine and residents should always show civic pride in their community and country. However, again the issue in this discussion is that there is public responsibility as well for cleaning the country and that is why we pay taxes. This public responsibility in no way exclude private responsibility in certain circumstances.
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