Staff and Students at the New Winthorpes Primary School were showered with some much needed supplies on Thursday as a number of individuals made timely donations to the educational institution.
Eight standing fans and two dozen rolls of toilet paper were handed over by two community activists, Mickey Josiah and popular radio personality-Algernon “Serpent” Watts.
Both Josiah and Watts expressed their pleasure with being associated with the donation and promised to continue to partner with the school for the betterment of both staff, teachers and the community.
In addition to the supplies, the entire school were treated with some delightful ice cream by Sunshine Ice Cream Ltd as well as a wonderful performance by the dancing spiderman .
Special thanks as well to Roger Elvin, Cristo’s Supermarket and Milton Joseph who also played sponsorship roles.
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The bribery start!
Hope you have deep pockets, Cobra! Elections are a long way off, contrary to wishful thinking!
WELL DONE to majority of pupils wearing masks correctly!
Teacher! Mask should cover nose!
The photo op
Why was ABS covering this nonsense? Dont they have better things to cover?
Nice but this don’t suit you.
Ah wha Mouse taking sides. No problem. But finally one UPP member is making donations. and you see who giving him the money! Mouse.
Wrong person. Not mouse
Serpent Watt is a National of Antigua and Barbuda. He has the right to donate to any place as he sees fit. He has the right to run for any Political Offices in Antigua and Barbuda. He should set up a Go Fund Me account to help finance his campaign. I would support The Serpent over all others. I have the where with all to do it. Antigua and Barbuda do not belong to the Labor Party and their Minions. The Nation belongs to all a are we. If I wanted to run. Nobody could stop me from running. You Labor Party supporters like SIDELINES. Because a business person gives. He/she is branded as taking sides. That is a smart business man. You would give to all political party as you would see fit.
Please note my friend that such gifts can be given “from the heart” without any public recognition whatsoever. That’s a true giver and a true gift.
One thing is certain; the psychological game of politics is in full swing!
The PM knows, that the #Pan? #Plan? #Epi? DEMIC has slowed down, the PowerHouse Train, and one way, to add steam to its Engine, talk of an early Election would send, the Opposition’s which seems to be out of sync, into a frenzy, and have them spend money, helping to boost the economy, since, #PoliticalCampaigning puts money into the economy!
Again, if the UPP or any other opposition party stays focused, on building the economy, even when in opposition, instead of always trying to tear each other up, like pitbulls on steroids; or, tear each other down, like dynamite detonated to demolish a skyscraper, then they’d be in a much better #Space, at any #Time to deal with, the rigors and stress of Campaigning. They would be running a well paced race, like a long distance runner from Ethiopia, instead of running a 100 yard dash on steroids, after training two weeks before the big race.
Now my Child is alergic to milk . Did the Authorities contact the Parents ? You cannot bring POLITICS in the SCHOOLS . i am appealing to the Parents to file a complain to the Ministry. This is wrong !!!
I am in full agreement with you, it was this same Serpent and Gisel Isaac that criticized the PM for giving children money at Five Island School.
Those are the very things they were asking….
How is ice cream different from cash? Cash was used to purchase the ice cream, yes?
You see UPP’s tactics or approach are really not so different from the ABLP’s…. Not true Mr Tabor?
You would prefer fu yuh pickney deh ah school hot than take the fans? Did you give your child’s teacher a note informing them they are lactose intolerant so they could try to monitor your child? Your child could be at school begging people for things that have in lactose for all you know. Calm the hell down with your fake concern.
Deception to Children is remarkable distasteful and downright shameful. This is what Politrickians does?
Antigua people don’t need handouts. If that is all you have to offer, we need other options.
Serpent using the Schools to gain PUBLICITY but this will NOT Work .
Serpent claiming something that He did do. Hon.Dean Jonas donated the FANS. How DISHONEST can Serpent be…SHAME.SHAME !!!!!
If Serpent cannot trusted with something as simple as this….How can We trust Serpent as a MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT????
Ask your honest honorable Dean Jonas why he didn’t call and tell you that he only donate 2 of the fans.
I guess now that we are in the race we don’t mind the photo op. Before that we used to question why politicians always has to do a photo op.
Knight in Shining Armour
October 23, 2020 at 1:17 pm
The dawg should be ashamed to be walking around St. Peter’s another ALP ghetto. Another failed experiment, just a photo Op! Remember I said so
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