A uniform resembling that of missing 9-year-old Chantel Crump has reportedly been discovered at the home of a suspect in the case. Sources indicate that her knapsack was also found at the location.
Reports suggest that police uncovered the clothing while draining a cistern on the property in Glanvilles earlier today. Authorities continue to investigate, and Antigua News Room will provide further updates as the situation develops.
Chantel was abducted on Wednesday afternoon while walking home from school. Classmates reported seeing her enter a gray car, which is now in police custody along with its driver and owner.
There have been no confirmed sightings of the child since she disappeared.
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Great Job law enforcers. Keep it up and keep us posted thank you
So if they said they took the child to KFC. And brought her back home. How is it that the clothing and the backpack is at the suspect home? Did they brought her back home naked?
Wow, what did that criminal do to the girl?
So if that is indeed her uniform what does she have on then?
I don’t even want to say what it is I really want to say cause Antigua news might block me.
Vigilante justice I say
This is unbelievable a woman who can be a mother to a child is involved in such wickedness and she’s saying she drop the child home so what is the uniform and bag doing on yall property
Start bang them rass,mek them talk,
Police just give the parents 5 minutes with them and let them have their way because this is madness. God my heart aches. 🥲🥲🥲
That’s wickedness boi
Why are they dealing with them like they innocent!!!!! Just started give them some bbc lick to talk oh Hod mon why would u do that a child yow!!!!a rituals dem a performance???? Yow stop deal with them so soft!!!!! Start beat dem
That’s wickedness boi if you say that you bring the child kfc what the child uniform doing still in all car so what I want to know is the child go home naked oh Wa because mi don’t understand them ppl them ppl that take that little girl god going strict all you bad all you to wicked to ppl
They need to talk where she is why take her clothes offf are these couples doctors!!! Find out all details unuh dig deep
So shocking to everyone.. 😡☹️😱😬☹️☹️
Hang dem
These people need to be beaten badly and jailed for life
We need to know where the baby girl is!!!! Why would u throw a uniform in u tsnk an why haven’t these monsters fave showing
I totally agree
What kinda sick mindset can caused someone to do this. We cannot afford Antigua to become like other places where our kids cannot enjoy their childhood in peace.
We need to know who thry are show us ppl need to be aware!!!! Why would u take away a little girl
I hope this allegedly means you not sure. Because this little baby is so small. What could they have possibly done with her? She’s a kid.
Hang him by his balls. What the MC he do with the ppl child. Don’t let him out of your sight.
It is possible that some kind of satanic cult ritual might be taking place, and being practiced: as there is so much pagan beliefs being accepted for spiritual appeasement, and lack of pragmatic self knowledge that creates a void in spirituality; which leads people to venture into the underworld to satiate their want for acceptable knowledge of self, when faced with spiritual awakened awareness.
Lord let there be a good ending to all of this but honestly this nah look good so far. Why…..why would they have done this? I am sure that this poor child was not known to them. My heart aches at what might be before us. Please, please, please. I am trembling with fear.
These ppl think we fucking fooooly if u drop her home an u seee this advertising that she missing an u know u car then u should a know to come forth an say you drop her home!!!!! Why did u an u cranny man hide
Need fast answers from them don’t know what or where they put the child she might be in danger please let them talk quick quick the clock is ticking .
Please, please, please, hang them rass in Antigua Recreation Grounds as a lesson to all the would be criminals out there. We got to put a stop to this shit, who knows it might not even be the first time they have done this
Kill dem mothaskunt firing squad to be exact
Heartless people. Please officers hand them over to the public at VC bird statue so we can question them. I have some ideas.
They ate probably responsible for other missing persons too. Search every inch of that property dig the earth.
So wait, is now you all know woman can be wicked too? You all making joke.
Hey all r u dum dum r u for get Antigua 🇦🇬 has a stemcell place on fries hill road look we dum body parts let’s go back to sleep then just dream about stemcell or just say Google stemcell
These people can’t be Antìguan or Barbudan. The involvement of a woman in this abduction is most frightening. Was this child randomly selected? Why Gray’s Farm? The left Glanvilles in the east s.f traveled all the way west to Gray’s Farm. Such a brazen act High day. School not long dismissed so lots of children milling around. Did the car owner send the woman out to hunt for a victim? Did she lure the child into trap with the promise of KFC, every child’s delight? This is wickedness most foul
Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on Chantel Crump! Bring her home safely! Let not a strand of hair of her head be damaged! Comfort her.Lwt her know Jesus loves her and will take care of her! Comfort her parents! We join and agree with her in petition for her safety! Father, you said that if anyone so much as hurt one of Your little children, it s better for a millstone be tied around their neck and they be carried into the midst of the sea! Father, expose these perpetrators and let them give up Chantel! Give them no rest until they deliver up that child, Lord! Father, I pray for my country! Shut down the evil covens and occultic movements in our country! Save our people, Lord as we repent as a nation and turn from sin, in Jesus’ Holy name amen.
Criminals who commit crimes of this nature don’t just wake up one day and become a seasoned criminal. It’s obvious that crime rings of all varieties are operating in Antigua and just like the criminals who control them, they didn’t just pop up overnight. These criminal organizations have members from all walks of life. The island have already been infiltrated by organized crime decades ago.
There has to be more to this case than a kidnapping.
Not only are nine year olds street smart, they’re street wise too. She just didn’t get in that car to go to KFC with a stranger. Her parents and those closest to her must be thoroughly interrogated, as well. Law enforcement cannot allow emotions to derail their investigations.
Is this a ritual performed for the ppl to get rich? Clothes found no child. Wat could this child do to get her killed? Must be some ritual to gain wealth. They like to let go criminals and say not enough evidence. Smh
The fact that.other person.remains were found in the.east including.Paso burnt vehicle, they.know something about those cases. Question them.about then