The Chairman and the new CEO of the Antigua Barbuda Airport Authority (ABBA) came to Cabinet to report on the closure of the old airport in Barbuda at sunset on October 2nd 2024.
They reported that permission to open the new airport will commence at sunrise on October 3rd 2024.
The long-awaited communication signaling the permission to commence flights to and from the Barbuda International Airport was confirmed by the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority (ECCA).
The new CEO in collaboration with the Cabinet is planning to have a grand opening with flights from Antigua, with government officials, private-sector operators, and many Barbudans on the day of the opening.
The new CEO spoke of establishing an aviation academy here in Antigua, in all likelihood connected to the University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus.
It would teach subjects related to the management of airports, the safety regulations and other subjects related to operating an airport such as security, crowd management within the aviation sector.
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I’m just curious. Why are articles being published referencing positions, but not giving the name of the individual? Please make an effort to correct this oversight. The article isn’t complete.
sounds like a great idea! many people are attracted to the aviation industry!
I am all for a Flight Academy here in Antigua. I am very interested for sure.
@Justin Peters This is not new. There are a lot of articles here and throughout social media, including government ones that don’t include the names or positions of many, many hard working individuals, especially those keeping the forth together with hard lengthy hours of work to make things happen. Never mentioned!
This was proposed by the UPP and was a big item in their manifesto.
Maybe now that it is proposed by the ALP’s new CEO, Gaston Browne can claim the idea as his.
you sound quite foolish! another countless “idea” stuck in the infamous upp PIPELINE eh??? lol lol lol lol tell upp to win government first!!! never again will the ppl trust the sunshine govt to bun them up and scald them up!!!! with so many people resigning and leaving upp …you have at least another 28 years to wait
@when will Pringle stop being a “baby daddy.
Who the hell are you and how’s much are you being paid by ABLP??
By the way this is another UPP idea been huffed. ABLP has no original ideas.
Why the hell does it matter who put forward the idea??? ABLP….UPP….
Who gives a flying **** as long as it benefits us all? Geezzzz come on maaaannnnnnn.
Reading these comments makes me wonder if all people have going on for them is politics??
wonderful idea. Leadership matters 4real.
guess the former ceo had sight, but lacked VISION!
This would be great for Antigua and the Caribbean region
We want cheaper air fares
@ Does it matter??
Yes it matters when tiefing Gaston tief all UPP ideas and candidates and supporters and say UPP scraping the bottom of the barrel when in fact everything UPP does the ABLP copy- so yes it matters and Leadership do matters. The ABLP lack vision and where there is no vision the people perish and that’s why we are suffering so much in Antigua on a ship that is rudderless.
Wait….I thought government was supposed to be continuous or was that only when it’s convenient? Perhaps if UPP didn’t screw us all to hell and they had stayed in government they would’ve been able to see this project through. Otherwise as they are using my tax dollars I don’t care who’s idea it is/was, as long as it gets done.
First of all get the mess that is the airport fixed and train and educate your successor.
You are not here forever, you will need the two years to do that.
Leave the politics alone, stay in your lane!
Does she have a name?
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