COVID-19 protocols were left at the door as a customs broker hosted an afternoon birthday party for his wife.
Videos of the party, which were posted on social media sites, clearly show that patrons were not wearing masks and no social distancing was being observed.
The party, at the customs broker’s Pares Village home, was to celebrate the 40th birthday of his wife.
Antigua and Barbuda has not been declared COVID-free and the novel conronavirus continues its deadly rampage throughout the world.
Based on the latest information from the Ministry of Health, there are currently seven active cases of COVID-19 in the country.
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They all need to be charged and sent on a 14 day quarantine. People are not taking this thing serious at all. Customs officer should know better too.
What else would u like people to do to take it more seriously ??? Would u like everyone to just hide away at home and cease all existence???? Until when??? Covid DOES NOT HAVE AN EXIT DATE!
Most people are responsible. And they do protect themselves and others.. the party does not look over crowded and have many different coolers and areas to stand alone as far as I can see..
Let’s use common sense and think for ourselves. There is nothing wrong with this.
People are bunched up on buses.. even standing in lines outside of banks …
In supermarket lines and no one is 6 feet apart .. some things are just not practical .. as long as we are being safe and adhering to protocol..
Does Antigua have a COVID problem???? Just because the US and Europe have high Covid deaths and infection rates does not mean that Antigua is suffering the same fate. WE DO NOT LIVE THERE!
Central Africa and East Asia have very low prevalence of the disease and we in the Caribbean are not far off from them so why the incessant obsession and panic over this? It is on the TV constantly because it is AFFECTING the US and Europe! They are not going to report on HIV, TB, Malaria etc. and the hunger and starvation that causes millions of deaths annually to Africans and brown and black people from the developing world. Covid affects the privileged mainly and hence we are bombarded daily as to how deadly it is and our inept leaders simply follow blindly rather than try to manage OUR situation.
For those who need to panic then simply stay in your house if that is what you want to do but please don’t try to dictate how others live their life!
Well said
They all need to be charged and sent on a 14 day quarantine. People are not taking this thing serious at all. Customs Broker should know better too.
@ Strike Force:My advice to you.Shut your cake hole.Mine your damn business.That man has the right to celebrate his wife.I had a party at my home today.No one could stop me.My property is private.If you were to trespass. The Coroner could be taking you away. We would meet again on Thursday of this week again.
Well said
Why this guy being singled out for living his life?? This video is exactly the same situation you see across Antigua tonight at almost any bar, club, restaurant, or karaoke bar!! Why not mention them and take video of them?
I agree. And the party actually looks reasonably safe .. it’s a big enough space to social distance and they actually look social distanced.. those people together more than likely came together and are family or been around each other.
Antiguans need more education about covid and to stop the foolish hyper frenzy
I agree. And the party actually looks reasonably safe .. it’s a big enough space to social distance and they actually look social distanced.. those people together more than likely came together and are family or been around each other.
Antiguans need more education about covid and to stop the foolish hyper frenzy
Now’s the time to revolutionize our economy and do away with customs and make this a duty free country like dutch Sint Maarten. Imagine how much money we would save, how much corruption we’d do away with and how much the economy would grow. Time enough!
No, you will only make Amazon richer and our government poorer.
Really!!!!! And how willl customs officers end up having big houses and fancy cars etc?
They were social distancing. Looks like about 25 people, probably mostly family.
Antigua and Barbuda and no where else for that matter will not be COVID free anytime soon. Covid is here and is something we have to learn to live with.
At a party people have to eat and drink so they cannot wear mask if you are eating or drinking so it is unrealistic.
Antigua needs to educate themselves about COVID and stop the media frenzy. Bars and night clubs are currently open until 11 and NO ONE WEARS A MASK.
Please stop the foolishness covid is a way of life now.. it’s not going away on a certain day. So what exactly are we waiting on???
The party looks reasonably safe to me .. doesn’t even look like more than 25 people…. y’all get a life .. I seen a funeral the other day with about 200 people …
A man came into Antigua over a week ago. He was not quarantine. He passed away in Antigua of Covid -19.He was given a “special dispensation” by the Administration.Where were your damn voices into that matter.Sets of damn hypocrites.
Thank you. I wondered the same. Double standards. I WAS AT THE PARTY and there was more than enough room to social distance. People who were bunched together were members of the same household or bubbles. There was the distribution of mask and enough sanitizer to suffice the whole of Antigua. While i understand the cause for concern what people do in the privacy of their home should be just that PRIVATE.
In the last days brother shall really betray their brothers we have other issues, the murder rate is higher than the covid death rate, the forge signatures, corruption, alleged rape case stop video taping the people them and let them live their lives, you purchase the house to tell them who them can let in from who they cant, you all better wise up and see whats going on, this is more than covid is about control. Buses are still full still, ashanti was at probably at the party so it ok.
It was also a special dispensation for the party. I havent seen anyone been charge for the special dispensation worker so leave the people alone.
From since covid came on stream all the other sickness have been irradicate, no one could escape destiny how one will die they will die.
Smoking cigarette is harmful, do they ban the substance and money is there to make?and you want me to believe they care about our well being.
Citizens need to realize is not every law should be accepted because the authorities make it that way.
Somethings you will really have to fight for freedom is history will repeat itself
It is more of us than them
*or history will repeat itself
People at health take note. While you work to try to keep numbers down, the public is doing the opposite.
Look at all those tubby antiguans
I thought it was only Americans that are getting so damn fat. It’s hard on the eyes.
There must be more to this video that is not shown for all this sensation about covid…from what is shown there is much a do about nothing!!!!!! By the way you see how people dangerous!!!!
I was told I had to go to university and get these degrees to get a good chance for a good life. So I did just that. I did wrong. I should have become a customs officer. I am not going to waste money on my kids. I will be sending them to Mr Boddoo.
I would like to apologize to my darling wife for the lowly gift I gave her for her birthday. She knows that was all I could afford. Thank God she loves me. Seeing this spectacle put on by a CUSTOMS OFFICER in such a lavish setting called his home could cause problems in a simple man’s house.
You sound very jealous cause you can’t build a big house..
The notion being peddled about the sanctity of one’s private abode in the context of partying during the covid-19 pandemic is indicative of how compromised our thinking process has become. If these party-goers lived on site, worked on site and socialised on site, then I might agree that it’s nobody’s business but theirs. But when these individuals have to leave this den of indulgence and return to the wider society the risk of widespread contamination becomes everybody’s business.
A wan see how the Draconian govt handle this now.
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