The Silent Crisis: Mental Health and Youth Crime in Antigua and Barbuda

Chaneil Imhoff

In recent months, Antigua and Barbuda has been grappling with a disturbing trend: a significant increase in crimes committed by young people. According to Attorney General Sir Steadroy Benjamin, an alarming 85% of crimes in the country are now perpetrated by minors. While this statistic is shocking, it’s crucial that we look beyond the numbers to understand the root causes of this crisis. One factor that demands our immediate attention is the state of mental health among our youth.

The recent armed robbery on Fort Road, committed by assailants as young as 14, is not just a crime statistic. It’s a cry for help from a generation struggling with issues we’ve failed to address. These young people, both boys and girls, are not inherently criminals. They are children navigating a complex world with insufficient support, guidance, and mental health resources.

Mental health issues, when left unaddressed, can manifest in various ways, including criminal behavior. Factors such as trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, and a lack of proper coping mechanisms can push young people towards risky and illegal activities. In a society where mental health is often stigmatized or overlooked, many youths find themselves without the necessary tools to manage their emotions and make sound decisions.

We must also consider the societal pressures our youth face. Economic hardship, family instability, peer pressure, and the influence of social media can all contribute to mental health challenges. When combined with a lack of positive outlets and support systems, these pressures can create a perfect storm that drives young people towards criminal activities.

While the proposed anti-gang legislation is a step towards addressing the symptom, we must not lose sight of the underlying causes. Punitive measures alone will not solve this crisis. We need a comprehensive approach that includes:

  1. Increased investment in mental health services specifically tailored for youth.
  2. School-based programs that focus on emotional intelligence and coping skills.
  3. Community initiatives that provide positive alternatives and mentorship for at-risk youth.
  4. Family support services to address household instability and improve parental guidance.
  5. Public awareness campaigns to destigmatize mental health issues and encourage seeking help.

The intersection of mental health and youth crime is not just a law enforcement issue; it’s a societal challenge that requires a collective response. As a community, we must shift our focus from punishment to prevention and rehabilitation. We need to create an environment where our young people feel supported, valued, and equipped to face life’s challenges without resorting to crime.

It’s time for Antigua and Barbuda to recognize this silent crisis and take decisive action. By addressing the mental health needs of our youth, we’re not just fighting crime – we’re investing in the future of our nation. Let’s commit to understanding, supporting, and empowering our young people. Only then can we hope to break this cycle and build a safer, healthier society for all.

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  1. Stay off the weed if you can’t handle it. They want to play big men and women? Go ahead man…who won’t hear will feel.

    All I see these days are a bunch of weed heads looking like utter zombies around the place. No ambition, no drive, no goals and no future.

  2. Right now we blaming everything on mental health. Don’t worry, the police going to fix their heads soon and cure them – they won’t interfere with people.

  3. I am so happy this lady wrote and publish this, the only thing that hurts is that she is brilliant and others are and I took a beating for years publishing these topics and people like this did not come on this platform and defend me from tyrants who literally threatened my safety because I made mention of ideas like these that are urgently needed to reduce the opportunity to commit crimes by understanding society and behavior. I was threatened with death and robbery from a ABLP higher up regular blogger for saying what needed to be said to better the country and in return I was threatened with murder by saying the words you havs said in my own way.

    People like this writer need to continue publishing these vital information and push hard for a change. I always knew brilliant people like this author existed, whoever she is.

  4. Its so sad, young promising girls are being killed while nobody sees it fit to get rid of this disgusting human being.

  5. I strongly dispute that 85% of crime In Antigua are being committed by minors.
    Not saying it is not a high number but I would really want to see a more detailed breakdown.
    It means then that most of the crimes are not brought to our court system. I think the AG, if he mentioned that figure, is using that to do blame shifting.
    In my humble view there is no need for that,because crime prevention is not mainly dependent on your criminal justice system and police. It is more dependent on social construct on a whole and human resource development.

  6. I agree with this lady. I have no idea who she is but she has hit the nail on the head. What we see is the crime being committed. We see the end result of….What we don’t see is a series of events that took place that would cause these minors to feel a need to commit the crimes that they commit. The reality is that as a society, we have failed them at some point. They offend, we send them to jail. No rehabilitation. They learn to perfect their craft. They come out, they out into practice what they have learned. Don’t blame weed. Weed didn’t Rob or kill anyone. It’s like we always need someone to blame or have something to say…what have we done as individuals to help this situation besides blame these kids, or their parents …some of these parents are struggling to find be just that…parents… It takes a village. But the village doest need to show up with one sided swords ….I don’t have all the answers….but from time to time I have to ask myself….did I do enough? Could I have done anything better? Let’s not wait till it hits close to home to ask ourselves that question.

  7. @Aloenso. Yout post is great. And here we are, a lot of Antiguans wondering how come 85% of crimes come from minors. Since when? If it’s a fact how come it was allowed to happen and grow with no actions taken before or the community alerted of this serious situation; and more so, the school system and authorities, when we are talking about our children who are the school population 💯%? Another question: if not for the recent and horrible killings that have the nation in shock we wouldn’t be learning about these percentages? Who are the record keepers and what have been done to address this? Worrisome, very worrisome which brings up the question: News School and academic year are starting very soon. Are there any plans or actions to be implemented since we are facing this serious crisis? Who to ask? How to assist? A task force should be in place – reach out to the community experts and volunteers that surely will assist! We are talking here about our children, teenager and youths.

  8. My heart is so heavy for the yourhs of this nation.There are so many things leading up to our present situations.
    May we take a stroll down memory lane. Shall we?
    When we had the Boys Training School, were we having all these issues?
    When the youths were not given access to smoking freely as they wish as presently, did we have all these situations?
    Suggestions as good as they are without timelines make no sense?
    Are we serious?
    The Boys Training School building is still standing
    There are plenty of land
    It would be best to start the ball rolling with instantly retrofit that build as a start and then expand.
    We need plans that are crafted with all the stakeholders involvement with timelines.
    Town Hall Meetings through the Nation. This is everybody’s business. We are too small for these types of horrendous criminals. These hooligans are just to bold.
    We cannot combat these situations without seeking God’s divine guidance and intervention.
    He is the all-knowing God, He knows all the criminals, where they are hiding, who are behind the crimes, white collar or minors.
    If my people who are called by my name, if we will repent and turn from our wicked ways God will heal our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
    This island need Jesus! We need to call a day or week of Prayers and fasting 🙏! We need to repent and recommit Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 back to God.
    A wind of change is coming and with that a lot of exposures. The witches, wizards and warlocks will die if the don’t repent. Those that dabbling we will know who you are! So if we want God to turn this country around we must repent. The counsels of the Ahitophels will come to confusion. God will overturn every ungodly decision.
    We bind up every marine spirit, every demonic influence/satanic spirit. In Jesus’ name! Amen!🙏
    We declare that Jesus is Lord. May He be highly exalted in this nation 🙏
    We speak the name of Jesus in this nation 🙏 tonight!
    May your will be done as we bind the plans and strategies of the devil and ask that Your will be released. Show up and show off in these troubling situations. Father, trouble the waters on our behalf King Jesus! Manifest Yourself as only you can for You are Lord over all the earth, Your hands are not short that You cannot save, Your eyes still roam the earth, the earth is Your foot stool. You still watch o er Your Words to make sure they come to pass.
    So as we call onYou tonight, hear our prayers and come through for us! May Your fire 🔥 🙏 burn through this nation as we seek You in prayer, in sackcloth and aches. We rend our hearts to You. Have Your way, sweet Jesus!
    Thanksgiving for what You have done, is doing, and shall continue to do in this season 🙏 🙌
    In Jesus’ name! Amen ans Amen🙏

  9. @Island Canadian. Bedsides congratulating the author of the article, I share your views. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  10. The [youths], and the behaviors which some of them are exhibiting are responsible for 85, #Eighty_5, #Eighty_Five, #Ate_E_5, #Eight_E_Five percentage of the CRIMES which occurred in Antigua over the last TEN YEARS (WHITE COLLAR – embezzlement, insider trading, enrichment scams, smuggling, gun running, drug manufacturing & distribution, pedophilia, human trafficking, rape, armed robbery) AND the (BLUE COLLAR CRIMES – prostitution, organized street thugs,
    dope distribution, gun distribution etc) 🥱🥱🥱. If this is the case, then these youths are managing a well organised, managed and funded government, business, religion ans criminal enterprise.

    I know, that I sound ridiculous to some, but this is exactly what these [professionals] and bumbling bureaucrats are saying and preaching as FACTS.

    Yeah! Right!

    Jimmy Cliff sang this song in 1982, as he recognized what was happening in his homeland of Jamaica, and what the SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE – GARRISON WARS – CLASSISM WARS – RACISM WARS were setting in place for the youths, then.
    The system of governance which suited those in the purported upper echelon, their overseers, the oligarchs and plutocrats loved this system. The one and same which have places like Trinidad, Jamaica and many other Caribbean Nations caught up in this present day CRIME TSUNAMI.

    The PAUPERISED BLACK YOUTHS are the #SCAPEGOAT for the present crime wave. PERIOD. They have become what they’re immersed in and absorbing.

    One thing is certain until and unless, a wholesome and holistic approach by ALL STAKEHOLDERS (the private
    business sector, the public business sector, the Community) come together and change the DYNAMICS in these PAUPERISED COMMUNITIES , a Cutie Benjamin CLONE will be saying the exact same [crap] he’s spewing from his thoughts today.

    If YouTube release this Jimmy Cliff Classic from 1982, please take a listen. Otherwise, just go to youtube/treat the youths right/Jimmy Cliff!

    Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  11. These young people need love the bigger heads in society just eat there steaks and watch us suffer u know how hard it is to get a job out there

  12. @The Mental Health and Youth Crisis – We do not know who is the lady that wrote this article. A professional with a deep understanding and knowledge of the matter. It is complete and revealing of issues involving the present state of affairs concerning our youths. Most important and impressive is that along with the writing, it offers clear solutions and recommendations. We all have to recognize that they are strong, useful and not difficult to pursue and put in place; if not all, at least part of them. Action is needed, along with funding, willingness and work to put into motion ASAP. Whoever is responsible within our government structure (Ministry of Health maybe?): You have the knowledgeable person right here, don’t look further. Let’s do it. Mental Health needs to be addressed promptly. A good start could be our Secondary school students, then go back and then forward. Don’t leave out the only mental health facility of the country that is screaming for upgrades and attention, not to mention care, love and empathy for the patients and even their families. We are waiting to see if this tab will be picked up quickly by the corresponding authorities. Thank you for this brilliant lady. The brilliant minds are right here in Antigua offering their knowledge and services. 🙌👏🏼🙏🇦🇬🇦🇬🇦🇬

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