OPINION: UPP’s “Mega Rally” Falls Flat in Sea View Farm


UPP’s “Mega Rally” Falls Flat in Sea View Farm

Promise of “Explosive” Event Ends in Embarrassing Defeat and Disappointment.

The United Progressive Party (UPP) promised a “mega rally” in Sea View Farm, touting it as the beginning of the end for the Honorable Anthony Smith in his hometown. However, the much-hyped event turned out to be a dismal failure, leaving UPP officials and supporters red-faced.

Despite the efforts of die-hard supporters to come out to show strength, the concept of bringing a friend was not realized, as they failed in the assignment or, more realistically, had resigned.

The Shameful Utterances from Lackluster Speakers Were Embarrassing, While the Deflated Presentations Fatigued and Irked the Crowd

Despite weeks of promotion, the rally’s speakers failed to deliver, lacking motivation and passion. The crowd, anticipated to be massive, was eerily small, with even die-hard supporters struggling to muster enthusiasm.

UPP was forewarned by inside branch delegates who know the political terrain of All Saints West, but the ego of the leadership within the party could not resist the miscalculation.

The UPP severely underestimated the Honorable Anthony Smith’s popularity in Sea View Farm. His continued commitment to the community, evident in initiatives like cleaning and upgrading the sporting field and installing floodlights on the same field to accommodate the flop rally, has cemented his legitimacy.

The Disappointment Between Rhetoric and Reality Left a Sour Taste in the Dropping Mouths of the Voters.

UPP’s pre-rally boasts of a “shattering” and “explosive” event starkly contrasted with the underwhelming reality. This embarrassing display raises questions about the party’s ability to deliver on promises, further exposing the current party’s decrepitude.

Residents expressed disappointment and disillusionment with the UPP’s failed rally. “We expected more from our leaders,” said one local. “Anthony Smith has always been there for us; it’s clear who truly cares.”

They lash out at Hon. Anthony Smith because he left their confusion of a party that is filled with hate and compromised leaders who wanted to throw him out just to embarrass him. Such a shame—all because he challenged Giselle Isaac for the chairmanship.

Let those demons know that Minister Smith is a blessed man and always prayed up.

It is God that separated Hon. Anthony Smith from these agents of Satan.

This failed rally only strengthens the Honorable Anthony Smith’s position in All Saints West. His dedication to community development and genuine connection with constituents remain unshaken.

The UPP’s “mega rally” debacle serves as a stark reminder of the party’s disconnect from the people. As the UPP struggles to regain its footing, the Honorable Anthony Smith continues to demonstrate leadership and commitment, solidifying his place in the hearts of Sea View Farm residents and the people of All Saints West.

We Still Legit with Smith

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  1. Hello, hello … is that you Fitzroy, Nomad or Gaston?

    Sounds like it!

    Hello, hello 🤣🤣🤣

    Remember UPP’S current message is:


  2. What of the 10 NEW CANDIDATES???? Them shame fu show dem face too??

    LAZY ASHWORTH AZILLE couldn’t manage Clare Hall School or Teacher’s Union but he as a norn and bred D-O-M-I-N-I-C-A-N want to be up in “are we subben”

    Why not help UWP to unseat Roosevelt Skerritt??? Gisele Isaac don’t accept Richard Lewis JAMAICAN WIFE, but a DOMINICAN is ok????


  3. Be careful, the next UPP Mega Rally might pass out the Kool-Aid to the 50 or so die-hard attendees to consume as the UPP disappears into the history books.

    UPP Supporters: You know there is no hope with Pringle and Isaac at the helm. The last few months have proven this.

    Brixtonian: You are too smart to believe the propaganda. Stronger than ever? You know the UPP is weaker than ever before.

  4. Some a them able people the only time me think about them a wen me a go a toilet especially the one that can’t put them right name an a use Bowen name just put u right name they if u think u bad a should a u get kill

  5. I was looking for a world cup or Olympic size crowd…with dynamic speakers and new revelations as to why they taking Anthony Smith to court….
    The turn-out just the people of All Saint West do not agree with the lawsuit…. so Mr. Warner drop your case if the UPP want to sue Anthony let the Chair or political leader….do so.
    The people of the constituency is not in agreement as it prove at the Mega Rally.

  6. If There’s strength in numbers then The UPP are as weak as a new born babies leg.
    The UPP are a disjointed and fragmented body right now, its head is weak and pretty much non functioning, the body is arrogant and will go down with the sinking ship to prove that Mam/sir, is also a great Uniter and will bring every deserter and traumatized individual who has the displeasure of working with her.
    The UPP is a Non mutha fakin factor in the political game. How very disheartening knowing they came so close to government with this type of infighting and corruption in their party.
    They will let D Giselle be the nail in UPP coffin.

  7. I am deeply disappointed in this article ridiculing the opposing political party. Instead of delivering objective news and allowing readers to form their own opinions, it was clear that this piece was nothing more than a one-sided attack, offering no balanced perspective. This kind of biased reporting is precisely the problem with the media today. When journalism chooses to lick the crumbs from the plates of politicians, it fails in its duty to serve the public with impartiality and integrity.

    It would be interesting to know who this writer is. What connections do they have, and whose agenda are they really pushing? The media should be a watchdog, not a lapdog. By aligning itself so transparently with one political faction, the press does a disservice to society, fostering division instead of informed debate. It is a sad day in journalism when the pursuit of truth is sacrificed in favor of political allegiance.

  8. To the Editor,

    I was deeply disappointed by the recent article ridiculing the opposing political party. Instead of delivering objective news and allowing readers to form their own opinions, it was clear that this piece was nothing more than a one-sided attack, offering no balanced perspective. This kind of biased reporting is precisely the problem with the media today. When journalism chooses to lick the crumbs from the plates of politicians, it fails in its duty to serve the public with impartiality and integrity.

    It would be interesting to know who this writer is. What connections do they have, and whose agenda are they really pushing? The media should be a watchdog, not a lapdog. By aligning itself so transparently with one political faction, the press does a disservice to society, fostering division instead of informed debate. It is a sad day in journalism when the pursuit of truth is sacrificed in favor of political allegiance.

  9. @PANT:
    It would be wise for your to take a page from your own book by first identifying your true name. You’re also one-sided in your demands of the media.

    Just reading your comments and your edited version, It is clear that you’re a sympathizer of the the UPP, and that’s fine as democracy is at play.

    Facing the reality of the current situation should not be overlooked by you or any other supporter. It behooves you to confront the urgency of this downward spiral by seeking ideas to remedy the problem.

    The current leadership might be doing all they can, based on their respective mind’s eye. They are not bad people. They simply need some guidance.

    Please offer your unsolicited advice to them, and leave the media to do its duty as it sees fit.


  10. Again, I’m reading a lot of foolish and not thought through comments in regards to the crowd sizes and turnout at UPP rallies.

    Let me explain good, good good: 😉

    Remember ABLP supporters that Antigua is a country with a small population of under 100,000 people; and if you equate this with say the UK with its populous of 62 million in residence, then a comparison low turnout for the UPP would be deemed as rather high.

    For example:

    Now if for my comparisons sake, the UK with its larger population had a turnout of 50-100 people to a political rally, then that is very LOW indeed; however, similar figures for a UPP rally, surely must be deemed as successful – would it not?


  11. Are all UPP supporters expected to be present at all their functions? If that’s the expectation, then why have a live broadcast? I know for certain that is the position with any Dictatorial Government like the ALP. The concerns here are the dire conditions we are experiencing, as a result of extremely poor governance. Low UPP rally attendance doesn’t translate to water crises; neither high food prices and utility rates. Where on this planet have we ever seen roads being built and repaired simultaneously? Hundreds of houses and other government buildings are being constructed and for all these, we have absolutely no idea of the costs to us. Low turn out is not responsible for the Creative- Enrichment Scheme and the uncontrollable crime rate, to include the prevalence of sex and gun crimes. Is a Twelve Million U.S Dollars Kickback the result of low attendance at a UPP rally? We know where the answers lie.

  12. UPP is done, so are you Pringle especially when they investigate your inflated invoices for picking up 2 dead dogs, maybe a you a poison dem too.


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