This article was first published by Antigua News Room on July 27, 2020
Last week’s announcement that popular media personality Algernon ‘Serpent’ Watts had entered the political arena, sent shockwaves throughout Antigua and Barbuda and further afield.
Watts won the Primary to represent the United Progressive Party (UPP) in the St. George constituency.
But at least two political commentators say that while Watts is definitely a big catch for the UPP, the party still has a battle ahead if it hopes to win the next election to take the country’s leadership from the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party.
“At two levels I think this is very good for the UPP. At the level of new energy and identifiable name,” said Dr. David Hinds, Professor of African and Caribbean studies at Arizona State University.
“These are not days of ideological differences, that’s gone. In a sense it’s really about celebrity politics that has come to the Caribbean and probably will be here to stay; and in that sense this is a good catch for the UPP.
“The second observation — one that perhaps was unintended — is the way in which The Movement has served as a recruitment tool for the UPP. So this can only augur well for the UPP at that level.”

Political Scientist Peter Wickham agrees.
He said that for quite some time, political pundits have been talking about what the UPP needs.
And while he wouldn’t go as far as to say that this is what will tip the scales in favour of the opposition party, he said adding Watts to the ticket is the type of energy that the UPP had been looking for.
“The UPP has been struggling in terms of identifiable names and the fact that The Movement has converted now to the UPP, or it appears so to have, the fact that the UPP has attracted a big ticket name like Watts that is well known across Antigua and Barbuda, I think it’s the kind of energy that the party is looking for,” Wickham said.
“The UPP has scored big in terms of landing [Watts] and it’s a significant achievement on their part. They need this type of identifiable name that’s coming forward and I certainly think that among the candidates that I hear them mentioning, these are the first too that really excite me and give me feeling, certainly if I were a UPP supporter, that things are beginning to happen.”
The second candidate of which Wickham spoke is Dr. Cleon Athill, who it is reported will vie for the candidacy in the St. Paul constituency.
An uphill battle
But Wickham said the UPP is not home free and a fiery Talk Show Host does not necessarily translate to a winning political candidate.

He said a comparison could be made with Lennon Linton in Dominica, who struggled to gain prominence after making the move from Talk Show Host to leader of a political party.
“It’s still going to be an uphill battle. I understand that being in an adversarial environment like [radio], people are often of the opinion that you have all the answers and that you have all the ideas,” Wickham said.
“It’s easy to be a critic but when you have to subject yourself to the discipline of a political party, when you have to seek to convince people that you are not just a noise maker and a rabble rouser but you’re someone who can be taken seriously in terms of running a political organization — I think that the Serpent in the Snake Pit will have some challenges where that’s concerned because you’re stepping from being a protagonist to one who is actually supposed to be providing policy options and dealing with some fundamentally big issues like LIAT.”
Serpent must separate himself from editorial decisions
Meanwhile, Communications Specialist Mickel Brann said the position in which Watts now finds himself is not unique or new.
“What we do see is that we have five media houses now at the disposal of the political parties — the Prime Minister [Gaston Browne] with Pointe FM and Pointe Express; we have Serpent with Observer Radio, the Daily Observer and Hitz FM at his disposal; Sean Bird, another UPP candidate has ZDK at his disposal; and the professionalism and improved programming notwithstanding, [ABS] historically is the preserve of the party in power,” Brann said.

She recommends that Observer Media should do exactly what it did in 2004, when one of its founders stated that his objective was to remove the then administration from office.
“The Board of Observer needs to sit and think about the direction going forward. What happens during the campaign? What happens after the campaign if there is a winning candidate who is part of a winning party? Or what happens if you have a winning candidate who is part of a losing party, or losing candidate and losing party? All of those will have implications for the company,” Brann said.
“Immediately, a clear and concise statement from Serpent indicating he is an owner and programme host, but he will be removed from programming and newsroom decisions, and be seen to be removed from these programming decisions, should happen. And then he should let his word be his bond.
“The Daily Observer itself needs an editorial statement and they need to recommit to fair and balanced news process and they need to be seen to be doing that regardless of where the owner sits and what their editorial i.e. their opinion is,” Brann added.
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ALL the HOOP. HOOP. We in St.George will surely make sure that DEAN JONAS will be the WINNER.
Do you live near the stinking green gutter.
They certainly don’t live in St. George. The place is a dump like most of Antigua. We can do better.
@C.HUNTE: Could you please tell me and only me. The real reasons Gaston Browne fired Dean Jonas? Do not tell me.Because he was doing such a wonderful job as Minister of Agriculture.Gaston did say he was involve in skullduggery. Involving a Guest House and Cubans coming into Antigua to do medical work,among other things.What has become of his case involving the lady from Sea View Farm? I noticed that was swept away so quickly.
C.Hunte, must be you alone because me and my family are making sure Dean Jonas na win his seat in the next election. All registered voters in the St. George’s constituency this time around would be going out to vote in full swing in the next election. Brown paper bags and T-shirts wrapping up with money 💰na go work this time. People will be voting for the country present and future development/growth in the next election. Once the country do good everybody benefit not a few…everybody benefit.
Just to inform you that St. George is comprised of 60 % of my Family…ALL ABLP…especially POTTERS and PIGGOTTS!!!!. NO way a SNAKE can beat DEAN JONAS.
Serpent you could not have been better with your expose of all the unrealized promises of Gaston and the ALP that was supposed to bring thousands of “JABS”. NO, not vaccine jabs but work. I am sure your friend BEEF must have taped it and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Serpent was a NERVOUS WRECK. Just making a bunch of FALSE STATEMENTS. and NOISE . He is already behind in the polls.There is no traction for UPP. No substance. UPP DEAD. Tabor I shall spare you my predictions for election 2023.
ERIC (THE RED) I would be extremely happy if you could highlight some of the false statements. If you can mention even one I will give you $1000. Serpent highlighted all of the proposed investments including the Hotels at Marble Hill and Morris Bay. Where are they? Stop criticizing for criticizing sake.
Boss don’t you want the $1,000 from Tabor?
Just list one false statement that you accused Serpent of making.
You refuse to believe the truth!
Eric (The Red) l am truly disappointed in you for allowing Tabor to chase you with his simple request for you to support your statement?
By the way, with Serpent’s experiences, do you honestly believe that he was nervous having a mike in front of him?
Bunch of NOISE MAKERS….You do not win elections by making noise on the microphone. Hon. Dean Jonas will demolish Serpent in our Parish of St.George.
@SLIM JOHN… You need to go tell Gaston and O’Neal that when they sit behind the microphones 🎙🎙 at their radio station especially on Saturday…. Noise Makers…Browne&Brown show.
Recent Polls in St. George ABLP 63 % UPP 23 %.
The latest pools: Serpent 64% ; Dean 36%
Get your facts straight. Your poll was done even before Serpent was announced.
@ Chariot: Perhaps that is why you failed Arithmetic in School.You could not, add, divide, subtract and or multiply.
You’re a real DUNCE 14 % UNDECIDED. BEACH BUM You represent your name…DUNCE ELEMENT.
@CHARIOT…Me and my family of over a thousands plus were not in that poll… so add us in and recalculate your figures again!!! You will have Serpent at 73% and Dean at 27%.
Here is the thing Serpent did not say anything new, all that was said, was rehashed rhetoric from the snake pit.
Serpent completely ignored Jo’s constituency, and he is not in office yet.
He did not outline a clear plan for St George.
He did not speak to the lack of representation either.
It is all good and well to speak on national issues but the reason for representation is the constituency.
Pringle was on point, definitely one of his shining deliveries. The others were noise makers as if noise is substance…..
MELCHESIDEC can a candidate not focus on national issues as opposed to constituency issues in a presentation? That is what Serpent did last night and it was a good presentation. I was particularly pleased because I did not remember some of those unrealized promises of Gaston. The time will come when he will focus on the neglect of the St. Georges constituency. Stayed tuned.
Serpent sounded like a comedian!
A comedian with fire and facts
Who decides on his political future, his constituency or the nation?
The idea of representation is about the constituency.
How is it you did not disagree with my comment about Prinhle, because it was truth.
And the comment about Serpent is another truth, and you KNOW it.
@Melchesidec Did you expect any better from Charles Tabor. Whenever someone calls out his party on their crap he turns blind deaf and dumb.
@JB, it is the same with you and all the ABLP supporters. So please leave Mr. Tabor alone, he is doing what you do best.
UPP needs the DNA, because UPP is short of 13 candidates.
MELCHESIDEC who are the 3 candidates for the UPP that you approve of or putting the question another way, who are the 13 candidates that should be replaced?
Mr Lovell
Mr Lewis
Mr Marshal
Enough said
Mr Bowen could have been added to the list to make four but the skeleton keeps popping up.
Tell them to stop shield Peter, Pearl, and the others.
@Melchesidec… who without sin cast the first stone. If you’re better than them, then why not you go run for politics and show the people of Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 what you can do for them and the country. Everyone deserve a chance to served his or her country and the people. If God can give us a second chance, who are we not to give mankind a chance. Stop hide and step out in faith. Gaston a look candidates to replace some of his wash-up candidates.
Miss Mary Jeane Luke I’ve vote four times and not once have ALP or ABLB has gotten my vote. That is the thing what I cannot stand about you YOO supported. The slightest criticism of the party you instantly label the person an ABLP supporter. This is one of the many reason why the UPP is a sinking ship. Y’all think y all above being spoken to now have a good night miss.
@Mary Jean Luke
If everyone deserves a second chance please extend one to the ABLP..
If you are willing to give just any one an opportunity to control the the present and future development of the country again vote ABLP.
Be conscious do not give just anyone a chance.
Personally those spots are reserved for the priviledge few have a natural genuine tendency to perform within the community with no political ambition. Those are the type of people I would prefer to see in a Cabinet.
Boss don’t you want the $1,000 from Tabor?
Just list one false statement that you accused Serpent of making.
You refuse to believe the truth!
Mel…..What criteria are you applying to determine who qualify as a candidate? Think deeply before you respond, if you choose to respond.
Also, apply the same criteria to all parties.
Please see above answer.
Personally those spots are reserved for the priviledge few have a natural genuine tendency to perform within the community with no political ambition. Those are the type of people I would prefer to see in a Cabinet.
“Immediately, a clear and concise statement from Serpent indicating he is an owner and programme host, but he will be removed from programming and newsroom decisions, and be seen to be removed from these programming decisions, should happen. And then he should let his word be his bond.
“The Daily Observer itself needs an editorial statement and they need to recommit to fair and balanced news process and they need to be seen to be doing that regardless of where the owner sits and what their editorial i.e. their opinion is,” Brann added.
What NEWSCO/OBSERVER MEDIA needs to do? Is that the question. Hmmmmm! As someone who stepped up and save this company from the wicked set a people of the Labour Party, let me tell you hypocrites and compromised set a weak people that support this failed experiment called Gaston Browne, if it was up to me alone none of you all would every set foot in the doors of NewsCo/Observer! So thank JAH is Serpent and Dave managing the company. You hypocrites would love us to forget and forgive how these old ALP renegades went after OMG to shut it down. With comments like “shut them dung” no so call journalist on Antigua came to the defense or rescue of this media group none of you all stepped up and invested in saving the company or even more saving the employment of your colleagues and I mean none. Let me take this opportunity to say to the great Antiguans and Barbudans who helped save this home grown company, that shine the light in the dark corners of corruption. “Let there be Light” NewsCo/Observer continues to be available to all Antiguans and Barbudans to express themselves no matter what is their political affiliation. I am of the opinion that these so call journalists on Antigua create a fauls impression about the media on Antigua. Let us look at the media houses, ZDK over the years aligned with ALP, ABS tax payers owned, controlled by political operatives of the ruling administration, Pointe FM own and operated by operatives of the leader of the country, Progressive/Crusader own by the operatives of the UPP, then we have over thirty more stations some for the churches and others that just play music and then their is NewsCo/Observer that opens it’s doors to every citizen no matter your class structure. The question I would love to ask these so call journalists out of all the radio stations I have listed name one that has exposed more corruption in this country call Antigua and Barbuda than NewsCo/Observer and has given the citizenry a voice? Like analyst would say it’s a simple thing.
Memba dat dem harl you arse arf dem radio for the subpar, vagabondish, nasty, stinking conduct you emit into the airwaves. No way you could get away with such shitty behavior if you were in ameriKKA- the country you pledged allegiance to. The FCC would a min done fine and confine you baxide!! Ms. Brain, a FORMER EDITOR is correct in her assessment. Winston Derrick mussa role ovah inna he grave at how far down the cesspool his “baby” has slid. Wenk Observer so fraid fu do wah mickel brann say??? E? A wah so?
@Sad But True…. How many ABLP Ministers Of government have a Radio show on Pointe FM and ZDK? So I don’t see nothing wrong with Serpent has his own show on Saturday and shareholder in a radio station. So you want him to give up his business and talk show program because he a go run for politics. Man this is the twenty first century. Gaston has several businesses throughout the breath of Antigua, some he let his son manage and others he manage himself. Ms. Marshall has a law firm which I am sure that she checks in now and then to overlooks the operation. Yes, she can’t practice law like before but she still the owner of her law firm business. The same goes to Cutie Benjamin and the other ABLP candidates.
Serpent…1 man party…the redeemer of UPP.
IF ITS HIM ALONE UPP BANKING ON then woe be unto you ALL.
HOT AIR BALLON CANT DO ONE THING FOR THE CONSTIUENCY HE PLANS ON REPRESENTING…..what has he done for ST GEORGES that was so news worthy ….take donated fans and say it was him who purchased them…calculated photo op..?
What new innovated 21st century concepts he possess?
Whats new serpent whats new with YOU AS A CANDIDATE?
Nothing thats what the ENTIRE UPP IS A COLASSAL JOKE.
MELCHESIDEC I hear you however the fact that you even mention that to they should stop shielding Pearl weakens your argument because of all the UPP candidates Pearl has been out there almost more than any one else.
Which Pearl has been out there…has she changed color to try and be like us pickey head black people?
Hon.MARIA BROWNE IS ATTRACTIVE, BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY. She does need those enhancements Like Pearl Quinn with that CRAZY pony Tail. By the way Desert Rose Hon. Maria Browne is much more beautiful than you also
@P.HARRISON….How many ABLP candidates have to depend on enhancements to keep up? So please leave Pearl Quinn alone.
@Charles Tabor
You know some of the candidates are getting shield, right? Ask them they will tell you…
You have to hold your head and hope for the best when Pearl goes live.
Again Pringle was dinomite, perhaps the most memorable of the entire series.
@ CHARLES TABOR…Tell PEARL QUINN stop try to be WHITE. Her hair style is AWFUL. Show Her PICKEY HEAD.
Would you say that about Maria Browne!
Hon.MARIA BROWNE IS ATTRACTIVE, BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY. She does need those enhancements Like Pearl Quinn with that CRAZY pony Tail. By the way Desert Rose Hon. Maria Browne is much more beautiful than you also
MARY JEANE LUKE you are cracking me up. I guess the the ALP men in particular have to depend on enhancements to keep it up.
@Charles Tabor
Your silence speaks volumes especially when you deflect to a new inconsequential issue….
UPP has only three candidates of value.
The executive is shielding Bowen, Reds, Pearl and others…..
UPP needs the DNA
Serpent did not say anything about what he has done, is doing, and future development for St George. How does one get elected speaking as a political analyst rather than a representative?
MELCHESIDEC it is early days yet even though Gaston seems to be heading for an early election again. It means therefore that Serpent will have enough time to tell you and all the constituents of St. Georges the great plans he has for the constituency. With respect to the shielding of the UPP candidates, I find that notion rather amazing since all candidates have been on all the radio stations except Pointe FM (I guess at some point this will change). Again, I say that Serpent’s presentation, with the focus on all the proposed investments from 2014 to the present that have not been realized, was an eye opener since many would have forgotten about all the FAILED PROMISES of the government. For all those failed promises alone the government should be booted out of office at the next opportunity.
Would you agree that Serpent neglected his constituency on his FIRST OUTING, and that is not in the immediate interest of the constituenc?
Sometimes it’s of a higher value to admit short comings and make the adjustments in the future.
It shows arrogance, conceit, deception, dishonesty from the get go makings of a TRUE POLITICIAN, the status co remains the same.
Here is a truth, there was no criticism of Pringle’s speech most would agree that he was on point.
The thing is people can make their own determination and are not subject to propaganda.
Melchesidec – I realized you are trying extremely hard to engage Charles Tabor in a conversation with regards to serpent’s speech. Why!
FYI? Serpent is a member of the UPP TEAM and am quite sure that they strategize as to what topic each candidate would cover at a given meeting. Obviously, you like many others do not want to hear the facts about the failings of the current administration.
Why? Should their shortcomings be swept under the carpet all the time?
Serpent will have many more opportunities to address issues pertaining to his constituency. He has met with the constituents many times already.
It does appear selfish when every candidate speaks only of his / her constituency.
Serpent advised you to get your pencil and paper. So, base your comments on your notes.
That is the type of arrogance that repels voters away from the UPP..
If what is being said does not resonate with the constituency, what good is it? After all they are the voters, no?
All the points he mentioned are snake pit refrains.
Representative politics means constituency.
He dropped the ball admit the error and move on..
ANU thanks for your further clarification to Melchesidec and her misguided view that a candidate for a constituency much focus solely on the constituency in any presentation. If your powerful, logical and compelling explanation does not convince Melchesidec that her view is misguided, then I do not know what will.
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