UPP launches election campaign confident of victory in March 21 general election


The main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) has officially launched its campaign for the March 21 general election with party leader Harold Lovell, confident that it will reverse the 2014 defeat it suffered at the hands of the ruling Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP).

Lovell, who is leading the party into a general election for the first time, sad that the “war is on” and that the message of the campaign is “delivering hope, happiness, opportunity, prosperity and empowerment.”

He said the UPP had adopted the theme “because of the hopelessness that has spread across this nation over the past three years or so.

UPP leader Harold Lovell addressing party supporters on Sunday night

Prime Minister Gaston Browne last week announced the election date more than a year after his party won a 14-3 victory in the 2014 polls, saying that he had decided on an early poll because of the significant number of projects estimated at more than EC$1.5 billion (One EC dollar-US$0.37 cents) to come on stream over the next few months.

But Lovell said that the many promises the ruling ABLP has made since coming to office has come to nothing, noting that “after the first 365 days had passed, instead of seeing 365 houses built, not one of the 500 Homes had been completed.  Up to now, nearly 1,400 days later, not even 14 of them are occupied”.

He said various tradesmen had also been “fooled” by the promises made by the prime minister and that hopelessness was not only confined the job market.

He said the environment, education, agriculture sectors have all suffered at the hands of the Browne administration over the past three and a half years with food prices rising every week “and no incentives to greater production, no relief for farmers or fishermen has been offered.

“From week to week, the prices in the supermarket are climbing.  Hopelessness spread when Antigua and Barbuda learned that our position in the Nutrition rankings is second to last, where we stand just above Haiti.”

Lovell also promised that the party would implement policies to deal with the crime situation, insisting that deal with crime should not be a political issue.

He said the party has proposed a 10 point national security plan incorporating international best practices, technology and community policing.

“Under the ABLP tourism has declined.  Visitor arrivals from the USA and England have declined by 11 per cent,” he said, noting that following the damage by Hurricanes Irma and Maria to the ports of The Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and St. Marteen the cruise sector got a much-needed boost, as ships were diverted to Antigua.

“But what is the plan for Tourism going forward? We can’t wait for storms to blow business our way.  In the past four years, no new resort has actually been built and every tourism project is scheduled to come on stream later this year or next year.  What is to happen in the upcoming season?  I have not heard.  Have you? “

Lovell said that the policies of the UPP administration have been drawn up based on the ongoing consultations that the party has been having with the various stakeholders including the fisherman, mason, unemployed and young entrepreneurs.

“I believe, with all my heart, that God has preserved this United Progressive Party – in the face of all the attacks on its leadership and members – for such a time as this: a time in which we come to deliver hope, happiness, opportunity, prosperity, and empowerment, Lovell said, making reference to various acts of alleged corruption he said that has dogged the ruling party.

He said among the policies to be implemented by a UPP administration include a reduction of 50 percent in annual vehicle licenses and the elimination of radio fees, the removal of taxes on prescription reading glasses and spectacles, funeral expenses and a 50 percent reduction on water rates along with reduced electricity and Internet costs.

Lovell is also promising that the UPP would move to expand the current basket of goods under price control, reduce a; energy prices within two weeks and immediately remove the tax on all cell phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers for private use.

He is also promising to conclude negotiations for public service salary increases within 90 days and will settle all back-pay before December 31st, 2018.

The party in government would also implement a rent to own option on public housing, incrementally reduce corporate tax to 12.5 percent within its first term as well as establish duty-free zones in English Harbour, Jolly Harbour, Redcliffe Quay and Barbuda.

Moreover, it is promising to repeal the new Barbuda Land Act and the Paradise Found Act ‘Barbuda Land (Amendment) Act of 2017

“The details of these and other benefits will be shared during our next two rallies and during our door-to-door campaign.  But they have been carefully thought out to deliver immediate relief to those most in need, and to stimulate the business sector at the same time.  Our aim is to facilitate that rising tide that will lift all boats,” Lovell said.

Lovell urged supporters to vote in the general election, saying “this is no time to sit it out or to hope that others will do the right thing and you will reap the benefit.

“And, remember this:  We are in a war!  A war!  We will neither retreat nor surrender!  We will go forward and attack!  The other side is going to come at us, at you, with everything at its disposal.  Especially the things it is best at Lies and slander.  Smear tactics.  Provocation – They are already tearing down and destroying our posters.  Even Aggression.  But be careful, be mindful.”

He said he was looking forward to the evening of March 21 when the election results will be known and the country would be shouting “UPP! UPP! UPP!  Free at last! Free at last!  Thank God, Almighty, we are free of the Labour Party at last!”.

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  2. Lovell who you really trying to fool same old song from 2004. Honestly give it a rest. Its a pity you bad play Joanne Massiah she would have done a much better job. Chups

    • I agree: Joanne Massiah wuld have made a leader. She has backbone and is not “sarfee sarfee” like Lovell. It’s a pity Lovell badplay she, now look way UPP find demself fu today.

      • The UPP found itself with a mammoth crowd with electrifying speakers at its phenomenal rally. Wheel and come again

  3. Are you serious Harold Lovell? We left that pain and suffering behind us when we voted you out of office in June of 2014.. You Flap,You Flap,You Flap.Never again will you see political office in this Island.We are retiring you and Wilmouth Daniel once and for all.. Good bye.

    • Not so fast. Tonight, I heard a recording of the Prime Minister in which the Prime Minister says that he is going to implement some of Harold’s policies. If Harold FLAP, why is the PM, THE COGGER-IN-CHIEF stealing Harold’s ideas. Especially since the ABLP has already written their ideas in their manifesto.

  4. Okay so when Lovell cut all of these taxes from Government coffers, where the hell he go find money to pay backpay to public servants and to give public servants a raise and pensioners??? really???Come on man who Lovell think he fooling? This is why I cannot vote for UPP because Lovell CANNOT be Prime Minister. Maybe if Joanne was the leader but no Lovell.

    • Hmmmm and Really. Do you have a chrystal ball. If Gaston were so confident why does the ABLP have to litter the country with red plastic around every lamppost in the country. The washing machines, microwave ovens, laptops etc. WHY the need for the inducements. I’ll tell you why! Because Gaston is a failure and he has to try to secure votes. Note, I said, TRY.
      Gaston is so insecure. That is why he behaves like a bully.

  5. Mr. Lovel, you and UPP had a chance to manage the affairs of this country and you blew it….Yes we had the confidence in yours/Spencer’s team & We needed a change back then in 2004 but you & your team could not handle the change….. UPP priorities were set wrong… You guys came into power with hate, lies, and a vendetor to attack the birds….. Your team’s focus was set on the 28 years prior to your party’s tenure instead of focusing on what you had ahead of you to manage the affairs of our country…. Sorry Lovel we cant take a second chance with you & your team…..You have a beautiful face & great personal decor but I dont believe you & your present team are ready to run our affairs…..It was sad to see that Baldwin Spencer as a leader was undermind likewise Joanne Massiah, Malaaka Parker, & Anthony Stewart until finally they had to exit from the party…. Even On the big issues yesterday, one of your high esteem colleagues indicated that the members of the UPP party did not give Mr. Spencer, true justice. It was also mentioned that UPP has retrogressed….Sad!!! Power really corrupts…. This is why we are now seeing an implosion of the UPP… Clearly UPP are FAILURES!!!!!

    • If the UPP are failures, why is Gaston stealing Harold’s ideas. I heard a recording of the Prime Minister tonight in which the Prime Minister said he will be implementing some of Harold’s policies.
      The interesting thing about it is that the ABLP cannot say it was their idea because these novel policies are not in their manifesto. I GUESS THE UPP SHOULD BE COMPLIMENTED. They say imitation is the best form of flattery

  6. The only chance UPP would have is when they dump their leader and get somebody in there with leadership skills. This time they finish, but it will also be the end of Lovell’s political career. He finish, too.

  7. Gaston Browne admits that he has not completed some of his promises but he just announced that he will implement all the promises that Lovell just announced. My question is, why cut your term short and squander time that you legitimately have, and then ask for more time that you did not earn? You are not speaking to unintelligent people. The ABLP Manifesto has already been released, so are wevto believe an amended version of the 2018 Manifesto? There are some serious credibility issues here!

    • Gaston is a failure. Plain and simple. I would like to use another word to describe him but it would be unkind.

      • Hey if it is one thing about you Barbara you is the bravest UPP supporter on this site. You just nah k. You will defend your party to the end. Thanks for the daily laughs 😂. Your comments always crack me up😅😅😅

        • Ohhh. You call it bravery, I call it honest. The ABLP operatives on this site believe that the ABLP commands more support in the general population than is really the case. You think you own the knowledge. I am here to let you know that you don’t.
          One question for you, why is Gaston copying Harold?

          • SMDH lady you sound like a broken record. I wonder if your party loses at the poll what would you say…

  8. Gaston Browne is an utter failure. He had a one hundred million dollar surplus last year. Now he has a budget with a 400 deficit. Poor management. By the way, what happened to the ONE BILLION IN CIP MONEY

    • Paying back the IMF, Vensuela and who ever else the UPP borrowed from. The former finance minster who is now the leader of the UPP went on a borrowing spree during his tenure, and then he stop paying back the loans all together in 2014. Maybe he saw the writing on the wall that time and now when on stage last night to talk a whole heap of BS as if the people of Antigua and Barbuda are stupid enought to trust him again. Oh I forgot to mention to let Sandals have their way and give them 60% of the ABST collected and also give Butch Stewart and his ganag Long Bay Beach to “build” beaches and deny the locals access to the beach.

      • Do an inventory of the amounts that Gaston has borrowed. put it on one side of the paper. List the amounts that Harold has borrowed. Then make your assessment.
        Point to consider, why is the Prime Minister stealing Harold’s vision. I heard the pm say that he will be implementing some of Harold’s ideas. Harold make a brilliant speech on Sunday, I guess the PM was impressed

  9. I think Lovell had to much of the “GOOD BUSH”. His plans are RECKLESS!!! His plans are a recipe for disaster. No way is he in his right mind. I would never believe if someone come and say he was in his right mind!!!

    • Did you hear Gaston today say that he was going to implement some of Harold’s policies. Will you now have a change of heart because the world boss has given you permission

  10. Ms G and The UPPITES acolytes…. Do you know the worst financial decisions even made by Antiguan finance minister? Hear are 2 clue’s…. Abolishing PIT & IMF loan? Who are they? Who created the worst financial performance in their term? Which one? Who destroyed the middle class in Antigua? Are you aware before 2004 we the leading economy in the OECS? Who was responsible for the failure’s? Do you know that Antigua & Barbuda economy is the fastest growing in your neck-of-hood? Just a couple years ago can is the best in this hemisphere? Continue too purge your consciences…. caused when have nothing to say about the country you claimed to come love and cherish..on election day all right thinking Antiguans and Barbudans is going to teach you a lesson that will stick in you’ll haters… Stop throwing mud they are we working….

  11. The facts can speak for themselves, ABLP did not bring anything new on the table they only completed some of the projects that UPP started. It is clear that Gaston and the ABLP crew are all about themselves to a great extent….We will not give up because Hope will be delivered by UPP!

    • Lol. What a joke same can be said about the UPP they key ALP projects to perfect example Heritage Quay and Nevis Street pier. I say no more

        The airport
        The stadium
        The new Treasury Building
        ADOMS Building
        School Meals programme
        Five Major hotels
        40 hotels owned by Antiguams
        The Miracle mile
        ETC. ETC. ETC

  12. Furthermore UPP had introduced the Construct Antigua and Barbuda Initiative program where all first time homeowners could get a tax break to build or repair a house but the Gaston Brown régime came and messed up that program….it is time for them to go and let UPP deliver hope to the people here.

    • Perhaps if Gaston used this we would have had more than the 48 expensive sinking houses at Dredge Bay.
      500 houses in 500 days. Even Peter Wickham, the paid ABLP pollster called it a colossal failure.

  13. Jean G… Answer the easy questions and then will you attained a passing grade…. same old outta tunes sounds staled…. me Nam dance again to the UPPITES tricks -a-economics….no way pupa…..

    • That is a thoughtful question and I applaud the decency of Former Prime Minister for admitting that the UPP campaign in 2014 was not the best. The ABLP also had a great campaign with convincing promises. 500 houses in 500 days, lower taxes, more investments etc.
      Sadly, we all now know that Gaston was selling a lie. At that time, the population bought the lie.
      What we now see is buyer’s remorse!

  14. Lard Barbara tek in easy Jack ya party so confidence so why you hurting ya fingers posting on every articles on this site but hey who am I to stop you. Keep at it the more you post the more laughs I get

    • UPP all the way on election day. Can’t tek the disrespect from a so call Prime Minister stomach not so strong mek me warn fu vomit when me hear he talk to people the way he does. What is even more disgusting is when I see people line up like hungry beggars waiting with out-stretched hands to see the Prime Minister. Does this not show the poverty the Prime Minister has in his constituency? SHAME… SHAME…. SHAME….. but that’s how their supporters like it.

      If he were to win the next election supporters or not are you go get kick in a aryou face.

  15. ANSWER TO B.
    I make you uncomfortable because you believe that everyone must identify with the behavior of a mad man. The Hitler, the Cusser-in-Chief. So sorry if I hit a nerve. But you know that a PM that has to steal ideas from a rival; a PM whose vision for Antigua is FLAP; FLAP; FLAP, A PM that mysteriously secures letters from statutory organizations to try, note I said, try to discredit others, is a failure. And that is what Gaston is. A failure


  16. Gaston Browne admits he is out of ideas by saying that he will copy Mr Lovell’s.His manifesto is vague.
    His supporters have to face the facts,not one new thing has happened under the ablp.they went and borrowed money for a new school when the five islands school was there.They have FAILED and spent 4billion dollars foolishly.VOTE UPP

  17. I agree with Barbara why you implementing a next man idea .If u have anyballs you would be sticking to your manifesto promises .this is like we in school and scappy of others book.and Barbara is not alone I’m a non national and I’m eating with her.you all need to open ur eyes and stop look with it closed

  18. You people still at it wow you guys just don’t let up do you. Keep fighting the good fight hope y’all parties will rewards y’all properly 😂😂 me go to me bed my brain need to restart from all the dunceness I read today

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