On Thursday 8th December at 2pm, hundreds of people will join the Prime Minister and Members of Cabinet to join in the opening of the Cargo Port at the Deep Water Harbour.
The Port was first built and dredged in 1968 by the then ALP Administration and has lasted 50 years.
The redevelopment and expansion of the Port will now allow it to engage in transshipment activities and centralized shipping services, making it the largest Cargo Port in the OECS.
The loan from the China ExIm Bank of 97million USD allowed for the improvements to take place, The Antigua Barbuda government negotiated a long moratorium along with concessionary interest rates.
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The more I see these sort of news the more I am reminded that #HFWL is a useful political idiot.
The more I see these sorts of developments the more I get angry at how the UPP wasted our money in things like the WPP US$57million, Unfinished Car park, $10Milion per mile roads around the stadium, $6K bathroom at Jasco, fencing scandal and roundabouts costing hundreds of thousands. They just have nothing tangible to show for all the monies they borrowed.
The more I see these sorts of developments, the more I know that we are SAFER WITH LABOUR!!!
A gathering of many thieves.
This is a good time to release some teargas and bullets just like what was done and 8/8/2021
Hiep hiep hiep for Gaston Browne
Gaston will turn this country around.
Listening to Gaston Browne during his speech on the opening of the deep water harbour, and how he insulted and berated some of the port workers for making over $100,000 a year when they are uneducated and unintelligent. I am sure these workers put in a lot of overtime for this money. He thinks the money is too much for them black people. This man does not respect black Antiguans. He can humiliate and insult Antiguans at will and some of them will still vote for him. A fooly them fooly so. This man is so arrogant and full of himself. He does not realize that the people he is insulting elected him.
Everything that Gaston and his family own was purchased with Antigua and Barbuda lands and that includes South Mall. Ask him how he paid for the building materials at South Mall
ALP bunch of thieves.
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