UPP responds to the prime minister’s comments regarding Senator Alex Browne

Senator Alex Browne of Antigua and Barbuda

UPP chides the prime minister for ‘low road’ comments regarding Senator Alex Browne

The United Progressive Party (UPP) condemns the distasteful comments made by Prime Minister Gaston Browne on Saturday, February 15, regarding Senator Alex Browne.

As is often stated in our society, “Sickness is for everyone;” and, as is usual among decent people, a sick person is accorded the privacy and dignity he or she deserves.

However, to score cheap political points, Prime Minister Browne, as usual, took the low road, choosing to “put the Senator’s business on the street.”

The UPP reminds the Prime Minister that any financial aid accorded to Senator Browne is NOT an example of his personal generosity.

Rather, it is an entitlement, since Senator Browne is a citizen of this country and a contributorto the Medical Benefits Scheme, which exists to provide such assistance.

The Party cries shame on the Prime Minister for seeking to exploit an unfortunate circumstance to satisfy his own ego, and challenges him to properly earn his praise through significant improvements to the public health sector, so that quality treatment becomes a right and not a privilege.

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  1. What a nonsencial response. I found the PM’s comments to be sincere and non-political. He could have said a lot more than he did.

  2. “Sickness is for everyone”

    Too sad the UPP didn’t remember this when they were openly wishing for the demise of Sir Robin.

    UPP is a sick delusional moribund organization. A disgraceful ruin of the house Baldwin built.

  3. Is diabetes a sickness? Does it affect certain human behavior? Does it inhibit some pleasures of life? Will it create a monster of a human being if it interferes in his enjoyment of the opposite sex? Is that why certain public officials have loose tongue? Does the public know of our public figures’ health status j clouding those with diabetes? Can one blame such a condition for him/she being quick to physical abuse?
    God’s hands are on you senator. You will be back as new. Prayers will shift the veil of heaven and show your face. Long Live!!!!!!!!!

  4. The UPP major in the minors. Is this an issue to put out a press release on? Of lates I hear the word delusional being used to describe the UPP and in particular its leadership. I now agree that the UPP is really delusional. When will the UPP and its leadership get its damn act together? The country needs to see a strong, vibrant and competent Opposition.

  5. The Senator’s illness was already in the public domain. We offered to assist him in the absence of tangible assistance from his UPP colleagues.

    At no point on the program did I ridicule the Senator.

    Instead, I offered government’s assistance for him to get treatment abroad, which is something we do routinely for all citizens. I even suggested a telethon fundraising and offered to contribute personally.

    What is truly distasteful, is the violation of our benevolence to the Senator by the UPP hierarchy during this very difficult period for the Senator.

    The UPP hierarchy would have been best advised to continue to post in their Pseudo names, than publishing this piece of unmitigated drivel.

    Despite this piece of vitriolic rhetoric, mired in disinformation, I remain hopeful that we could work together in a bipartisan manner to assist the Senator to overcome his health challenges.

    I reiterate that we stand ready to assist and we wish the Senator a speedy recovery.


  6. Please please Baldwin Spencer and Harold Lovell you all need to get the UPP back on the right track or is it that the Chair has emasculated you both. Whither thou goest UPP?

  7. The way the Chair of the UPP kisses Valerie Hodge and other women in the Party clearly shows she is the MAN in the UPP. She just holds them and puts her tongue in their mouths when she feels like.

  8. As far as I’m aware, an article was read on Pointe FM by the host on the Browne & Browne Show which was published in a news portal. The PM was simply responding to the lack of concern by the opposition to one of its candidates for the upcoming elections who is also a senator in their behalf.
    Another former candidate has been assisted by the PM on a personal basis because his party has failed to assist him as well.
    This response by the opposition has no weight and doesn’t make clear if they will be assisting one of their own. It’s hollow, weightless and would be better off not addressed. This clearly shows that both Damani Tabor and Dr. Eddie Mansoor have left a void in the UPP.

  9. As far as I am aware this matter was first put in the public domain on Thursday night on the Knight at Nights show when he read a WhatsApp about Alex Browne’s illness. Similarly, it was on that very show that I became aware that the Leader of the Opposition was also overseas for medical attention.

  10. There goes the UPP again!!! Instead of letting sleeping dogs lie, they unwisely chose to crank up their outmoded BS machine to sputter nonsense thereby proving, once again their backwardness and complete irrelevance. No one should take this collection of idiots seriously. They have become a national embarrassment.

  11. You see -upp- You guys is jokers strait up. I listen to the PM on his program the man was sincere. He goes as far as saying he will not be calling any by-election. You talking about political milage. The man don’t have use this for any political milage – He could simply call a by-election, hands down he could easily win that seat. You all is jokers!!

  12. Based on this discussion, I believe an important question that arises is whether the public has a right to know when a public official, in particular, members of parliament are sick. Clearly, the answer to that question is YES. The public does not need to know the details of a public official’s illness, since that should remain his or her private business. However, the public has an absolute right to know when a member of parliament is sick.

  13. @Charles Tabor, Esq,
    I continue to respect your objectivity in almost every topic. You don’t quite fit into the UPP narrative. I would recommend that you rethink your allegiance. You seem to be always willing to tell the truth, despite any repercussions. I applaud you.

  14. Those 2 knucklehead senators on rum shop radio and pigmeat laughing. Nobody get more handouts from
    Government than them turncoats. Dem better pray Gaston na left office cause true Labourites na like them

  15. So………will Gisele Isaac-Arrindell and Pringle be donating any resources towards Alex Browne medical treatment????

  16. UPP kept insinuating/wishing death on Sir Robin!!! Even 🐍 went as far as saying that after the SMS by-election SPN was next.

    Nasty scoundrels wishing death on another human for cheap political mileage!!! Now look how life has shut them up and humbled them same wicked UPP

  17. Didn’t the CHAOS DEMON say Alex Browne is lazy and was determined to replace him with the son the Sniper Chauffeur????

    No press release about Shugy using campaign funds to enrich himself, but time to respond to petty things???

  18. So what if Alex Browne wasn’t a UPP Senator? Was he stupid to bypass the wonderful SLMBC to seek medical care in Columbia? What average Antiguan and Barbuda would do that? One would think that Alex Browne is seeking medical care abroad because SLMBC cannot help him. The same medical stick that hit the wild goat in Antigua, is the same medical stick that will hit the tame. The investments must be made at SLMBC to treat every citizen irrespective of political persuasion. Illness is not a political matter. I’m dumbfounded by all those political comments. I’m a medical professional. Leave the dirty politics out of healthcare. An ALP/UPP Government must strive to ensure that SLMBC can provide the best healthcare possible so it citizens don’t have to go abroad. Do we have that? How the hell does that get lost in partisan political nonsense?

  19. The question is the UPP leader should not have to use his millions to give anyone except blood relatives to go abroad for medical care if he so chooses . Should the UPP leader become PM tomorrow, he should work his ass off to ensure that SLMBC and all the clinics around Antigua and Barbuda can provide good medical care such that citizens don’t have to go to Columbia or anywhere to get medical care. How does that get lost in partisan political nonsense? What’s happening to Antigua and Barbuda people?

  20. Oh Dave ray shut up, because as you spout your nonsense and Charles tabor has to legally straighten you out to a man, you will be cursing him. Hoping to get son and father?

  21. You guys claiming to be medically trained are delusional. Do you expect our country to have the services available that countries like Columbia would have for many centuries? Columbia is developed country as a part of Latin America with one of the oldest democracies in that region. A middle-income country with superior healthcare services.
    We are considered a developing country. That’s a step-up from being a third world country, based on low poverty rate. Do we expect with a country of 52 million people? Get real, Curious George, Mr. Medical Professional.
    You guys sick me tummuck.


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