Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it

Basil Springer

by Basil Springer

Too many parents bring children into this world because of a natural procreational activity without preparing themselves emotionally, mentally or practically for the important role as parents. There are “Parents as Teachers” programs available on the internet that promote optimal early development, learning and health of children by supporting parents and caregivers.


Qualified and experienced primary and secondary teachers and college and university professors should complement their skills by attending appropriate “Diploma in Education” programs which teach them how to teach.


For those trainers who are fortunate to have seasoned mentors in their lives, count your lucky stars and remember that you cannot buy experience, it is accumulated with the passage of time.


Training enhances the understanding of behavior patterns, ethics, decency, skills, capabilities, knowledge of children, adults, leaders, managers and the workforce.


Training of the trainers is paramount if we are to achieve business success, economic growth, peace and sustainability.

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