In yet another desperate attempt to stem the tide rising against him, Prime Minister Gaston Browne, once again, is resorting to blatant lies about the United Progressive Party (UPP).
The UPP is fully conscious that Mehul Choksi’s purported wealth is the subject of criminal accusations in his native India, and the Party categorically denies Browne’s fabrication that Mr. Choksi funded its 2018 elections campaign.
Further, the Party refutes any allegation that it solicited or received any gifts from Mr. Choksi and his family.
Political Leader Harold Lovell has never met or even had a conversation with Mr. Choksi, and has never designated anyone to solicit or receive funds from him, in the past or present.
Opposition Leader Jamale Pringle has had no interaction with the Choksi family and has never promised any representation of their interests in Parliament.
It is public knowledge that Mr. Choksi received Antigua & Barbuda citizenship in 2017 under the Gaston Browne Administration and took up residence here in January 2018, just two months ahead of the General Elections.
Accordingly, the Party asks the public:
- Who, and which political party, would have been in the position to solicit and receive campaign funds from a reputed billionaire businessman?
- Was the granting of Mr. Choksi’s citizenship timed to coincide with the Antigua Labour Party’s election campaign?
- And how many times did Prime Minister Browne and Mr. Choksi meet ahead of the 2018 polls?
Having amended the legislation governing the Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP), Prime Minister Gaston Browne and his Executive have ensured that the names of persons who receive status by this route remain secret.
In fact, by a 2020 amendment – and using the excuse of the COVID-19 pandemic – the Browne Administration made it possible for applicants to become Investment citizens without having to show themselves in person at all.
Given these realities, the UPP asks:
- Who and which political party are in the position to identify and access wealthy individuals and receive campaign contributions?
The United Progressive Party’s advocacy in the Choksi matter is not for the individual facing accusations in India. Rather, the UPP is advocating – and will continue to advocate – for respect of the rule of law and the Constitution, which, together, protect citizens from abuse by the State.
Accordingly, we will resist all efforts by PM Browne and others to “spin” our good-governance position into fabrications to shore up their political slippage.
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Ha ha ha ,
There are reports from India that this private jet from qatar has come with USD $25 Millions. There have been deal with PM Browne for choksi to send to India.
I believe you are talking to LYAD Harold LOVELL. Hon.Gaston Browne best Prime Minister in the WORLD.
I personally would not expect this of the UPP as they are the party of saints.
UPP is the most corrupt Party in the CARIBBEAN.
Oh yes true saints. Just remember the John Ashe scandal. The monies were traced back to the PM Spencer who had to admit receiving the monies from the Chinese businessmen and woman. And so did Edmund Mansoor. And the Party admitted having received the monies. And remember these monies were brought in personally, breaching all laws of money laundering. And in 2004 when Stanford was asked if he gave campaign monies to the UPP, his answer was to ask Mr. Spencer. But I can tell you firsthand Stanford gave to both parties. But to the UPP more because he was tired of dealing with Asot Michael. And it was all channeled through ABIB with a prominent business family fronting as the middleman. Cause Stanford cannot be seen making any campaign contributions under USA laws. Foreign Corrupt Act. After the 2004 election we saw one of their biggest local sponsors Azis Hadeed jumping with them as they defeated the ALP. All again because they wanted Asot out the picture. Common enemy with Stanford. When you have common enemy you form aliances.
If you really think Choksi was giving UPP money, then you are a fool. The UPP is not in government and can do nothing to help him. I have re-read your post and can’t figure out your purpose for writing it. I have read these very postings from you before. What happen you have run out of ideas?
UPP get caught with Their pants down AGIAN. What so you CHARLES TABOR and DESERT ROSE ??? HYPOCRITES
Eric the Red who goes by the other names
Rupert Mann, Woman and Child
and many others.
If you believe anything Gaston says then I bet you believe in Santa Claus. Gaston makes a statement. He produces no evidence. And you believe it.
Thank God that most of Antigua knows that Gaston is a LIAR.
By the way. Have you seen the tape by Vere Bird. Shows that Gaston LIE, LIE, LIE,
Gaston say he never met Choksi. But people see Gaston having conversations with Choksi.
Gaston is just spewing sh.. which is what he is good at. In order to deflect from himself, he accuses other people of doing what he has done. When this man opens his mouth no one should take what comes out of his mouth seriously. Who is in government and can help Choksi? Not UPP. So why would he give UPP money?
All politicians on both sides are liars…..
I think Gaston doth protest too much….. The Choxsi matter will reveal much, and the ALP will be left with egg covered faces…. Shame Shame Shame on the ALP led by PM Browne…
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