The Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc and Greenbay Primary School Collaborate to Enhance Breakfast Program and Donate School Bags


The Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting youth development, is pleased to announce the signing of a partnership agreement with the Greenbay Primary School.

This agreement aims to provide essential Human Resources support to enhance the school’s breakfast program and present an opportunity for the donation of 30 school bags to the students.


The collaboration between the Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc and the Greenbay Primary School seeks to address the critical need for a nutritious breakfast for all students.

Studies have shown that providing a healthy breakfast improves academic performance, attendance rates, and overall well-being among students. Recognizing the importance of this initiative, the Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc has stepped forward to extend its support.

Under this signed agreement, the Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc will provide trained Human Resources to assist in preparing and serving the meals as part of the school’s breakfast program.

The dedicated team will work closely with the school administration, teachers, and other stakeholders to ensure a smooth operation and provide guidance in maintaining nutritional standards.

In addition to the committed Human Resources support, the Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc will seize this opportunity to donate 30 school bags to the Greenbay Primary School. These school bags are intended to assist students in carrying their books, supplies, and personal belongings, thereby enhancing their overall educational experience.

“We are thrilled to enter into this partnership with the Greenbay Primary School,” said Michael Joseph, Co-founder of the Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc.

“By providing Human Resources support for their breakfast program and donating school bags, we hope to contribute to the students’ well-being and academic success. We firmly believe that education is the foundation for a prosperous society, and we are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of these young individuals.”

The collaboration between the Fire Phoenix Foundation Inc and the Greenbay Primary School exemplifies the power of community engagement and the importance of cross-sector partnerships.

By working together, both organizations aim to create a nurturing environment that fosters educational excellence, health, and well-being among the students.





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  1. The new ABLP representative for St Johns Rural West Michael Joseph has begun his campaigning in earnest!!!

    Good luck, you will need it.

  2. Stop it, Micheal. Have you no shame?

    This project is funded by a group in the diaspora. Not you. Because they ask you to assist getting it started, you run quick and put your foundation’s name on it, giving the impression that you are behind it.
    We all want our children to have a good breakfast daily, but this is not about you. Getting government trucks to take the food is all well and good, but we the people pay for those trucks.

    You acting like a very greedy, unscrupulous young man. You are getting support from your political daddy who is pushing you to push out the representative in Grays Farm, instead of putting your backside and doing something to improve the big job at Solid Waste that he gave you and you can’t handle.
    A word of advice. Tek yuh time. You want it too fast. You have to learn to creep before you walk but it looks like you plan to push down everybody in yuh way to become a ALP big shot.

    You and your comrade who like to cut down coconut tree need a course from the older politicians in how not to be so greedy and in a rush to get yours. You feel if you put the name of your half cook foundation on everything in Rural West, like the playground and now the breakfast program that it would push you in front of the line.

    You better go and spend time trying to fix Solid Waste and cleaning up people garbage, because right now everybody piss with you.

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