UPP wants probe into auction scandal



The UPP is of the view that while Senator Freeland’s resignation is warranted, there are many unanswered questions that require further investigation.

The UPP is even more convinced that the accusations about the bomb scare, made by the Attorney General, were orchestrated. We feel that this was part of an overall strategy to deflect attention and diffuse mounting criticism about the cloud of suspicion surrounding this matter.

The public’s first knowledge of this matter came as a result of an ABLP candidate selection process and NOT official investigative procedures within the Customs Dept. This underscores the need for an immediate investigation into the following:

1. On what date did the alleged robbery occur?
2. Was a police report made – and if so, on what date?
3. What was the schedule for repayments?
4. What evidence exists to prove that the repayment schedule was met and the full amount repaid?
5. What was the exact chain of command in the setup of the repayment arrangement?

This matter also begs the question: Would an ordinary private citizen (who is not a Parliamentarian) have been granted the option of a repayment schedule?

In other words: Should Senator Freeland have been allowed to wear two hats – as a public and a private citizen?

Given that this matter – involving about $120,000 of public funds – took a year to be discovered by the public, nothing short of a complete investigation with full public disclosure is acceptable.

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  1. Along with probe into the WADADLI POWER PLANT. Were the engines actually new? Did Baldwin Spencer receive parliamentary approval? How many of the engines are functioning? How has the WPP contributed to power generation and and electricity in Antigua and Barbuda?

    Add this auction scandal to the growing list of probes needed in this country. This is low on the totem pole. Just gonna have to wait in line, but not ahead of the the other juggernauts.

  2. What is this issue with the faulty crusher and the replacement part that is on order, that has caused road works to be abandoned until mid January? Was this equipment new? What is the warranty policy? We need answers.
    We had to endure Max Hurst’s detailed updates for more than 3 years, as we waited in anticipation for these this grand road rehabilitation program to begin. Funding expected from here, there and everywhere.
    Something is fishy here. Add the crushers to the list of things to be investigated. The roads are horrible and getting worst everyday.

      • Whatever happened with UPP and roads has nothing to do with the deplorable roads we had today. Isnt that why we elected a new government. The government of the day is accountable for TODAY. I’m sure UPP will blameb the problems on things they inherited from the previous ABLP administration. If you’re in the kitchen you will feel the fire!

  3. “You HYPOCRITE!!!! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

  4. I keep hearing about Romantic Rhythms? Can someone shed some light on what is involved with that scandal? What is alleged and how much money is involved. I know a lot of international Artistes were brought in but, what is it that really needs to be resolved? A lot of people drop things here and there but I have never fully understood what the scandal is about? Please enlighten me!

    • Melford Nicholas declared that the audited report was complete over a year ago. The question is .. why is the government concealing a report they claimed would be an explosive indictment of the UPP? Little birds say that the very audited RR report, quite inconveniently, let’s Harold Lovell off the hook.

      Basically … Costs for performers marketing etc were a bit over budget. However (and anyone with half a brain could have anticipated this)… No money was stolen as the ALP alleged.

      In fact all major festivals in the region have had cronic overruns. Barbason and St. Lucia’s are cancelled for that reason. And Tobago.

      Let’s stop the senseless politicking in this country.

      The same can be said in regards to the WPP. If the engines are old, why inquiry or punishment? And why would the same ALP have VALUED the engines and try to sell them to WIOC?

      SMH. It’s time to move on from this pettiness and pursue real development.. and most improtantly economic diversification.

      • “It’s time to move on from this pettiness…”

        What is so “PETTY” about old engines that were bought for MILLIONS of dollars using your money and mine?? What is so “PETTY” about an UNFINISHED CAN’T PARK that is an eyesore and a daily reminder of the bullshit thinking that went into such a project, not to mention the cost to the people of A&B? What is so “PETTY” about overspending on fences? What is so “PETTY” about someone dropping dead under mounting pressure and denial from a former-PM and compadre saying that “ASHE LIED”?? What is so “PETTY” about taking the country to the IMF? PETTY you say? I think not.

        • Lies. In fact the government paid 6M to the Trinidadian owner of car park. Why a Trini owner? Because it was a BOOT arrangement. Build. Own. Operate. Transfer. The government didn’t invest a cent. Lying ALP however claimed 40 million was expended. The truth is that it was built but a Trini firm who went insolvent as a result of the crash of Cl financial. So the same ALP who claimed the UPP spent 40M invested 6M to take it off the hands of the true owner.

          We are fast approaching and point where people who gave this government the madate based on lies can on longer tollerate the failure to bring the promise jobs, lower taxes and investments. Yida failure. 500 failed homes. The job killing Unincorporated Business Tax… When we were led to believe there would be no new taxes.

          It’s frankly sad to even trying unearthing old and frankly debunked lies to cover from a clear record of nonperformance.

          I believed some of them too. Indeed, like many I over blamed the UPP for the effects of the global financial criss. What is so starkly obvious to me is how poorly this new government is doing when everything is in their favor: recovered global economy. Low oil prices… The debt to GDP ratio which the UPP reduced from 140% to 90%. And I’m expected to endorse continued failure because of some flimsy lies that have either been disprove or which the same ALP refuses to act upon (re investigations etc). Madness.

          • Exactly you are right: LIES, LIES, and MORE LIES. The Power Can’t was NOT new though Baldwin tried with all his might to pull the wool over the eyes of Antigua people. But thankfully Antigua people nah drink Cooks Pond water. Who can forget the infamous “blood and hotel lobby” WHACKO press conference. It was and still is a national embarrassment. Those old arse engines gave APUA engineers more trouble than a woman who don’t get her child support payment on time.

            The young sports enthusiasts of our country had their cricket field destroyed when that awful eyesore was put down at the East bus station. It is a constant reminder of the INEPT and shitty decision-making skills of the “minister” who came up with the dumb idea.

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