Chairman of the United Progressive Party (UPP) D.Gisele Isaac is scoffing at yet another promise by a foreign government – the Dominican Republic – to construct a school on Barbuda.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne recently held bilateral discussions with Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader about deepening the cooperation between both countries, given their strong historical and economic ties.
Reportedly, during their talks, President Abinader reiterated to Prime Minister Browne that his government will move swiftly to allocate funds for the construction of a school in Barbuda.
Over five years ago – after Hurricane Irma had devastated Barbuda in September 2017 – it was reported that the Government of the Dominican Republic had agreed to build a new school on the sister- island to replace the damaged Holy Trinity School.
However, Isaac says the only primary school operational on Barbuda is the same one – which the Council had been forced to repair after the Government dragged its feet on a new facility.
Accordingly, she says she does not put much faith in this project getting off the ground, since, allegedly, monies were spent already on preliminary work and no school was constructed.
The UPP chairman believes the meeting between the two heads was just another talk shop, which will not produce any results.
During the Category 5+ Hurricane Irma, a number of buildings at Holy Trinity were destroyed.
Two government officials, an architect and engineer from the Dominican Republic, had suggested constructing a new primary school at a different location on Barbuda – not as close to the lagoon, since flooding would likely occur during hurricanes and storms.
As a result, a new site – 15 feet above sea level and very close to the Sir McChesney George School – was selected.
It was noted, then, that construction would last for four months, and the new school was scheduled to be completed by Christmas 2018. At that time, the Browne Administration also said that the school to be built by the donor government would double as a hurricane
shelter, accommodating as many as 600 people.
Allegedly, the Dominican Republic had spent US$1.5 million on drawings, soil testing, purchasing of building supplies, and readying the materials for shipment to Barbuda.
Reportedly, consultations had already been undertaken with the Barbuda Council, and a town hall meeting had been held with the people.
After the Council saw that it was taking too long for construction to take place, and the primary school children remained displaced, it undertook the repair of the Holy Trinity School, which was completed and opened in January 2020.
The Browne Administration had made strong objections to the Council effecting repairs on the school.
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School with red lights.
The more I read about the Honourable D. Gisele Isaacs, the more I would like to see her lead this country in the future.
She is Antigua’s version of Barbados’ 🇧🇧 Honourable Leader, Mia Mottley.
Ms Isaacs says what she means, and means what she say. She always reminds the opposition about their broken manifesto promises; this UPP Chairwoman is out and about communicating with the citizens of the country; and more importantly, she will put Antigua & Barbuda first.
Keep holding this government to account 👏🏾
Gwan sing foo you din din
No need to @ bertaboi, I’m a self-made business man.
Try it sometime 😁
You have no business! You say you invest in the stock market for yourself. That’s not a business. Also, Gisele had 4 government jobs at the same time under the UPP. She could not even let a young person be Pringle’s research officer, she tek dat. I’m always weary of people who accumulate wealth through government. Most of them have no capacity to flourish in the private sector.
Anyway by the time this next 4 years of this ABLP term finishes, you will be better than Luciano Pavarotti. I did not realize ANR was an Opera house. You singing day and night on here.
Brixtonian “singing day and night”, yep, that’s right, and I won’t stop singing until Antigua & Barbuda gets the leadership they deserve.
@ bertaboi, “🎶 Sing Mi Ah Song … Yeahhh!🎶”
Have you been to imf’s barbados? Thank God ABLP won the last Elections……
Please explain yourself @ Iman, instead of throwing out useless SOUNDBITES (so I can check for myself) like the rest of the ABLP acolytes and Gastonites. Sheesh!
Is this a subliminal way of saying that Jamaule Pringle along with his collegues are not fit to lead? Anyway perhaps in her next life yr dreams may come through
Look at you @ Bluddy Bloke, using words like “SUBLIMINAL” (and in context as well. Damn!), I’m almost impressed.
You’ll be quoting Latin and Greek phrases next?
Keep it up boss 😁
You are just a brown nose. You have your whole face up you know what !!! UPP does not want you in Their party. Everyday you are singing for your supper. Nobody in Antigua trust you. D.GISEL ISAAC is the most DISLIKED , ONESIDED woman in Antigua you are praising Her….Give me a break. BRIXTONIAN find yourself a job and stop your STUPIDITY. Shame on you.
Richard Lewis watch out fu dis 💄 🐖 🐷 she min warnt Limpy Joe IMF Pimp fu be PM. She still can’t tek u Richard. So careful.
Is she skeptical of JACKIE and DOTSIE???? Poor Taddy
@Giles..Please give BRIXTONIAN a break. He wants to stay relevant. He is a LONER and likes when you mention His name.
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