The Labourites need an open apology from those members who have cut ties with UPP & are now showing interest to join ABLP



Dear PM

During the 2014 election, I decided to take a chance and give the Labour party my ” X ” . As the years passed by, I realized that  it was the best decision I had made. To this day, I have no regrets, hence you have earned my confidence & my greatest respect for the leadership qualities that you have displayed.

According to the cliché, ” The proof of the pudding is in the eating “.  The country’s development & your astute representation on the local, regional & international stage is definitely enough to show that you have surely proven your worth. Without any cheese in my mouth, I can clearly say that my ”  X  ” has not gone to waste.

For the 10 years that ABLP has been in office, you & your administration have absolutely transformed the socio-economic landscape of our beautiful twin island state. The citizens & residents alike, are now enjoying a middle class & upper class society life style, with only a very small percentage of persons who are living within the poverty range.

With that been said, flipping over to other page, I must express that I have taken serious umbrage with you welcoming onboard the Big Red Machine, the members who have cut ties from UPP, without getting from them,  an open public apology for the hurt, lies and the venomous attacks done to you & Sir Lester Bird, as the nation’s leaders and the Labour party administration.

Of course Sir, it is true that we are living in a democratic society and hence, each citizen & resident has the right to vote & support the political party of their choice based on their own conviction.

However, it beats the hell out of me that  persons who for a number of years have been your political enemy and who have been extremely bitter & disrespectful towards you and your administration can suddenly switch allegiance and be welcomed into the ABLP family, without an apology to the Labourites, like an innocent new born baby just coming into the world.

Just like the unrighteous who makes a conscious decision to repent and to ask for forgiveness before becoming a member of the Christian fold, the same should apply to these former members who are now switching allegiance and are showing interest to be a part of  ABLP. Their motives for making the change can be discussed at a later date. A man’s face can be seen but it does not determine where his heart is.

Yes, numbers matter within the political circles. But quality should be important than quantity. The people of Antigua & Barbuda & moreso the members & supporters of ABLP have been disrespected to the highest degree from these persons who were once seen as the Labour party’s political enemies.

A public apology is needed.  Let us not forget that they were part & parcel of your political opponents who were condoning
1. The accusation of Sir Lester Bird, the nation’s chief servant back then of  having an affair with a minor ….. A BLATANT LIE!
2. The accusation of Sir Lester Bird of derogatively calling Antiguans and Barbudans tribes…… Another BLATANT LIE!
3. The beating & kicking of efigees of Sir Lester Bird, the then nation’s prime minister ….. TOTAL DISRESPECT!
4. All the derogative & insultive things they have said about you … NO RESPECT
5. The laying off of 91 Labour Party workers from  the port…… HEARTLESS!
6. Calling of our Senior citizens RAG TAGS… DISRESPECTFUL!

Furthermore, Let us not forget what was also said from the esteem Doctor that the works of the Labour party should go into the Dust bins of history. They also hope that death had beseech some of the ABLP political stalwarts. It was absolutely HURTFUL to the core.

How worst could it have gotten? All these actions had shed a bad light on the country.  I can appreciate that these persons have now turned over a fresh political page but like a repented sinner they all need to apologize openly to the Labourites before becoming a part of the Labourites family.


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  1. Joan needs an apology from Miss Knight too.

    the gunman that killed the pregnant woman and then turncoat to upp owes the nation an apology too

  2. What bs apology Fitzroy? People have been cussing political parties all the time and years later join the same political party they were cussing. That’s politics FITZIE.

  3. I was going to give an opposing viewpoint, but once I knew it was Fitzroy, I wasn’t going to waste my time.

    He’s a paid-up political shill for the ABLP.

    But all I will say though, is that Gaston Browne comes over more and more like a vulgar venture capitalist that continues to asset strip Antigua & Barbuda of its land and wealth, so that he and his cabal will continue to keep their greedy noses in the trough, whilst still not showing any transparency or accountability to the Antiguan public.

    However, God is not sleeping …

  4. Well said Fitzroy…. Many of them are seeing green pastures under ABLP and taking advantage at the expense of the die hard Labourites

  5. Not them should apologize is the leadership of ABLP for propelling them ahead of labourites that has worked their butts off to keep the ABLP in power.
    The three in the picture has said some of the worst things about the Labour Party. Just recently Smith was referring to ABLP ministers as a bunch of thieves , woman and girls abusers. The good Dr. said that he was going to ensure that VC Bird name is reduced to the dustbins of history. Lammin was in the snake pit spitting fire, now he is on point FM and awarded chairman of CMC and is taking home a decent 10,000.00 grands I heard and a seat to run in without any primary. Just tell the Bird girl to step aside.
    Dunce headed police that ran against Maria Browne . Baldwin dunce Vincy driver. Left UPP and is now at transport board – oh yes YOUNG is his name . I can go on and on.
    They use the comrades for decades. They destroyed many of their businesses. Give them work / contracts and don’t pay them for years. They have them going to the treasury week after week, like sending to fool a bit further.
    So lennox did worst the Lammin , evergreen, the Dr. or Trevor young.

  6. The fact that they have now seen the light, and chose to respond to the new epiphany is apology enough. Lamin was young and was indoctrinated by the UPP. As he learned, he realized that he was in the wrong place. He has since matured. It might be the same for Hon. Anthony Smith. Dr. Edward Mansoor however, might be slightly different. He made some pronouncements in the upper house in 2014 in the excitement of the victory honeymoon. He has apologized for it but I believe it ought to be reiterated by him in a more significant way to the Labour Party, and by extension, the country.
    In any event, we welcome them all.
    God has forgiven us of worst sins. We can do the same for our fellowmen.

  7. Politics all over the world are similar in nature. Today you are pink and tomorrow you are purple. It is part of history. Apologies needed for ejom! I ask. If apologies where really needed in politics and for political reasons, they will be never ending, again here and around the world. Not even to the almighty we apologize to, but take other course in life for our sake before Him. Let the politics landscape, evidently shaken to its core in Antigua and Barbuda, be a turning point for betterment, adjustment and beneficial to the people of the whole country. The shaken politic arena needed that. Do not look back for punishment…. Look forward to taking Antigua and Barbuda to the next level, one of advancement and progress on all aspects. Let us allow the next free elections to decide. Let’s move forward with optimism with God guidance since we are a nation of faith. Let us keep the faith even when there is some darkness. Light will triumph. God bless Antigua and Barbuda 🙏☮️💟🙌

  8. We want to know the truth about Gaston’s involvement with the Nigerian who has been indicted on several criminal charges, to include MONEY LAUNDERING, in the US. and that, is of national importance. All that you, Fitzroy, have outlined about the Traitors; Gaston has seen it fit to accept and propel them ahead of you and the other stooges. That says much about how you are perceived and who Gaston really is.

  9. Did u listen to Tabor’s speech. He clearly indicated that the members of UPP had to swallow their pride & their moral conviction and tow the party line…….

    It is for that reason why an apology should be done. If Tabor & Anthony did it indirectly, why can’t the others do the same?

    Should they become subscribed members, they would have to swear allegiance. So before such happens an apology will was away their UPP SINS & rebirth them as a new born in the ABLP family


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