(Dashboard Update for January 22, 2021)
The most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Center (MSJMC) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) have revealed three new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Thursday 21st January 2021.
All one hundred and twenty-two samples processed by MSJMC yielded negative results while of the forty-five samples processed by CARPHA, forty-two were negative and three positive. The three new cases are non-imported. Investigations are ongoing and contact tracing and testing is in progress.
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is one hundred and ninety-five (195); which is inclusive of twenty-seven (27) active cases.
Meanwhile, one hundred and fifteen samples are pending.
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Oh nooooo!!!! Dashblard ya worn it is not 3 new cases its 3000 so says the internet expwrts🤣
Do you really think? It is not funny at all.Covid-19 is alive in Antigua like all places around the world.You folks had better take it seriously.
Me nar mek nun virus with one 98% survival rate nor the fear da media ah try instill inna people ruin my life. Media quick fu talk about how much dead but nar say nothing tarl bout how much recover. As soon as anything dem quick fu suggets lockdown and closed border. Me na work fu government who workers get pay ebery month. Me hab bill fu pay morgage dey bank and one 6 year old pikeny fu feed.
I second that
You’re so correct. COVID should be taken with the utmost seriousness because it is deadly, comes with high morbidity, potential long-term consequences we’ve yet to discover and it EASILY spread exponentially.
I don’t understand why this COVIDIOT person has to make light of a literal life-and-death situation
1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2 3,3,3 . I hate how at times they give the news with the covid cases. The details are incomplete
Hope we dont hear the stupidity of a new U.K strain non imported and its coming from U.k
Thanks to the incompetence and greed of the government
Father, please forgive the dumb and ignorant fools with whom I am willed to share my island home. Like their god Lucifer, they are attracted to/by filth and nastiness just like common flies, seeking to contaminate every thing and everyone they touch.
Father, in your mercy, condemn not us ALL. Please continue to keep the faithful under your loving care and protection and include even the filthy flies among us. To You, God, be all the glory. Amen.
3 new cases
Well there’s a surprise.
If I gambled, I’d bet the next few days will have 3+ cases each.
Sir Health thru Min Info hinted as much.
People, please care for yourself & your loved ones, mask-distance-sanitize, always.
The health minister and the clown PM and the rest of the clown government know the island is teaming with COVID after they let in thousands of tourists from high disease areas over the holidays.
The problem is there are no sensible protocols or laws in place to prevent this or to deal with what is happening now.
We have so many sick people on the island who are not being tested and who go back to work while they are still sick and contagious because they can’t afford to lose their job.
The government should enact a law barring employers from firing people who need to take off 14 days or a bit longer to recover from a URI.
Also, stop letting in tourists without testing them and quarantining them.
Then they talk about local transmission granted some people don’t follow the proper protocols. But in the same breath you have tourists coming in with no qurantine. It could very well be them that brought it in. For what it’s worth i don’t get why some wouldn’t want a real protocol that protect you and your love ones .
I don’t understand the people who fight against having sensible protocols for tourists and returning nationals.
What is in place now makes no sense.
The numbers still ain’t correct.
What makes us sooooooo lucky, when our protocols are least geared in protecting us?
Have mercy Lord!!!!!!
Boss even if it said 120K your bitter .. would still claim too low
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