Vendors Express Concern Over Non-Nationals Dominating Flags at Antigua & Barbuda Food Fair


Vendors Express Concern Over Non-Nationals Dominating Flags at Antigua & Barbuda Food Fair

By Brandon Jones 

Local vendors have voiced their concerns over the growing trend of non-national flags overshadowing the Antigua & Barbuda national flag at the annual Food Fair. While they acknowledge that non-national cousins and their contributions to the event are welcomed, the overwhelming presence of foreign flags has caused discontent.

Many vendors have noted that booths, which are supposed to celebrate the national heritage and culture of Antigua & Barbuda, are instead being decorated with flags from other countries.

According to several vendors, the practice has intensified in recent years, with some booths being adorned with foreign flags that dominate the space, making the national flag appear secondary.

One vendor expressed frustration, stating, “We love the diversity and contributions from our non-national cousins, but this is Antigua & Barbuda’s Food Fair. Our national flag should be the one predominantly displayed. It’s disheartening to see it overshadowed by flags from other nations.”

Another vendor added that the spirited flag-waving by some non-nationals, while enthusiastic, can sometimes take attention away from the primary focus of celebrating the nation’s rich culinary heritage.

Organizers of the Food Fair have yet to issue a formal response to the concerns, but vendors hope for a greater emphasis on the national flag in future events, ensuring that the fair remains a true reflection of Antiguan and Barbudan pride.

The Food Fair, a beloved annual event, attracts both locals and visitors and showcases the diverse culinary offerings of Antigua & Barbuda, as well as cultural displays. However, some vendors worry that if the issue isn’t addressed, the fair could lose its distinct national flavor.

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  1. Seen as it’s already a problem. One suggestion is, have two flags side by side, the national flag which could be larger and any other nationality flag a size smaller. Datsit.

  2. Antigua people vote for ALP then complain about ALP policies. If you want to see Antigua’s flag, you have to deport the foreigners.

  3. Yes our flag should be prominently and all the other flags in recognition of our Caricom and other family should make up a tapestry. Great idea.

  4. Each vendor ONLY gets to fly two(2) flags on a standard height pole. The Antigua & Barbuda Flag always, at the top and a smaller flag of any other Nation flies below.

    Ah Coming Fu Labour Soon!
    Ah just learning, de dirt in ah r we gutter! Watch out top dawg, here we come! We want term limits.

  5. I totally agree with this article.
    I am a foreigner and I would appreciate Antigua and Barbuda as the center piece, the center of attraction of the food fair. This must be embraced with pride and joy people, whether you are from here or elsewhere, the Antiguan Flag must fly high and bold, it must not be over shadowed by any other flag or national symbol.
    This will take away everything from the foundational and traditional heritage and meaning behind this annual activity.
    I support this gesture and cause with my all and do wish that the Minister responsible take speedy action in resolving this grave issue.

  6. The govt should distribute our flag, or assist with decorating the local booths. You can’t tell people not to be proud of their flag. By the way, i don’t go food fair to eat funji. I want something out of the ordinary.

  7. You too Badminded. You just believe the none national flag would draw people from that country to patronize them and not you.Am not surprised at all because only in Antigua people are so Badminded, and am talking from experience. Soon from now you will want the organizer to Ban all non National Flags. Well tell them don’t invite none Nationals to have Booths, Booths are for Antiguans only, then you will see Antigua Flags only.Badminded People.

  8. Your name suits you! BADMINDED! If you find Antiguans badminded why don’t you go home or somewhere else like St Kitts or Barbados? Damn UNGRATEFUL! You are living your BEST life here! Anyway, I do not blame you. ALP caused that because they pack de counchee up with ignoramuses like you just to get your votes. ALP is the dea5h of Antigua.

  9. I totally endorse the suggestion made the first commenter “Barbudan”
    The Antiguan flag must be dominant and the other nationalites’ flown lower level. The only hiccup with that is, if only two flags are allowed. What if a tent/stall has more than one type of island food ie. Trinidadian and Jamaican… how does one advertise both?
    Either way, like every prominent companies/businesses in Antigua should fly Antiguan flags plus the companies’, so should the stalls.

  10. Antigua today is a meeting pot of people from all walks of life. At every turn, we tend to always jump on our Caricom brothers and sisters backs whilst the Chinese, Syrians, Lebanese, Venezuelans and others seem to always get an easy pass. The fact that we have many Caricom nationals here is not through any fault of them. Many of them are simply looking for better opportunities. If our policies allow them to move and settle here, then we have no choice but to embrace them or deal with the political directorate whose policies allow them to freely settle here. Many of those Caricom nationals are hard working and nationalistic and though they live here, they are always happy and proud to raise and fly their country’s national flag. Nothing wrong with that!

  11. @Badminded
    You know that can’t happen where you come from.
    The article is true. It cannot happen anywhere else. That must be changed.

    Two areas of protest. The first is most of you brought it upon yourself. You saw it happening and let it slide especially because that is what your political gods allowed.
    The second is that you sell your food too expensive. Vendors can sell SMALL portions from $5 to $10. Not a bellyful of one item for $30. In that way, patrons can sample many of the foods offered.
    So you won’t have to take back home half the season rice and chicken, pork and bullfoot soup.
    Be sensible.

  12. Now I understand why UPP cant stand “foreigners” and why she instructed the WOMENS FORUM to vote against Richard Lewis. She don’t want no Jamaican in Antigua subben!

  13. My suggestion make it mandatory that only the Antigua and Barbuda flag be flown at the food Fair that is to celebrate the country’s independence. Then on Caricom Day host a Caribbean Food Fair on Independence Avenue where all islands can be represented culturally and hence displaying their country’s quisine.

  14. The problem is not flags but the outnumbered of Antiguans and Barbudans in the country? How does having two flags solve the actual problem which is Antigua and Barbuda’s culture and identity will cease to exist in a matter of days/weeks/month/year.

    I got so upset seeing people talking about 2 flags, what on earth does that solve pertaining to the actual problem? Even seeing the flag comment from bloggers I respect got me so upset.

    Antiguans and Barbudans cannot even get a day.

  15. It’s an Antigua and Barbuda Food Fair and it should be only those two groups be allowed to have their food in the fair. It’s high time we STOP letting these non nationals come in and change the dynamics of our country. They need to respect our culture and if they like the fact of our culture they should leave. Everything in this country these non nationals want to take over our country why they don’t leave and let our country strive. They once consider our country small island but now it’s paradise to them. Most of them is the best life they will ever have. It’s our even and NO other countries should be displayed who is offended should pack up and go and leave our little sanctuary and display they flag in their country. Antiguan need to start to demand better and stand up and let these outsiders push our culture to the back and promote their country

  16. Just a clarification. Should only ducana chop-up, saltfish and fungi to be sold at the food fair? Are there any other Antiguan dishes to be sold? Should foreigners attend the food fair, and if so, are they compelled to buy only ducana, saltfish, chop-up and fungi, seasoned rice and brebrege?

  17. Antigua’s flag should definitely dominate at Antigua’s Independence celebrations. To unite everyone, Caribbean nationals could try cooking Caribbean fusion dishes focused on using Antigua’s natural products in new ways or incorporating traditional Antiguan dishes into some of theirs e.g. make use of our pineapple, bananas, plantain, sweet potato, guava, mango, soursop, tamarind etc. e.g. Jerk chicken plus ducuna (Jamaican + Antiguan) or curried snapper with fried plantains and chop up (Trinidadian curry + Antiguan ingredients). Get creative. Honour Antigua and your original island at the same time.

  18. What is the fair CALLED????


    SO ITS ANTIGUA FLAG ONLY IS TO BE SEEN AT THE FOOD FAIR I’m jus not understanding y it’s even an issue

    Organizers simply need to enforce this

    CARICOM DAY now ALL FLAGS OF THE CARIBBEAN should be on display and their countries food
    WTF is so hard to overstand…I guess when organizers dnt enforce a Antigua Flag ONLY foreigners WONT!

  19. For de Antiguans who supported the importation of all the “big island” peeples for cheap labor and other things now you understand why countries such as Barbados and St Kitts take a stand against this type of comraderie
    . Wish y’all mucho luck getting rid of them. This once too small island is now their paradise and dem nar leave without a fight. I’m sickened by the term “melting pot” not a thing melting here but pedophilia, prostitution, robbery, murder, gang banging, scamming, and the ghettorizing of once decent communities just to name a few. May God Have Mercy our likkleisland.

  20. Just imagine;
    What would happen if the majority of booths at the Antigua Food Fair were of Antiguan born nationals? And what would the flag count looks like regardless of size?

    As Antiguans, we should always become predominantly more assertive when it comes to business or functions like the Food Fair, because others would gladly assume the opportunities we fail to fulfill. So if we stop taking things for granted and stop being passive about things, then we can become the most dominate force in the country. But if we allow others to assert themselves with what’s rightfully ours, then what right do we have to complain?

  21. You all fight over flag and flag and Caribbean people for a one day event., yet every corner in Antigua has a Syrian shop, or a chimney shop selling DAILY. What are they selling?
    By the way, name WAAN place in Antigua, OWNEd by Antiguan, that you can buy ducana, chop up and saltfish EVERYDAY. Then show me how many Antiguans patronize it. As a matter of fact 99 percent of young Antiguans, don’t eat that. Have a function in a school or a church, see what the young Antiguans rush to and for. I will bet you that if syrians or Chinese vend at the food fair also, selling their food and the Antiguan stalls sell ‘their’ food, only t old people will support the Antiguan stalls. With all the hatred if Barbudans, even their stall will sell out and they don’t sell ducana, salt fish and chop and fungi. And this nonsense about Caribbean nationals living their best lives here, my response will be zapped, so I will let that pass. Soon I may hear that only Antiguan flags should be flown at CPL matches. Give me a break.

  22. Its a very easy fix.. Only Antigua 🇦🇬 should be flying.. Only Antigua dishes should be showcasing… Now, let’s just say with yall type of mindset, Only Born Antiguan should attend the food fair..

    Everyone else is wining in Antigua except for black ppl, yall ever see the Asians, the Latinos or the Arabs fighting against each other???


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