UPP Denies Involvement in Alfa Nero Legal Action



The United Progressive Party (UPP) denies Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s claim that the Opposition is behind Yulia Guryeva Motlokhov’s pursuit of justice in U.S. courts.

In March 2023, UPP MPs walked out of Parliament, protesting insufficient time to review amendments allowing the government to seize and sell the Alfa Nero.

In a press release, the party strongly condemns Browne for misleading the public on the matter.

The UPP has consistently opposed the vessel’s sale, insisting that any proceeds be held in escrow for future claims or allocated to rebuilding Ukraine. The party also rejected government attempts to gain their support by offering to fund constituency projects.

Since July 2023, the UPP said it repeatedly questioned the government about the sale, the buyer, and the disbursement of funds, but claims PM Browne has not provided transparency.

No details of the sale, including the vessel’s supposed beneficial owners or the breakdown of funds, have been disclosed to Parliament or the public, the UPP said in its release.

The UPP calls on PM Browne to stop making baseless accusations and to provide full disclosure on the Alfa Nero transaction.






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  1. Everytime shit hits the fan is UPP? PM do you take responsibility for anything? Remind him again that UPP walked out, due to lack of transperancy.

    It come back to bite you in your ass Mr PM? Be sure you’re sins will find you out.

    • They walked out due to DUNCENESS and not knowing how to debate!!! If the top clack and emptyhead, what u expect from the battum?

    • Please be reminded that the HON. LARS JAMALE PRINGLE is the DULY ELECTED Leader of the UPP. He is the CHOSEN ONE to lead the UPP to victory in the next general elections. It does not matter what you think, feel or have to say. The Convention results still stand! Stop your crying and join the battle to overthrow Gaston.

  2. Well well is now I see for real that Pringle is a PRESS RELEASE PUPPET LEADER!!! Not once he call a press conference and entertain questions from journalists. What is he afraid of?

    Always hiding behind Man Cow pants suit

  3. What that has to do with the boat how stupid can u do just tell the leaders to do the right thing about the boat story

  4. @Crossroads & Rovi
    It did not take long to turn this into a political slug fest. .
    The choices we are left with, are a sad indicator of the Antigua and Barbuda society.
    Neither Pringles or Browne are fit. Let’s be honest. One is a dunce and thecitger is a thief .
    Jamaica is a economic basket case and among the most dangerous counties, because it’s electorate got caught up in the policial rivalries.
    Jamaica should be a lesson for all of the Caribbean.
    The violence has reached our shores. The kidnapping and unsolved murders are piling up.
    The Country is faced with a Billion Dollar lawsuits, now being blamed on the opposition party.
    The legal paperwork ascerts The Prime Minister Gaston Browne is worth USD$700 million
    This is not the currupt Eastern Caribbean Courts.
    When it all comes out, and and ANTIGUA and Barbuda ends up with a Billion USD debt that will be the outcome. When the IMF is in charge as a result; who are you going to blame. Pringle, Giselle or the UPP?
    Will it be their fault?

  5. Why did the UPP even comment! Theft and greed are what caused this debacle; not for Antigua, as the thieves want us to believe but for them and their beneficiaries. This is not even nearly their first rodeo.

  6. @Rovi,
    While I agree with the question: Why did the UPP comment?
    In this environment of the deft and the dumb, they are being accused of causing the problem.
    If when the Investigators appear in Antigua and Barbuda two years ago, with trove of information already; and start asking questions. All the parties involved clamup.
    The UPP are like the people who go into a sweety shop and can’t afford anything. Their satisfaction is to admire all the goods in the shop
    It was not because the Investigators felt the Opposition would have something new to disclose.
    It was just for a show in the Document for The Request for Disclosure.

    With an island filled with dummies where
    everything is political. Of course the Opposition Party is responsible for the lawsuit.

  7. Again UPP, you don’t have to talk, just sit back and let these people deal with their own foolishness. Let us the voters do the talking, and just sit back and relax.
    You have nothing to prove in this Gatson Browne fiasco.

  8. I Totally agree with the commentators on here, that they’ve recognised that it’s better for the UPP to stay silent on this particular matter.

    The ABLP are in deep deep excrement at this present time, and bringing up the UPP’S name in this Alpha Nero fiasco is just pure distraction.

    I also concur with @ Be Honest when he highlights the nastiness in politics that occurred in Jamaica 🇯🇲back in the day when the two main parties were at each others throats with nasty political claims and counter claims, that eventually led to Jamaicans suffering economic damage, that spiralled into violence.


    To the UPP politicians, please take heed.

    Napoleon Bonaparte once famously said:

    “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”

    Wise words indeed …

  9. Strange that UPP says they do not know the owner of the boat. Their partner in crime has publicly stated her investigators found that the owner is Robert Yildirim and Ali Riza Yildirim of the Yildirim Group while still claiming it belongs to her

  10. @ Tenman, you keep clutching at straws.🤣

    Bwoi, I must buy some more popcorn 🍿 beers 🍻 and delicious bullfoot soup 🥣 … hmmmm 😋

  11. UPP too lie jack. Not a comment from them about SHUGY BOAT THAT HE BOUGHT WITH DONATED CAMPAIGN MONEY 💰🤑💰

  12. The Prime Minister and Ambassador Max Hurst will have a lot to say.
    The Prime Minister is between a rock and a hard place.
    So are the the others who are implicated in implecated this case

    The Request for is Discovery mentions the Prime Ministers wealth, that he has always boasted about; is at risk.
    In these type of high stakes litigations his wife Maria Bird Browne may turn against him.
    No amount of coaching by Anthony Asterphan and Cutie Benjamin will help her, when she is being deposed under oath. She lies to protect herself and her husband, and game over.
    She purgers herself then that opens the door for a default judgement.
    She will be rattled in the first hour of what can be a 3 to 4 Deposition

    Turning up the criticism and blaming UPP people like saying the dog eat my homework.
    If the unnamed Investigators happen to be Kroll Associates, this will be life changing for the Prime Minister.

    These UPP people need to keep their mouths closed, otherwise they will be blamed for how hot is the sun, as where this lawsuit goes.

    The Government says the original files have been misplaced. Courts do not accept the idea of misplaced files.
    If you don’t have the files then it’s a Default Judgement.

    ANTIGUA and Barbuda will be responsible for the requested amounts of dollars bring sued for; plus expenses when the lawsuit in New York is only about files.

    Once the records are uncovered though the Discovery filings. Those records will be used for the real lawsuit in Russia.

    The Russian lady is likely to win in Russia
    and possibly the Privy Council

    It’s the lawsuit in Dubai that will hurt the Prime Minister personally, for that’s the conduit for his boastful riches, and the US do not like money lauderers.

  13. Tennan,
    Welcome back. You seem to be suffering from dislexia.
    You can’t know something before you know it.
    The rightful owner of the boat found out through the investigation ordered by her attorneys as to who the boat was sold to.
    UPP like all others find out from the Request for Discovery
    Gaston, his Cabinet his associates and legal advisors thought this was a done deal.

    So what if the UPP knew? What was the secret ?

    Maybe you and others should bring a lawsuit to find out how and when UPP knew who the new owners are.

    Conduct your investigation and ask for Discovery so you can find out and then tell the world.

    It’s all UPPs fault. You all!

  14. I keep on saying that the UPP is not politically smart at all, most Antiguans know the party is not involved in this sordid affair, it’s only the Lickspittle Brigade that is pushing this foolishess even though most of them know it’s not true. They need to put the heat where it rightfully belong at the head and feet of Gaston Browne

  15. Politics does strange things to people They see a 6 and take it for a 9.

    We will see who are the partners in crime after the depositions are complete.

    Don’t rob the bank, and blame your ex-lover because you are now enemies.

  16. @Tenman: Boi, you really stuck your head out from under Gaston’s kilt to spew this shit? You’re like the educated dunce who wants to join an intellectual conversation, so you open your mouth and the shit smell reach those around you noses before the sound of your words reach their ears. Tenman boi, that’s some powerful shit. You can bottle that, market and sell it, as Sophisticated Flatulent – the Cologne of Idiots.


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