Host Calls Out Nikki Phoenix for Sensationalism and Lack of Credibility–CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHAT’S APP GROUP
A heated discussion unfolded on Triple A.K.A AL as the host launched a blistering critique of Nikki Phoenix, challenging her credibility as an investigative journalist.
Accusing Phoenix of sensationalism and misinformation, the host questioned why media platforms continue to entertain her claims, arguing that her commentary does more harm than good.
The criticism stemmed from Phoenix’s recent statements on ongoing investigations, with the host dismissing her as a social media opportunist rather than a serious journalist.
He called on authorities to scrutinize her claims and criticized ABS for giving her a platform, suggesting it undermines journalistic integrity.
The segment highlighted growing concerns about media responsibility, credibility, and the dangers of unchecked speculation in public discourse.
Watch the video here:
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Which university did Nikki obtain her Journalism degree from?
She reminds me of those people who say they “identify as…”
So she identifies as a “journalist”????
Why give triple AKA mileage? He just has chat on the radio but when u see him he looks if a little wind blow to hard he get scared…… the guy is a little punk that think hes high and mighty because he has a microphone. He needs to find time to spend with a woman rather than bitching on the radio! Niki is doing right thing by asking the important questions that AKA would never asked his comrads due to biased.
Miss Knight is that you??? Joan said her draaz min too tight, so you have her one of yours! And she help you when you got the “jacket” 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
@Go kick rocks AKA
When you see Mr Night what do u see?
When u see jackie kwinn what u see?
When you see Franzine what do you see?
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Al, you are a boom boom fly!!! What qualification do you have? JTruth is a comedian according to you. Nikki is a journalist. What are you? You idiotic guests are members of the Jim Jones cult. Get a pife!!!!!
BANKRUPT Franz spent 30 years in ‘Merica and ain’t got shit to show for it! What is Franz? A minimum wage microphone wannbe gangsta?
Africa Lift is a flop
His life is a flop
He dishing out the cyanide in the Blue Coolaid Cult!
Beggy Beggy Franz always begging things on air. He don’t have half a brain.
Nikki needs to investigate Franz!
This the same Nikki that trying to cause division between UPP and MP Shugy Simon. She is no good. A trouble maker looking for infamy. Stay focused Shugy. You could be the next leader of opposition.
The role of Journalism is to ensure that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance and misinformation. Information serves a “checking function ” by ensuring that elected representatives uphold their oath of office and carry out the wishes of those who elected them. The media provides information to citizens so that they can make their own decisions.
For far too long, we have been accustomed to “mute journalists” in Antigua and Barbuda, where the politicians gives out information, and without fact checking or verification, we simply accept and swallow them. We are unaccustomed to anyone asking public officials hard and probing questions.
Asking hard and probing questions is not rude and disrespectful. Public officials are accountable and answerable to the people.
Nikki is an aggressive journalist and is a very decent and respectable person. She is not the ordinary low keyed journalist. Our public officials are not accustomed to anyone asking them hard, probing questions and so some of them are bothered by Nikki’s approach.
Nikki’s incisive, trenchant and penetrating lines of questioning are always helpful and beneficial. Get off Nikki’s back please and let her do her work.
That Dominican beauty queen really messed with your head boy! Old men are no match for “spring chicken”
Stay in your bitter lane!
Well if you go by the modern definition of journalism, which is to control the minds of the people and give the ruling party credibility then no Nikki isn’t. The bomber pilots used to say you get the most flak when you’re over the target.
So the Administration is providing information on what transpired at the cabinet meeting. It’s all part of good governance and transparency. The press also has an important role to play. I would think that they also are asking probing questions so as to inform the public. They are not there to render personal opinions or denigrate or insult government officials or engage in rumours or innuendos. Is this latest incident ” a storm in a teacup” or something more sinister?
Is it Audley you’re talking about? He seems loke the type.
@Sharon Patriot Lycorish,
On the other hand Miss “Bang Water Come Here. It is not for you as a grifter to try to muddy the water.
The fact is much of what is offered in the market across the Caribbean even your country of origin are writers who cut and paste and refer to themselves as journalist. It is one the many things which plagues the Caribbean.
The fact is Max Hurst offers a summery of what took place in cabinet most weeks. Most of what is offered in cabinet briefing is worth questioning. Rather than questioning
While I may disagree with Audley Phillip’s comments on occasion, he is absolutely correct in his commentary on this one.
It begs the question what is motivating her critic? And why is a publication the produces cut and paste articles giving currency and perpetuating this disgusting behavior of he critic?
@ go kick rocks “Ms knight” no, this message is from an unbiased reader who contribute as an independent thinker. Something you and many people in Antigua fail to understand. You are so stupid you cant even interpret the message!! The time you take to laugh at people, I bet they’re better off than you in life in terms of accomplishments. Now go and fill drum and buckets before your party chopps off the water .
To Triple AKA AL
What are your thoughts of the following?. Of course you don’t have to answer.
In Antigua and Barbuda legal outcomes depend on the political connections of defendants as well as other parties to legal proceeding; rather than the merits of their cases, which could undermine the integrity of the legal system.
@watching…. what I see are accomplished educated people. What’s your accomplishments? Let me guess… to wait in line for the browne dog on Saturdays with your hand out after a weeks work of jumping on Antigua newsroom chat to cuss people lol…. Now your homework for today is to research the word accomplishment.
You go Nikki, give them hell.
As a forward thinking investigating journalist, I’m never surprised when this useless government attacks you – you must be doing something right by getting under their thin skins.
And furthermore, you being a well educated female will always raise the shackles of this – in the main – misogynistic government and their money grabbing shills.
I like her a lot, especially after her amazing interview with the donor of the $1 million hurricane Irma fund for the Barbudan’s, that they are still waiting for after Gaston Browne’s loud STENTOROPHONIC noises and hollow-hearted behaviour towards them.
Yes he self. Always a pappyshow he self like a real 🤡
Google his name and you will get all the details of how he got CLOWNED!!! 🤡
Nikki is a fake-Journalist from Guyana who is wasting time on our cabinet-press briefing as: she does not reside in Antigua, does not have a media company registered in Antigua, she does not pay ANY taxes currently in Antigua, she have not visited Antigua in many years, and who literally spends most of her waking hours living in England bringing odium and negativity to Antigua & Barbuda?
She brings no value to the press-briefing, as all her questions are preceded with a long, nonsensical & boring Editorial comment pushing some bogus agenda, which is very inappropriate and unprofessional in a cabinet-pressing briefing. None of the other PROFESSIONAL journalists conduct themselves in that untrained, juvenile manner. I don’t think she has any business in Antigua’s press-briefing as she has no connection here. Nikki needs to get a life, and maybe go join the cabinet press-briefing in England where she pay taxes or in Guyana where she from. Observer and ZDK got rid of her, and no one really wants to hear from a nuisance and none be-longer like her.
Niki knows that she could never ever pull this stunt in Guyana where there is a plethora of qualified journalists and media personality she may be able to clown around but to get to the leaders and senior government ministers for interviews could never ever happen so she has been give a free pass here to parade herself as an investigative journalists is just a con job and the Government needs to call her out the position she takes is not very objective but subjective always hearsay because she does not live in Antigua and she gets the wrong information and only embarrasses herself AL called her out and he is so right
Gonna read it now. Have my tea cup ready.
Audley, I knew something was wrong when you wrote about the plane filled with Chinese and didn’t want to take blame and WORSERER knew something was wrong when you said a factual article about Magic was “tearing him down” and on top of this, you’re a gyal clown?
“Guyana where there is a plethora of qualified journalists and media personality”.Who needs them when most of them are just as corrupt as the political charlatans.
Nikki upsets a lot of people for she attempts to what others are afraid to do.
Challenge the propaganda.
While she may not have all the attributes of a investigative journalist she does a better job than most
@Audley – do you want to retract any of that long praise and worship for the worst investigative journalist I’ve ever had the misfortune of hearing?
What part of Nikki is an investigative journalist?
I listened to the Knight show on Thursday where he replayed Nikki’s interview with Jamale Pringle and he pulled her up numerous times for her lack of professionalism and investigative reporting. When Jamale Pringle can identify a low profile journalist, I’m quite surprised that you can’t.
An Investigative journalist should call anyone involved in the topic and get an insight into the matter from all angles.
Hearsay and gossip cannot and shouldn’t be a part of your analysis and or questions.
Nikki has been given more relevance in Antigua than she’s ever received from her own country of birth.
Are you trying to tell me that Nikki Phoenix could stand shoulder to shoulder with Burford at ABS or Brent Pinheiro or better yet Melissa Noel?
Nikki asks questions that are salacious not investigative because at the end of the day her level of reporting is indeed considered trivial and doesn’t really expose anything. No one is resigning because of a Nikki Phoenix exclusive. No one shakes in their boots when Nikki is calling their phone.
Great job Aka Al. You triggered them to be talking about the smartest show on Rub Shop Radio.
I couldn’t agree more with you Audley Phillips on Nikki Phoenix’s approach to investigative journalism.
I find that when anyone who gives an alternative and valid viewpoint into how badly this government runs the country, they are mocked; vilified and go too far in their ULTRACREPIDARIAN, especially when it comes to this fine and outstanding journalist Nikki Phoenix.
Keep digging … you’ll unearth some political nuggets soon!
Nikki: Keep on doing what you are doing. They cannot stand to hear the truth.Those Gaston “Jones Jones Cult” followers cannot stand the truths. The people on Rum Shop Radio are some of the dumbest arses.I have ever heard on Radio,anywhere.
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