VIDEO: Dotsie Isaac Pens ‘Little Black Boy’, Dr. Isaac Newton Responds


Here is the spoken word piece by Dotsie and below is the response by Dr. Newton

Here is the response from Dr. Newton:

The Myth of the Little Black Boy

The little black boy is a weak excuse,
A desperate ploy bound to abuse,
An illusion wrapped in denial’s face,
Ignorance pretending to lead the race.

Behind it all, a puppeteer pulls the strings,
Breeding deceit, division it brings,
Manipulating to buy more time,
Whilst true leadership is left behind.

Pushing the boy will only mislead,
A hollow plan that won’t ever succeed,
The UPP ignores its looming fall,
Blaming others while greed blinds all.

The die is cast, collapse draws near,
Chaos reigns, defeat is clear,
Still, they march in prideful stride,
But failure waits, just outside.

Dr. Isaac Newton

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  1. Where is this LITTLE BLACK BOY bull shit coming from and when will it stop. As a Black person who is very conscious of my blackness and African heritage, it saddens me deeply to hear this kind of infradig, outrageous and despicable narrative. I heard it was rumoured that some UPP supporters and even some of the UPP MPs have used words to describe Jamale Pringle. It that is true it is very sad and if Mr. Pringle has evidence of that he should produce it. I am really very upset about this that we as people (Black race) who first walked the face of this earth are still so backward and ignorant.

  2. I agree fully with Dr Newton . All of our former PM can also be classified as little black boys. Cut the nonsense out. Pringle just isn’t ready to lead no political party much less a country . He is just a remote control for the elitist members of UPP.

  3. @Charles Tabor…”bull shit” you say.
    It’s deep rooted in the CLASSISM CULTURE which is the footing, of the present Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA Culture. Depicting a grown man educated, black, mulatoo, hybrid of no-color comes in part, through the BASTADISATION and Mental Castration by the Orders Of Religion, by designs.

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De’Ole Dutty Peg🦉Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  4. Mr.Tabor I support you 100%. This is Dotsie Issac who wants to appear as an Intellectual. D.Gisel Isaac and Dotsie Isaac Keep dragging Jamale through the MUD. What is sad about this , Jamale does not know the harm inflicted on Him.

    UPP keep on destroying Themselves . Mr Tabor just imagine the following.

    IAN ( MAGIC) HUGHES..Convicted MOLESTER..Served 12 months in prison for molesting an UNDERAGED girl (His daughter’s friend)

    Also ( STICKY FINGERS ) JOAN McEWEN ( ON OBSERVER RADIO at nights) are UPP Public Relations Officers.

    These two are GUTTER Snipers. Shame on UPP.


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