UPP Political Leader announces 14 candidates and caretakers; final two to follow shortly
The Hon. Jamale Pringle, Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP), is pleased to announce 14 of the 16 Candidates/Caretakers expected to contest the next General Election on the Party’s slate, with two constituencies in the process of being settled.
“The situation in some constituencies became rather fluid, because of personal circumstances,” explains MP Pringle. “And while this generally has worked to the Party’s benefit, it also forced me to delay making the announcement several times.
“While I am still to settle two constituencies, there is a loud call from our supporters for a formal announcement – even though the Branches are already well aware of the selections,” Pringle adds.
Accordingly, the Party confirms that Franz DeFreitas will return to St. John’s City South and Alister Thomas to St. John’s City West. Ashworth Azille will represent the Party in St. John’s Rural East and Emanuel Peters in St. John’s Rural South.

Senator Johnathan Joseph returns to St. Mary’s North; Senator Alex Browne to St.
Phillip’s North; and George Wehner to St. Peter.
Freshman Barbara Coates joins the slate in All Saints West and another newcomer, Wayne Benjamin Marsh, will carry the UPP flag in St. Paul.

The five incumbent representatives will continue in their constituencies: MP Algernon Watts in St. George; MP Kelvin Simon in St. Mary’s South; MP Richard Lewis in St. John’s Rural West; MP Sherfield Bowen in St. Phillip’s South; and MP Jamale Pringle in All Saints East and St. Luke.
Caretakers for the St. John’s City East and St. John’s Rural North constituencies will be named as soon as practicable, the Political Leader assures, and, subsequently, the General Council will be convened to ratify the slate.
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LOVELL AND PEARL are the last two!
Slate look tired. where Alister going?
Richard on this list for now but he will soon be removed
A bunch of old hags
Azille is probably the only serious person on that slate
Look ya its Wayne “assassination” Marsh
What else is new UPP? Only Pearl Williams for City East and Kem Warner for Rural North to be announced and I understand that Kem Warner is having second thoughts. Pearl don’t have any thoughts so what is the delay in announcing her. By the way, Alister again to make up numbers and get more blows. What has finally forced the Party to make this announcement and of all means by a press release? These announcements are usually made at rallies. The UPP’S STRATEGIC THINKING HAS GONE TO COOKS DUMP.
The problem is Lovell wants to run in All Saints West so they have huge confusion. UPP mess cant done
Loyalists!!!!! Loyalists!!!!! Loyalists!!!!! Five more years in opposition.
Alister Thomas? George Wehner? Jonathan Joseph? Emanuel Peters? It is easier to find people sitting around a table snacking on icecream in hell than for those four candidates to win.
I believe Barbara Coates is on her way to victory. Alex Browne and Wayne Benjamin Marsh can take down their opponents however theboarrt has to show solidarity with them just as it did for the St Peters by-election. Ashworth Azille has all the qualities of a great parliamentary representative. However the weight pulling him down is the party’s leadership.
Leadership really does matter. If the blind leads the blind we shall all perish. It is sad that whike the party selectedbPearl Quinn as a senator it has found itself in a tail spin and cannot decide on where she will be best suited to represent the party. Today she is being held back by Kem Warner who doesn’t have a political bone in his body.
The party needs eight victorious candidates along with the Barbuda representative to form the government. They will certainly hold on to the five that presently sit on parliament. Who are the three most likely to join the five? Barbara Coates. She can dust off the pant suit. Alex Browne has a foot in parliament. I cannot see another. The party has defeated itself by using loyalists rather than winners.
Peter Redds Hariette has been discarded because he doesn’t support Pringle. Jermaine Edwards has suffered the same fate. Jonathan remains rooted because of his support for Pringle thereby costing the party that constituency. We all known that with the right candidates in those constituencies victory would have been certain.
I repeat my opening words. Leaderships! Leadership! Leadership! At this point I think it is too late to rock the boat. I however use this opportunity to caution Pringle that party leadership doesn’t automatically translate to government leadership. I call on ALL the candidates to give him their fullest of support. We enter the elections as a united force. On the night of the elections and the winner is announced ALL patriotic, sensible, progressively well to do representatives write to the governor affirming support for the Hon Richard Lewis as the prime minister.
Even if the party wins a general election it would be a dark day in history if this land to have Jamale Pringle as it’s prime minister.
The UPP candidates look tired. They look demotivated.
80 percent of the candidates more
Competent, Qualified and capable than the leader
Sen. Johanthan Joseph you need to do more work in the Constiuency, not just around Election time to Remove the “old Crank” the “old Dinosaur” Sir. Molwyn Joseph your cousin from the Constiuency. Jennings United Football Team is Rising from the Ashes heading towards the Premier Division you Presence is absent.
Football ⚽️⚽️ Commentator.
Brand New second hand. Pringle is the clown and the UPP members are the circus. Why are the members so afraid to demand better from their leader?
Will Shugy, Harold, and Richard work with him if the stars and moon align and they form government?
Alister Thomas, Beg Beg Frantz, and Wayne the pathological liar are runners not winners. This list tells me Pringle is still struggling to fill those vacancies.
This isn’t a list Of winners, this is a list of subpar players who are like starchy foods, not good for you but if you’re desperate enough and hungry you’ll eat it.
This is a sad and quite telling unveiling of Pringles blueprint of failure for everyone to see.
Building the bridge of failure for the next general election one unfit candidate at a time.
George Whener and Alex Browne back again for another bang off. George is happy to get his 50k, campaign contribution, spend little and pocket enough to keep him afloat financially.
UPP mash up with Marsh and Alister – why can’t they attract any youthful talent? There’s not one person on that slate under the age of 40
UPP stronger than ever right Brixy pooh. They really can’t attract now young new talents. Just one bunch of ole fowl all pushing over the age of 45.
What a sorry slate of candidates! A bunch of tired clowns trying against all odds to dare present themselves as a viable alternative to the Gaston Browne Administration. Are you serious? I am convinced now more than ever that the UPP is merely going through its own official pre-death ceremonies. I suspect that the official obituary will be announced well in advance of the next General Elections. What a pathetic bunch of losers. Little Black Boy ought to apologize to the Antigua and Barbuda electorate for insulting us with this slate of tired, wash-up, failed, useless, second hand, ugly aspirants for leadership of my beloved Country!!!! Heaven forbid!!
What a motley of oddfellows! Is this what the nation was waiting for, with bated breath for months? This final move by that “black boy” and its mother, de jezebel, proves that the UPP aa a political party, is a.completely spent force. Any chance of sensible people even considering for second, voting for the likes of the dummy de aftertaste, the ancient mariner Alister, the incompetent king LIAR Marsh, the worn-out Joseph, the much hated and disrespected black boy, the lazy, beg-beg, do nothing Serpent from hell, the physically questionable Browne who was busy planning Sir Robin Yearwood’s funeral instead if his own, lub-blow, cry-cry, traitor Wehner; then lover-boy, boat captain…..then waiting in the wings the virago, unaccomplished Pearl Quinn, the pardoned woman and baby killer, the ineffective, incompetent teacher’s union “leader” ane worse case scenario the biggest UPP failure if all times, Harold Lovell!!!!
You guys have got to be kidding!!!!
Aieeeee, the UPP fightback begins in earnest.
I informed all the ABLP supporters that 3-4 years is more than enough time for the opposition to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and trounce this out of touch government at the next General Election – I for one can’t wait!
ABLP’S weakness and achilles heel will be their complacency in thinking that winning is a foregone conclusion.
@Faithful National, don’t kill me. Your analysis is spot on. These old dilapidated dinosaurs can’t be the resurgence of a new and formidable UPP that we all waited for. This is a bad joke. Not even Pringle could write such a comedy of errors. Giselle the derelict grim reaper is going to put the nail in many political coffins including Pringles.
This UPP is the party of Listless, Slothful, decaying walking dead.
These are RUNNERS nor WINNERS. BIG JOKE. 20 more years for ABLP
@Teacher for Life
You are 100% correct. Richard Lewis is neither wanted, needed, loved, liked or accepted by UPP.
Pringle does not trust him. Man Cow can’t stand him and her WOMENS FORUM will follow her lead and REJECT Richard Lewis again and again. Not to mention Richard big sin was that he dared to even put forth his name for leadership. But the BIGGEST UNFORGIVABLE SIN COMMITTED BY RICHARD WAS “MARRYING A FOREIGNER” WORST OF ALL A YARDEE.
No forgiveness
No reconciliation
No water under the bridge
Nothing can get UPP’s “LEADERSHIP WITHIN THE LEADERSHIP” to accept Richard Lewis as long as he remains married to the “kind” that upp despises!!!
No MASSIVE RALLY to launch the candidates????
SHUGY return the boat money to the CONSTITUENTS. BIG SCAMP.
The laughing stock of the nation is UPP’s Pringle 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣
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