Urgent letter to the Hon Prime Minister Gaston Brown, Hon Attorney General Benjamin, Hon Police Commissioner Rodney, Hon Deputy Police Commissioner Jeffers

Gaston Browne Throne Speech photo

Urgent letter to the Hon Prime Minister Gaston Brown, Hon Attorney General Benjamin, Hon Police Commissioner Rodney, Hon Deputy Police Commissioner Jeffers

I want to strongly recommend that if you want to show you are a great leader, you will immediately take your responsibility for high crime rate pertaining to inherently dangerous crimes and demand for others to stop putting that kind of blame on the judiciary which has significantly less discretion, tool and ability to prevent, deter and reduce the opportunities that are available for crimes to be committed against the public. 

The above leaders must make it clear that they are more able to impact crimes than any other parts of the criminal justice system. So, they MUST be blamed more for the rising vicious and inherently dangerous crimes in Antigua and Barbuda than any other parts of the local criminal justice system, no matter what. They have the tool to obstruct and intercept criminal acts. 

Instead of blaming the court/judge/jurors/people (alone) the police should hire experts and listen to experts (those with advanced degree and exceptional ability in related fields), who MUST be at the helm of these important parts of the criminal justice system. I will not be applying for these jobs to show my intent for saying these things are not being said because I want or need something (trust me on this, I do not). I am saying this only for the betterment of Antigua and Barbuda and frankly, getting the government who implements these recommendations, the recognition and support they would deserve from the public. 

I have mentioned before, the police and military, in Antigua and Barbuda is made up mainly of muscles (those that do the heavy lifting, the rare time they do) but these agencies also need a brain. The brain would be called the Intelligence and National Security Unit (INSU) that is made up of brilliant and educated people with advance degrees in related fields like Science, Math, Electronics, Technology, Social Science, Police Science, Forensic science, national security, international relations, Law, Criminal Justice, Criminology, Victimology, etcetera. Other fields can be added as needed.

This INSU section will be the one Advising the Prime Minister, Attorney General, Legislative branch, Cabinet, Military, Police Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, etcetera pertaining to national security and intelligence(internally and externally). 

Antigua and Barbuda should organize the police into divisions lead by a police-commissioner being advised by this INSU. This police department should be divided into: 

Intelligence and National Security Unit (INSU) is the brain of all matters pertaining to intelligence and national security (including safety of high-level government officials) and is mainly for Criminal Analysis to conduct sophisticated and complex analysis of criminals and their networks in support of police investigations and investigative priorities. This unit also develops and supports crime prevention locally,  investigations, initiatives and operations conducted or supported by law enforcement agencies locally and builds relationships with foreign law enforcement partners. This unit also leads law enforcement efforts to identify, disrupt and dismantle national security threats, terrorist organizations and hostile foreign intelligence entities, not just local crime prevention and reduction of opportunities to commit crimes locally. 

It is time that the government and its agencies start to think big instead of the government continuing to think so small with their solution in crime reduction that mainly include them laying undue/unwarranted blame on a court/judge/jurors instead of themself who has the tools and authority to literally obstruct and intercept criminal acts. We all know criminals do not care about what the law says, it is actually why they commit the crimes in the first place. So, whatever the law says is the punishment, will not at all deter criminals. There are laws against robbery right now, have robbery ceased to exist? NOPE. If you put punish as death for petty theft, do you think theft will cease? Nope. 

It is why a judge’s sentence has nearly no impact on crime reduction while the AG, PM and Police ability to stop, obstruct, intercept and interfere with criminals with the tools and authority they have are substantially more impactful. So, if you want to blame anyone for rising crime, sadly, I must inform you that it is you who must be blamed. Also, the government determines punishment in the legislative branch.

Other units that Antigua and Barbuda police should include like other powerful agencies internationally:

Administrative Operations (OAO) provides police department domestic and international offices with budget formulation, budget execution, financial oversight, acquisitions and procurement, workforce management and other administrative services.

Domestic Operations (DO) manages, directs, coordinates and supports all investigative activities of local police departments.

Center for Countering Human Trafficking (CCHT) advances counter human trafficking law enforcement operations, protect victims, and enhance prevention efforts by aligning law enforcement capabilities and expertise.

Countering Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) furthers mission by supporting investigations and operations related to transnational crime, financial and narcotics violations, human trafficking and smuggling, public safety and labor exploitation.

Cyber and Operational Technology (COT) oversees investigations of internet-related crimes, including cybercrime and child exploitation and manages initiatives that combine information sharing and technology across various local law enforcement agencies.

Global Trade oversees and supports investigations of U.S. import and export laws to ensure national security, protect the public’s health and safety and stop predatory and illegal trade practices.

When the government (PM, AG, Police Commissioner and Deputy Police Commission, legislative branch) have done these simple and basic first, then they may be able to blame others, and even then, they would still have the most impact and contact with criminals, so they would still be to blame. 

Promptly seek experts, like one ABLP member loves to say when that ABLP member is not threatening to kill people (me) for speaking up on what is needed for crime prevention or telling people (me) to seek expert mental help (only because that person (me) sees areas in crime reduction that needs urgent innovation locally). So, I will recommend the same thing here, but it is actually applicable in this case, seek expert help in social and police science for the benefit of the nation of Antigua and Barbuda before you try to lay blame on an entity that has substantially less impact on crime reduction than you (PM, AG, Legislative branch, and the police helm). 

Make sense to me, make what you are saying about the Judge/jurors/court make sense to those with a BA and MA in criminology and Criminal Justice, and or a law degree. 

The above article will cause my life to be further threatened but I had I say this, I really had to stand up for this. Hire the experts, put them where they are good. It is a matter of National security. That is why government are using executive orders to make it easier to give lawful immigration status to those with advance degrees because in that executive order it says this is a matter of national security to have the best where the best should be

I will be busy for a few months, business is busy. But this is just my way of helping. It would be for those with intelligence.  

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  1. Listen, until we realise and accept that we are a small country with limited EXPERIENCED human resources, we will not solve anything. Next we have to take the politics out and place country first.
    Let me digress for a moment from Police and Crime and ask this question: Do we honestly believe that any engineer at APUA or Public Works have a clue what they are doing? 150 million spent on RO plants and not one is functioning properly. And what about the roads? The road behind WIOC that links Friars Hill Road to Marble Hill Road has been fixed 4 times for this year and is in disrepair again The same for the piece of road from Tyrells to Liberta. All of the roads being done in villages will last 3 months.
    So let’s move on to the Police. All of the Police organisation’s in the Caribbean are still operating in the colonial mode, even though crime has changed and advanced. No one in the Police Force can address or fix these problems.
    We need to bring trained and experienced persons in to work on the way forward. And then send our personnel overseas to receive hands on experience.
    We can’t continue to do the wrong things all the time and expect different results. And adding a new layer of bureaucracy will add more confusion.

  2. Without a brain (Intelligence and National security unit), people with advanced knowledge, advanced degree, and exceptional ability there is no way the police is working as effective as it could. This means blame can not be shifted from those people (PM, AG, COP, Deputy COP, DPP) in charge of the police force that has a more direct and substantial impact on vicious crimes. The government has the most authority and tools required to intercept and obstruct crimes and criminals, not the court or attorneys representing their clients or civilian/citizen jurors. This kind of attack on the judiciary should be laid on the legislative and police. I am not against holding the judiciary accountable and scrutinizing its decision, but this is not their fault or substantially their fault. They, the judiciary, must follow the laws of the PM’s government and executive orders. When you are in power, the laws are yours, as you can make/amend laws. Law to support better policing, which may include equipment, experts, pay, and even a minimum sentence (which I am currently not in support of this at this time).


  3. Exactly!

    Let’s be honest and say the majority are small minded people, and those in authority really aren’t much different. Glad to accept the role and the prestige that goes with it, but not willing to make change happen for the people, or accept responsibility.

    Everything in Antigua is politics, and unfortunately the only losers, are the people of A&B.

    Those at the top rake off the cream, and those at the bottom continue to struggle and resort to crime.

    This won’t be changing any time soon.

  4. Good morning. I don’t know who you are but I can see that a lot of time and gathering of information were invested in putting this article together, seemingly for the improvement and actions towards a very worrisome state of affairs in Antigua at the present time: Crimes of all nature. Talking of brilliant minds this writing reflects that. There are many brilliants minds, I am sure, in Antigua and Barbuda that could be a part of the structure you are here recommending. There are experts and specialists with vast experience right here in the country that could conform a wonderful strong group to tackle exactly the areas that you herein mention; as advisors – non-partisans, but focused in transforming the level of security, peace of mind and comfort of the citizens of this country, alongside with the assisting in a professional and goodwill manner, all the government agencies and corps responsible and established for law and order and the decisions of the outcome thereof, in the country. I sincerely hope that, if not all, some of your recommendations are picked up in good faith and implemented for…. the truth of the matter….the benefit of the citizens and visitors of these beautiful twin islands of Antigua and Barbuda. The nation is moving at an incredible fast pace towards growth and international recognition for its God-given resources and efforts to showcase it, so here is where your article claiming for, and improvement and strengthening of controlled crime, involvement of our best human resources in the fields, expert security measures and fairness in all actions involved, etc. ; come in very handy and with no ill intentions. Thank you for sharing concerns, ideas and recommendations with interesting names and leads. (Reply and written ‘In good faith’ only)!

  5. This is what I’m going to say to the prime minister to the commission of police the police not all of them but some who made the police force look very bad just imagine fathers do not fulfill the need to carry out to their children police officers there cannot found them and these men are right in Antigua and Barbuda walking up every day all this police does call the father asking them when they’re coming to pay money and a warrant is out for them not paying I am wondering what type of system is this. And every time a mother walk up there go to the police they cannot say anything to that mother why that doesn’t fine the father and the father’s right there at their workplace at their business please help their house easy to find and all these police is calling the father and asking them when they’re going to come and pay Anna warranties out for them for non-payment. So if the police said that simple matter what do you think about trying.

  6. @Lynn, thank you for your compliments and for appreciating the substance of this article.

    I too believe there are people locally with the advance degree in social science, criminal justice, policing, etcetera that can come together and properly execute better policing locally.

    Time is changing and those at the helm need help from experts. Those at the helm will not want to lose their jobs, and at they keep it, as I am pretty sure they will not fire themself but at least hire experts to listen to or listen to the ones giving you it for free.

  7. Oh, Thank you @my way of helping – for your additional words. There are many ways that your ideas can be put in place. A starting point could be the willingness of those in charge, to do something more than what is actually being done. No one has to be fired or replaced. The way you described things, it’s a new structure or entity unifying forces for a common cause. Initially it could be formed by those professionals willing to volunteer of their time and experience, coming together to create and submit the adjustments and necessary changes for the benefit and peace of mind of all citizens; if the idea is embraced and taken upon by government and law enforcement. *Starting points are important! *New Ideas should be welcomed! *Citizens will appreciate them! *Criminality of all nature, gun related actions and unlawfulness should stop and not allowed to continue. If no additional measures and more forceful actions are not implemented now, it will get worse. So, @my way of helping, I see your original article as a timely contribution to law and order in Antigua and Barbuda.

  8. @Biggs, well I love the analogy and I agree strongly with your points. THEY corroborate what I am saying

  9. This is a great idea! I am aware of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force’s intelligence center (part of the Service & Support Unit), as well as the National Security Council’s intelligence responsibilities, but a unified intelligence agency for this country would be great for the betterment of our nation’s security.

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