As the United Nations and the Government of Norway recognize Antigua & Barbuda’s achievement in banning harmful plastics, the United Progressive Party (UPP) is challenging Environment Minister Molwyn Joseph and the Antigua Labour Party Administration to go further.
The UPP calls attention to the number of light poles that are still wrapped in red plastic more than one year after the General Elections of March 2018. A drive between the Southern villages and Fig Tree Drive will reveal that, as well as plastic, many of these poles are still plastered with political posters that do nothing to enhance the environment.
The Party also believes the removal of the plastic streamers flying above several streets in St. John’s City is long overdue.
While the UPP supports the recent introduction of litter bins in the downtown area, it also calls for a concerted effort at public education in the separation of waste and proper recycling practices.
It also urges the Minister of the Environment to place adequately sized waste bins at all bus stops, where unsightly garbage tends to lie, uncollected, sometimes for months at a time.
Finally, as the world celebrates with us our so-called advances in protecting the environment, the UPP calls attention to the contradictory and callous treatment of the Northeast Marine Management Area.
There, the native flora, fauna and marine life are now under threat on account of the wanton destruction of their natural habitats by YIDA – removing protective mangroves, altering the shoreline, and threatening the fishing industry….
We ask the Minister and his government exactly how the preceding examples comport with the objectives of the “Play It Out” concert to be staged on Saturday.
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What a cheap shot …come better….running out of ideas or what!!!
Running out of? No. They already ran out.
This is a lame attempt to clutch at straws right before drowning.
Who is advising Harold? I’m afraid they are just making it easier for the Labour party to stay in government.
Something is desperately wrong with the party. They need to reach out to the man who helped them with the “Government In The Sunshine” campaign of 2004.
Perfect timing. Perfect moment….just like protesting at Heritage Quay in the presence of visitors. Well done Harold Lovell. You are on your way to becoming PM of this country.
Lovell will never be PM of this country. Some day we may see a UPP government again, but Lovell will not be heading it. He’s from another time. He put in a lot of hard work, and the people recognize that, but his time is over. The guy doesn’t even hold a seat in Parliament. He’s been kicked to the curb again and again. Time to move on. Life is hard some times.
@CErmle funny a similar thing was said about Sir Lester in reference to him winning his seat.
Who would have thought Trump would become the US president?
Anything is possible.
But for certain the UPP will not contest another general election in Antigua and Barbuda again.
Lovell day done. Finish. Time for a new face and new ideas. Maybe they just need a whole new party.
Contradictory practices is what A*LP do best. They should be made to pay back every penny of environmental funds they got because they are just laughing at these people handing out good money to scammers governments.
Will the UPP and the rest ‘Faithful’ Nationals be protesting at the show tomorrow? It would be a wonderful time since for them to get gobal exposure😂😂😂
Sure this news item was not intended to offend the sense of purpose of this ‘…group of intelligent men and women.’
But ignoring far more important national issues, ‘…social and economic,’ to concentrate on what an international organization and a foreign country have shown particular interest, makes the group, to all intents and purposes, seen as ‘…gravitating only to eradication of a particular colored plastic.’
Leaving out hunger, what about ‘…African snails; …rats; …stray dogs; …fleas; …mosquitoes; …sand flies and fire ants?’
Everyone looks so nash
U tink e easy fu march inna hat sun and have ppl questioning your patriotism and level of common sense? You think it easy to DELIVER HOPE and get such a bang arf? You tink e easy fu can’t wait fu see de back a Baldwin Spencer coz u couldn’t wait to become leader and then Antigua neargah reject you and Melford bang u? U tink e easy? E nah easy tarl tarl.
Who feels it knows it.
behave jack… local lingo
You,ll need to move yourselves off the scene completely..RU look tired tired..
No Lamin Newton in the photo? Also Dr. David Hinds and Peter Wickham are of the view that the UPP desperately needs new leadership or it will NOT win the general elections. Gisele Isaac disagreed with their viewpoint. She is certain that Lovell is THE man to lead the UPP to victory abd by extension this nation.
P.S. – thus far Cortwright Marshall is doing a shitty job as Damani Tabor’s successor.
And Gregory “Driftwood” Athill better make sure they don’t see him at Chet Greene yard ever again. No wonder Lovell thinks he is a Labour party mole moonlighting as a UPP candidate. One more strike for Driftwood and then they dump his ass. His 1st strike was writing that letter voicing his disapproval of the Heritage Quay pickets. Said lettee was leaked to the media. Just like they themselves leaked the video of Lamin gathering his thoughts.
Lovell will smile to your face then stab you in the back.
“Lovell will smile to your face then stab you in the back.”
So true. I have said that many times before. He always find someone to throw under the bus. And if it is not a bus it will be a plane.
Oh dear,what faded glory.From the pinnacle of success in 2004,to a group of swizzled looking pathetic minions living in the shadow of the past,Cant even find something constructive to oppose.
sounds like the removal of the RED plastic will be the deciding factor come next elections. Not even economic growth and job creation will weigh so significantly in the minds of voters as will the RED PLASTIC.
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth.” Plato!
The Medium is The Massage! Shooting the Messenger validates the Message you are ignoring which is in plain view daily! Do something about it! Remember that whatever you put up with, you will surely end up with!
By constantly attacking those who disagree and their Leader, you are not only shooting the messenger, you are massaging and messaging the the Leader!
That GoAB has been a Leader on improving the environment cannot be gainsaid! Notwithstanding the Stellar Successes, we must remain vigilant and act with dispatch when lapses are found!
In This the International Decade for People of African Descent, we must “intersect ideas with actions and actions with ideas on the basis of what is pejorative and ineffective and what is creative and transformative at the political and economic levels!”
Frenchie, what are you trying to say anyway? Can’t you speak in clear English for a change? Thank you sir.
The English is clear. It’s just not for commoner. Or Grays Farm Negar
The UPP is grasping at straws. Let Us remember that the UPP must find something to OPPOSE.Is this the UPP slate going into the next ELECTION ? What a JOKE. ABLP will DEFINITELY win all the seats including Barbuda. Can you really match this bunch of INEXPERIENCE Persons against the ABLP slate. As Mr. Knight from Observer Radio stated that the UPP slate is “OLD WINE IN BROKEN BOTTLE”. How is the PICKETING going? I think They ran out of steam. Does not matter GLOBAL PORT IS HEAR TO STAY. ANTIGUA and BARBUDA on the move in a BIG BIG WAY. i listened to Mrs. Potter on the Snake Pit and She is out of tune with reality. She does not want to address anything positive about this Administration.. She Not a Person to have on your team. You need somone who is broad minded on the issues. ABLP is the BEST Team to Govern Antigua and Barbuda.
The Members of the U P P look very very tired. Very worn OUT. NO HOPE.
Some nice pepperpot with widdy-widdy bush can help to strengthen them back and belly.
John French 11
Please write so that We can understand what You are trying to say.
It’s a little bit of Parables.-lol.. In short i think he is saying the message to remove the plastics should be heeded,and those sending out the request should not be castigated for so doing.. His views are respected,but those opposers will always get their messages shot down,because they do not send out messages for the good of the nation,but for the sake of opposing all and sundry,they must oppose ,they have no moral authority..
Just take a spliff and read it again, and it will all get clear to you. The man is on a higher height. When Jesus was speaking in parables they didn’t understand him either. it took the Holy Spirit to teach them. When you re high you see things like the Most High
LMAO! That was deep. You encouraging people to chant down Babylon just to interpret some parables?
What needs to be removed is that thing at East Bus Station that blocks the breeze and ruined the sporting lives of our youngsters who once used that space to engage in healthy activities. How about dat?
Rawlston Pompey
You are correct. The U P P should focus on REAL issues and NOT grasping on straws. They should take heed and listen to Peter Wickam.They need a complete New Party. MAYBE the FAITHFUL NATIONAL ??????
To quote Mr. Knight from the SNAKE PIT….The U P P is “OLD WINE IN BROKEN BOTTLE”.They look very very tired.
The Chairman of the UPP voiced her public disagreement with the sentiments echoed by Peter Wickham and Dr. Hinds regarding their opinion of the UPP needing NEWNESS.
Leave it to Gisele Isaac-Arindell to lead Lovell and the UPP on to victory.
What a team for FAILURE ” GISELE ISAAC and LOVELL”great combination doom for FAILURE.
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