Source Real News: Alister Thomas is rubbishing recent pronouncements by Prime
Minister Gaston Browne about young people and prior gang
activities in the City West constituency.
According to Thomas, while he – Thomas – was attempting to stop
the violence among rival gangs in the area, Browne had no part to
play, despite what he is now suggesting.
In order to address the youth violence, Thomas recalls that he –
along with Khalid Shabazz, Kublai James, Kublai Mannix, and Luther
Lee – organized a session in which they had all the gangs come
together to share their grievances.
This session was held at the old Point School (which was recently
destroyed by fire), Thomas says, with about 200 gang members,
representing 25 gangs, in attendance.
According to Thomas, then Commissioner of Police Rawlston
Pompey was surprised that the group had been able to get so many
rival gangs into one sitting.
Thomas says the young people, at the time, were concerned about
finding work and becoming independent in honest businesses. And
what they required, he recollects, was help to get started.
Thomas insists that Browne was not present during this gathering.
However, he continues, the authorities promised to get the young
people land for farming in the Dunbars area. But, Thomas says, the
promise was not kept.
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Thanks to Jamaicans….. ANTIGUA NOW HAS GANGS lord if you not busy touch antiguans pik nearga dem please
It’s the environment in which the[STREET] thugs controlled, by the [UPPER ECHELON] thugs are allowed, to thrive in.
If you take away what is nourishing something, anything even HUEman behaviour(s), they wither and die.
Alister, you’ll need to deal with the Root Causes[KILL DE ROOT], and there won’t be no succulent fruits produced.
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Why Alister dont go and find hard work to do like a real man. STUUUPPPES MAN.
Are you a Gang Leader or just a Common Member? It seems like you are upset because the scope is on you.
Gaston Browne gets away with just about anything. Remember when Trump said that he could shoot a man in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it. Gaston Browne is not far off from making that statement.
In America who are the MAGA people behind of Trump. The Evangelical Christians and the bigots who kept their racism on the low down.
In Antigua and Barbuda, there are those who keep their support of corruption not so hidden? The Christian Leaders are like Donald Trump. The engage in activities that are destroying our country and they are getting away with it.
Gaston Browne wasn’t present!!!
Why is anyone involved in trying to stem the rise in crimes, gangs and misdemeanours in Antigua surprised?
Another clown looking relevance! Go home and sleep Alister.
@Brixtonian…anyone who thinks; that, “THERE’S NO MONETARY GAIN(S),” in the #Gang_Cultures, of the HUEman world, knows of the #Gang_Cultures, but not necessarily about the #Gang_Culture. Which category, would you say categories you as a [learned] individual?
Every Order, sanctioned or not, from Religious Orders to Fraternal Orders to governments to armies to law enforcement to unions to bangers(street thugs) are GANGS; and, they make and control money in every way shape and form.
The banker, the preacher, the sheriff, the rancher, the gun slinger were always the ones who controlled many of North America Territories, as she was building her coffers and annihilating the HUEman populations which they met on those lands, as they came in droves from Europe.
Lest you forget, Europe[Religious Orders & her Kingdoms] sent their degenerates, prisoners to places like Australia to again, annihilate those HUEmans, that they met there, by any means necessary.
Right in our own Caribbean seas, Europeans[Pirates to released prisoners to religious zealots] rape and plundered, murdered etc., again, those HUEmans which they met here and those, that were brought here, against their will(s).
Therefore, Brixtonian, scratching the surface of the reasons for the revival, of the street thuggery will not bring it under control.
In football(soccer) or American Football to golf to tennis; #go_deep, not wide. You score easier going deep, than towards the sideline where you’re likely to be out of bounds or out of play. I know you want to stay away @From The Sidelines! ☠️
Just so you know, I live #The_Wire, live each and every day, on #murDa Alley, BodyMore, MD USA!
(The actual street name is Mura Street, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA. It’s a One Way – One Block Street in the hood. Perfect location(was and still is) for the distribution of dope on the Streets.
We add a “D” for DEATH decades ago, hence, murDa Alley. At one point in our history, we’d catch CADAVERS every month.
Alfred Peters Street and Bryson Street, in Point, Antigua; born and grew me, as a youth! Gaston dun kno, him no haffu light #flamboo fu find me.
Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
What difference does it make at this point?
After the meeting, what changed? Did Thomas do something positive for the gang members? The PM said that he gave the gang members an opportunity to run the j’ouvert for the Villa-Point area. What is keeping the gang members so calm up to the present?
Everything doesn’t need to be a fight.
According to Dave Ray: “The PM said that he gave the gang members an opportunity to run the j’ouvert for the Villa-Point area”.
If this is true Dave – and funnily, I don’t doubt what you are saying -; then why on God’s green earth did he sent out his black-shirted police to use rubber bullets and teargas on WOMEN and CHILDREN on the 21st of August 2021?
Shouldn’t it have been the other way round?
I thought the police department is responsible for the teargassing debacle.
If I remember correctly, the PM was in St. Lucia during the teargassing exercise. At the time, we have a life threatening communicable variant traversing the community. I guess the law enforcement thought it was imperative to disassemble the crowd which could have been a super spreader.
Dr. Ray
I know you are aware of the gang shootings at festivals such as Labor Day on Eastern Parkway and J’overte
on Flatbush Ace.
Shouldn’t you be concerned when the leader of a Country hand over a community street festival to gangs.
It speaks volume of low that Country has become when a Prime Minister has no clue regarding the gang problem and how to address by seeming emboldening the gangs.
Soon gangs will be a bigger problem than Covid, where people will be afraid to leave their homes
Where are the Antigua and Barbuda Evangelical Alliance Inc and the Antigua Christian Council?
What did you expect Alister Thomas to do? He is a private citizen.
The Ministers of GOAB including the Prime Minister control the public purse.
They control the government agencies/ministries with the resources and presumably the expertise to deal with the gangs.
It isn’t the Government’s role to address the gang problem? Bringing them together and working together to find solutions?
Port-au-Prince is now ruled by gangs. There is talk about moving the capital to Cap-Haitian. That’s like making Parham the capital city of Antigua.
At least Alister called a sit down meeting with the gangs. Where is the Minister of Social Transformation? And how about the Minister of Education?
Did you expect Allistor to go into his pocket and create work programs and skills programs
When you have a gangster as a Prime Minister street gangs are no big deal.
So Thomas spoke of a time when Pompey was commissioner of police. Obviously Gaston was not the PM at that time. So the authorities who promised the land at Dunbars and did not deliver was whom?
Was it the same people who organized the meeting, Allister et al. And is the same Dunbars that has been underutilized for decades that people are now clamouring about. Allister, you talk a good talk, but deliver very little, just bowling no balls.
To: Aloenso and Dave Ray:
A synopsis of the period to which Alister Thomas is reffering to.
Luther was UPP then too!
Yes? yes you are correct Lester Bird was the PM during this period which was just prior to UPP and Baldwin ‘chop dem up’ Spencer was voted into power.
Gaston was a [budding] politician being nurtured, sponsored by Asot.
Allegedly, the Red_Shut Gang which was in its incubation and recruiting stages, as they copied the American Style #Bloods guided by Hammer_Pump was being sponsored by Asot. Asot’s name even appeared on T-Shirts worn by the Red_Shut Members.
I’m sure, that you can recall the incident at the Parliament building and this statement, “me hab fu me gang to! So sharpen U cutlass back_n_belly,” by another [budding] politician. Green House Posse was his Gang!
These two(2) American style gangs were the impetus for the now [budding] Gang_Culture. They became examples for Daddy Speaks Kru, The White_Shut Posse and those which were now blending the Jamaican Style Posse with The American style Gangs became fertile ground for the Jamaican Criminals being deported from America by way, of the War On Drugs campaign by the Feds. Jamaica was too hot for them, and since, Antigua was accepting all and sundry[criminals – fugitives – white collar criminals], the GANG CULTURE in Antigua mushroomed like an exploding Nuclear Weapon on Hiroshima, to Ottos, All Saints, Clarehall etc.
The Middle Easterners are not innocent in the development of the GANG Culture in Antigua. They were the [WHITE COLLAR THUGS] who took advantage, of the #HAVE_NOTS.
Then adding to this mixture of GANG CULTURE on Antigua was the #Parasol_Kru, the imported prostitutes from Guyana, Jamaica and Santo Domingo. Some Antiguan women quickly learned the #Street_Walker Trade and Skells, Stables, the houses on Wapping Lane and Popeshead Street now became the RED LIGHT DISTRICT under the watchful eyes of Pompey, Wilmouth, Harold etc, and they all sat back and didn’t do shit.
So Aloenso and Dave Ray, the GANGS in Antigua may seem dormant now, because there isn’t blood running in the streets on a daily basis, but I dare anyone of you to walk around Point, Grays Farm, Ottos, Villa, Yorks, Fort Road or even any place in St. John’s and say that the GANG CULTURE(prostitution to dope peddling to break ins to harassment) are not still very visible in Our Communities.
No politician! No policeman/woman! No preacher man/woman deserve to protected and given a FREE PASS for allowing the ROOTS of these GANGS to take a solid footing in our Nation and are producing succulent fruits.
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere Cornwall Edwards
I love Browne, he is helping our country escape from poverty and move closer to China.
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