The People’s Parliament’ rescheduled to January 18 to mark anniversary of last General Election
The People’s Parliament, to be staged by Members of the Opposition Bench, has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 18, the United Progressive Party (UPP) has confirmed.
The date of the event has been changed to coincide with the first anniversary of the January 18, 2023, General Election in which the eight Opposition MPs garnered the majority of the popular vote and restricted the Gaston Browne Administration to a single-seat advantage.
In addition to their promised response to the $1.3 billion budget for 2024, the Opposition MPs will be reviewing the Browne Administration’s first year in office – a year that saw high inflation, high crime, and high rates of borrowing – but low performance in sectors such as health, education and public works.
Organizers of The People’s Parliament say this historic event will be held at Freedom Hall, starting with a roundtable discussion among the Opposition Senators at 5 p.m., and transition into the “Lower House debate” at 6 p.m.
The public is invited to attend this inclusive forum, which will be broadcast on Progressive 107.3 FM and Observer Radio and streamed live on several social-media platforms.
In the lead-up to their presentations, the Opposition MPs will appear on a number of radio and Facebook programmes to discuss the importance of maintaining an accountable democracy; the impact of the recent steep tax hikes; and the current state of governance.
The Opposition Bench was shut out of the Budget Debate on December 19, 2023, whenMembers used that day to prepare their presentations in the short time frame they were given. Finance Minister Gaston Browne seized the opportunity to wind up debate on the 2024 Appropriations Bill – from which the Government intends to rake in a billion dollars in taxes – in a single day.
In response, the Opposition MPs promised they would take their arguments directly to the people.
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Thank you.
I’ll be listening to observer.
We should all hear what our representatives have to say!
What foolishness!
Rank and file. Trevor Walker should be declared leader of the opposition coalition in Parliament. The nation will be listening.
Enough said.
@ Dexter Pelle
Your opinion was not asked for nor welcomed, your writings reveal who you really are: a common minion.
Y’all need to stop the f*ck*ry. Y’all are always a day late and a dollar short. UPP MPs were not “shut out” of the Budget Debate. Stop trying to rewrite history. They chose not to participate because they always need “more time” to prepare. Gaston “seized the opportunity” created by the UPP’s short- sightedness like a leader and politician. I would like an alternative to the ABLP but UPP always pan some BS. This is pure f*ck*ry bout People’s Parliament.
@ Chups
The opposition don’t need supporters like you.
Stop being a hypocrite like the other turn coats and ‘expose’ your true colour like Lamin, Colin, Donna, Winston, Namba et al.
To hell with people like you.
When you get disrespected on your job do you stay home or have the “peoples position?” NO. You suck it up and do your F**king job!!
This amalgamation of losers went door to door telling people they want to be “Parliamentary Representatives” you know, MPs. Then after getting the job, they fail to show up for one of the most important parliamentary sittings.
All salaries and benefits were collected though.
The opposition must be held accountable so that they can hold the government accountable along with the rest of the nation.
@ Sodomites
Just shut to hell up. No one wants to hear you.
Sorry, guys. You lost the momentum. Typical UPP. Have to spend time dissecting and trissecting everything to death before they do anything. In the meantime, gaston Brown has taken up the ball and dribbled it down the field.
Will a go-getter, action person in UPP please stand up? Too many armchair thinkers.
Can Usain Bolt decide “I don’t like the rules of the Olympics, so I will run by myself after the games are over?” Or I will not celebrate Christmas on December 25 because it has become too commercial, I will celebrate Christmas in February instead. Those clowns have nothing to do.
@ MAGA IN Antigua!
Ok Gaston ass licker. You have all to do. There is a lot of work need being done in Antigua that your illustrious party don’t have money to do. Maybe you can help them for example removing the stinking stench in the city, the garbage that have not been taken up across the island for ages, and the pot holes that need repairs.
Spend your time thinking up solutions for these ills and don’t worry about the opposition have nothing to do.
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