Cabinet Notes: Four representatives of that Board were invited to Cabinet to report on the progress made thus far.
The Cabinet was informed that 5 applications for licenses have been received thus far, and one provisional license has been granted.
The fee for a license is $325,000 and there are to be no waivers, the Cabinet agreed.
The law anticipates that for religious purposes, Cannabis grown by approved Rastafarian groups, will not have those fees apply, but will still be required to abide by other strictures as articulated in the law.
The Cannabis Board requires an injection of funds and seven employees to allow it to function.
The employees will be drawn from government departments, since there are to be no new hirings within the public sector; and, funds will be provided to allow this sector to begin to yield returns as anticipated when the law was adopted.
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Wait…..The fee went up!?!?!? So they really mean they don’t want locals investing in cannabis production
“…they donโt want locals investing in cannabis production”
@Lemme Leave Antigua See
This is utterly nonsense you spreading!! We need to stop this shallow thinking. It is this kind of thinking that is keeping down local people. We need to be more cooperative and start thinking strategically.
Several locals can get together to form a cooperation. The XXX cooperation can then apply for a license, not an individual person. Antigua has several farmers. If 11 of them get together, they can achieve this. This they could do while still doing their other farming. This local cooperation could make it big once they lobby the government to have at least one of the foreign big grower to contract through the local Antigua cooperation. As a matter of fact, base on all that has been happening, the smart thinking was to already have this cooperation in place and an MOU for agricultural land from the government. With this in place, the foreign rich company that contract them would be more likely to pay the lenience fee. The big company would gladly do it since it would save them ample on getting up and running quickly. This is how business work. This individual thing will not do it. Once we stop fighting each other and start joining together, this is how the local will rise.
U damm ass it went up. Those excluding who could have afforded the then price of 250000.
Tenman, U see the phuckery government which People like you support?
You Tenman, and many others who fought Us on legalizing HEMP, must be smiling at your offshore bank accounts with the added finders fees and commissions from the #FUCKING FOREIGN INVESTORS like the bodogs, barrets, Choski and the likes.
These fuckers in the ABLP Government are vipers in disguise.
Wha happen Ras? You smokin too much or what? No need for profanity, such filthy language. Jah not pleased wit you.
@Sekunda X…who da #Phuck is you? #who’re U? YAH put no such restrictions on Word-Sound-Power. HUEmans with their restrictive LAWS and regulations do.
Now, I just told YAH, I’m going to tell you, go #FUCK yourself, and please judge I n I for using the phonics of the Slave Master on anyone who fuch’s me, behaving like the overseer, arresting officer, prosecutor and judge of the Satanic Order.
#GTFOH – comprende que dice, puta buena?
Looks like you have some kind of a problem Ras. Jah no like you. You misrepresent the Most High. Jah not use language like that, past or present.
@Sekunda X…๐๐๐๐According to your “jah” not mine, please have a seat๐ต๐ต๐ตbut before you do, use the restroom to place two(2) large scoops of vasiline in the hole upon which you sit.
Your scheduled appointment is in thirteen(13) minutes.
No need to fill out a new intake sheet, since, you’ve being here before.
Simply practice your breathing routine which is very important, for the๐ต๐ต๐ตinsertion.
Now, GSAD!
This sort of foul language and disrespect should not be allowed to be posted here, do a better job guys at filtering your comments please!
Actually looking at some fees in other Caribbean countries and those in Antigua are rather competitive. For example fees in Barbados just for tier 1 cultivation starts at 27 000 bds per acre and as high as 99 000 per acre. For processing I see fees as high as 990 000 well over million EC dollars.
Its all about money. A natural plant that was around before mankind, man want to put jurisdiction on, why they dont take the matter to the creator. A man made cigarette says smoking kills but they allow them to be sold, no ban on the substance. Covid kills but they are trying to protect us from a virus. Why not protect us from both. Now they talking about a licence for a plant. Its all about money not health. I dont believe local investors or entrepreneurs will be in on this
Even the air we breathe is being taken away from us. If anyone is caught breathing fresh air, they are fined. But we can breathe the toxic carbon dioxide at no cost. We are doomed!
Them cares for their pockets only, 4 plants for everybody to feel content but outside get to maximise from our resources. An independent country sold back into slavery by poor decision making of our leaders that cares for its people on election day
1,625000.00 from 5 applicant wonder where the money going people out here struggling bruh…
This is one of the more “bull dung”that ever existed.The Cannabis would be grown in Antigua and Barbuda.However,it would appear as if the local ordinary persons would be left out.Here is an idea.Perhaps you could form small Corporations of about 12 to meet the financial requirements to obtain the license for $325,000. Then again,how many persons would have $27,083 to spare at this time.The Mike Tyson’s and the Whoopi Goldberg’s would waltz right into Antigua and take over the Cannabis trade.Tyson would be fronting for someone.Because he does not have the finances.
Brother Ras Smood:I feel your pain.For you have been at the forefront of this matter for many years now.The reason why you and persons like you are being shut out.A Antigua and Barbuda are you come fram.This Administration is filled with a bunch of bad minded individuals. Many of them have no foresight, no vision.All for self and none for thee.I call them scum bags.
@The Falcon and the Snowman…I can appreciate your honesty now, and have always done so over those years of which you speak. You speak #TruthToPower!
No fear here! I am very familiar, and have lived through “De Garrat Syndrome!” And once for once, not one of those “scum-bags” can break a Warrior of and for the less fortunate People like those that suffered and are still suffering under the draconian Laws of the masters-oligarchs, who control Our puppet leaders.
The fight for the legalization of HEMP is not, never was and will never be about me personally. It’s about a vision for our Nation where Sir Novel Richards words “Each Endeavoring, All Achieving” means something.
You can best believe, wealth is not health and many of those Garrat Scum-Bags who control the Government will end up crawling on all fours when the #Hounds come howling at their doors, to collect their prize(their Soul) which they sold on the altar($) of Hyram Abiff to receive their earthly filty lucre.
We have already bear witness to some of them paying their dues for their evil ways.
Many will think, that their filty lucre will save them but one certain thing about Nature and its cycles in, of, through life and the blessings and curses which comes along; they are like generational wealth they transcend time and space as they go from generation to generation.
Go well, be well stay well….
Why don’t we do like old days and set up a meeting and raise money for we own license run by Antigua people then ?
A…keep #Faith in tow.
B…Time is longer than rope. C…Laws can be amended.
D…The Hemp Family has been around before the HUEman family. Therefore, the parable of the Tortoise & the Hare, and the saying “Tek Time Walk Fast” are applicable at this juncture of Our fight.
We have the #BoxHand which still thrive among trusted individuals. This would be a great time to tweak it to fit what you’re suggesting.
RASpect yourself, and RASpect your Leader. His Imperial Majesty never used profanity, and would not condone it in His presence.
Rastarfarians should have not special rights to the cannabis license! They have been breaking the laws for years and continue to do so. Rastarfarians are criminals and should be treated as such. The only thing Rastarfarians know about cannabis is to smoke it until they are dazed and confused. The cannabis license is to be used for scientific purposes as it relates to medicinal purposes of which Rastarfarians are oblivious to.
This thought that Rastas are being left out is insane. Rastas and most other weed heads are primarily consumers on the drug. Consumption for recreational purposes specifically. Please let progressive forward thinking people make something useful from cannabis in Antigua. Let people who are willing to invest $325,000 utilize the cannabis licence! Not some clown who uses weed to get high and can’t buy a proper shoes for $325 to comfort his feet.
Countries who attract productive people are better off than countries that attract bums. How else will the government get to spend money on the citizens and provide essential services and the unnecessary handouts to lazy people? The more people pay the $325,000 license fee to the government the better it will be. People appear to want a free licence which will hurt Antiguans even more.
Antigua wants to set up a proper system and not some rum shop catering to bums who get high on cheap weed. If it was up to me I would make it law that anyone who wants to smoke weed have to get a licence for $3,000 every year. This would at least motivate the bums to get up off their buttocks and be productive so they can enjoy their recreational high. Then again they are so lazy they would just be criminals and not pay the licence fee.
STOP being worthless! Be productive! Stay away from consuming drugs! Get educated! People have to stop live in fantasy land and seriously approach life so as to improve it significantly and consistently.
@Bilbo from All Saints…asking for I, then it should be fair to #Legalize Prostitution to include PEDOPHILIA.
A…the upcoming High Court dockets are swamped, and topped with Rape & Pedophilia Cases.
B…the Rum Bars and private home brothels which line the streets, under the watchful eyes of the Law in many Communities, don’t have girls lining the walls, in on the streets at all hours of the day(I know COVID have made it somewhat difficult, but they’re fighting like hell to stay open) with music blasting etc., what are those girls selling offering in lycra and florescent g-strings? I hope it’Saint, I don’t think they’re Saints looking for sinners, but maybe to make #Sinners…now, prostitution is still illegal on the law books, correct me if I’m wrong. Please! Those who work and are imported in the Nation for this booming business do they bring large sums of monies, to be invested, or for investments which benefits the Nation?
Oh boy, I think #Bimbo the first time I saw your moniker, the energy felt like a Monica Lewinsky.
A pause for the #Cause!
#PEDOPHILIA is all I am going to shout. The rest is in the Courts, some got lenient treatment while wearing their Armani Suits and Dexter’s.
It’s now apparent, that they’ll be releasing the sodomites from being prosecuted, as they along with the Pedos are lobbying their friends and confidants to abolish those Laws which adversely affects their chosen lifestyles.
Maybe the Government should just go right ahead, and legalize #Prostitution…#PEDOPHILIA…#SODOMY! I’ve heard the ‘privacy matter’ from the herd following their shepherds.
I am just asking, now I am saying the Government coffers will be full instantenously from all those taxes, and other dollars, even #Crypto from the boom which legalizing and charging a #Fee to sell sex, to rape children, and to go against your alleged Christian values, of taking a #Bull #Pistle to the anal and beyond!
A nice sip of Soursop tincture, washed down with some Hemp Tea is right on time.
I look forward, to enjoying your response.
I agree with what you are saying Ras! Many things such as rum drinking, prostitution, pedophilia, rape and sodomy are wrong! Unfortunately, these people smoke weed and commit these acts. Nothing is wrong with weed itself but too many worthless people use the weed for a recreational high and commit all sort of abominable acts.
Most of these persons involved with pedophilia, sodomy and rape are rum drinkers and weed smokers. These drug users are the problems.
Another problem is that there are many fake Rastas. I don’t know if you are one so I can’t pass judgement on you. However, I have seen and known many rastas to be involved in sodomy and eating pork. They love to eat white pork specifically which is against their tenets. I could never respect a man who loves to kneel down and live on his knees.
Rastafarians have now become affiliated with too many bums and have moved far away from righteousness. I am more Rasta than many of the so called fake rastas with dreads.
@Bilbo from All Saints….
…๐๐๐๐ป๐ป๐ฆ๐ฌ๐ฆ๐ฌ268 …cyan tap lub um!
…nar tap lub um!
…haffu lub um!
@Bilbo from All Saints…asking for I, then it should be fair to #Legalize Prostitution to include PEDOPHILIA.
A…the upcoming High Court dockets are swamped, and topped with Rape & Pedophilia Cases.
B…the Rum Bars and private home brothels which line the streets, under the watchful eyes of the Law in many Communities, don’t have girls lining the walls, in on the streets at all hours of the day(I know COVID have made it somewhat difficult, but they’re fighting like hell to stay open) with music blasting etc., what are those girls selling offering in lycra and florescent g-strings? I hope it’Saint, I don’t think they’re Saints looking for sinners, but maybe to make #Sinners…now, prostitution is still illegal on the law books, correct me if I’m wrong. Please! Those who work and are imported in the Nation for this booming business do they bring large sums of monies, to be invested, or for investments which benefits the Nation?
Oh boy, I think #Bimbo the first time I saw your moniker, the energy felt like a Monica Lewinsky.
A pause for the #Cause!
#PEDOPHILIA is all I am going to shout. The rest is in the Courts, some got lenient treatment while wearing their Armani Suits and Dexter’s.
It’s now apparent, that they’ll be releasing the sodomites from being prosecuted, as they along with the Pedos are lobbying their friends and confidants to abolish those Laws which adversely affects their chosen lifestyles.
Maybe the Government should just go right ahead, and legalize #Prostitution…#PEDOPHILIA…#SODOMY! I’ve heard the ‘privacy matter’ from the herd following their shepherds.
I am just asking, now I am saying the Government coffers will be full instantenously from all those taxes, and other dollars, even #Crypto from the boom which legalizing and charging a #Fee to sell sex, to rape children, and to go against your alleged Christian values, of taking a #Bull #Pistle to the anal and beyond!
A nice sip of Soursop tincture, washed down with some Hemp Tea is right on time.
I look forward, to enjoying your response.
I am not a Christian. I am a son of the one true God. Righteousness is my way of life and not hearsay, traditions or belief.
I felt really disrespected by you saying that when you saw my name you felt an energy like Monica Lewinsky. Please know that I have never kneeled down before anyone and I live on my two feet!
@Bilbo from All Saints…all I am saying, don’t judge. Looks to include hair style, clothing, etc., should not be the “measuring stick” which determines #Status in Society, whether Rasta, Baldhead or Clone Head. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Our society as we put the basic staples of life #Food…#Shelter…#Clothing in perspective!
BTW. – I’ve come to the conclusion, that #LOCKS for many people is not about Ras Tafar I, but moreso an escape to a space from which they can rebel, recharge, Enlightment themselves to create #Balance & Harmony in their being!
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