UPP condemns show of force in Barbuda


The United Progressive Party today strongly condemned the action taken in Barbuda by the Police yesterday and deems it to be intimidatory.

The UPP in a statement said it stands in solidarity with the Council Chairman, Wade Burton, and the “right- thinking Barbudans in protecting the right of the Council to autonomy and decision-making in this instance.”

We also view the “invasion” of armed police officers – on the Lord’s Day, no less – to be unnecessarily aggressive and calculated to instill fear into the peaceful residents of our sister-island.

The Party further supports and commends the initiatives taken by the Council to advance and protect their fishing industry, the only viable livelihood in the wake of last year’s devastating hurricane and Government’s patent unwillingness to assist the rebuilding effort.

“We implore the police authorities to reconsider any acts that might lead to physical conflict and that might seek to impair the ability of the Council to execute its lawful mandate.

Any escalation in tensions or physical harm coming to the residents of Barbuda will serve only to further tarnish the image of the country and do irreversible damage to the already fragile relationship between the two islands,” the statement said.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne and Public Safety Minister Cutie Benjamin should be guided accordingly.

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  1. I strongly believe that an alternative place to house the Police is in the best interest of all reasonable persons and parties concerned.

    I also strongly believe that Trevor Walker should be arrested for holding on to the keys of a Government owned facility. The ridiculous argument that the Japanese gave the facility to the people of Barbuda is a fallacy. This was a donation to the people of Antigua & Barbuda. If a facility is built in St. John’s City South constituency, this is not an indication that it being owned by the residents in that constituency. That is ludicrous. We are also treading on a dangerous and unconstitutional path, when the BPM members believe that what is in Barbuda is for Barbudans, but what is in Antigua is for Antiguans & Barbudans. This selfish trend of thought has destroyed many marriages and will definitely sour the relations among our people. Stop the foolishness!

    The UPP, struggling for relevance after the decimation in March, seem to be grasping at a straw in deep waters. Unfortunately, a single straw cannot keep you afloat. Anything to oppose the Gaston Brown administration seem to be fair ground for the sour losers, who have lost touch with the electorate, and also losing touch with logic and reality. It’s time to tell your friends when they are wrong.

    • Dude, read the constitution. Or ask the chief fisheries officer if they have control over Barbuda fisheries, see what the answer is.

      • Last time my dunce as read that fisheries complex was built by the govt. of Japan on behalf of the govt. of ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA not the BARBUDA COUNCIL. Chups! Dont kno why the pm dont leave them alone and tap given them.money from the centeral govt.

  2. If it is true that Columbus would recognize Dominica if he were to come back, the same would be said of Barbuda people as they remained as backward as ever!

    • Backward because they want to have a facility that is authorized for EU exports of Lobster? You’re a duncy bat for real.

  3. Is that a shirtless boy I’m seeing in the pic? Are they at the beach? Why is he shirtless and everyone else clothed?

  4. Nothing but sabotage. Now that the deracinated imbeciles have returned home and are trying to rebuild and protect their fishing industry, their only source of income, why not help them help themselves? They can relocate law enforcement to a makeshift shelter, so that the Barbudans can make a living. All of this focus on the Constitution. But where is the basic common sense?

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