These past 72 hours have been very painful and difficult for two families, their friends and neighbours, for school mates, for Police Officers, in fact for the entire population of Antigua and Barbuda.
On Wednesday evening 12 March 2025, parents reported that their 9-year old daughter, Chantel Crump, failed to return home from The Five Islands Primary School and could not be found. By Thursday morning, 13 March 2025, the entire nation was aroused by the ugliness of that report which caused everyone to feel threatened and we began praying for the safe return of the 9-year old to her parents.
With the assistance of the community and neighbours, the Police were able to detain a man and his female partner. The man was the registered owner of the vehicle into which the young girl entered freely. The Police persisted with their questioning of the couple. Finally on Friday night, the female suspect on her own volition took the Police Officers to a secluded area at Weatherills Estate, and showed them where the young girl’s body could be found. After conducting the necessary police procedures the body was taken to a funeral home.
This morning, a large crowd gathered outside of Police Headquarters on American Road expressing its sympathies with the family of Chantel Crump. Acting Police Commissioner Ellerton Jeffers addressed the crowd, shared the details of the findings in that harrowing case, and thanked the public for its assistance and the valuable information which led the detention of the two suspects. In my capacity as Attorney General and with specific responsibility as Minister for Public Safety, I express condolences to the Mom and Dad of the deceased, to other members of the Crump family, the little girl’s schoolmates, the community of Grays-Green, and the entire nation of Antigua and Barbuda.
While the nation’s focus was squarely placed on the tragedy of Chantel Crump, another was unfolding at the Langfords Police Station where a female officer, Senior Sergeant Iyo Malone, a a police officer with more than a decade of experience, apparently took her life by discharging a handgun that brought an end to her life. This incident was most unfortunate and regrettable. In this regard too, I express heartfelt sympathies to the Malone family including her children, her colleagues in the RPFAB, her friends and the entire nation of Antigua and Barbuda.
These two shocking and inexplicable occurences have brought much pain, suffering and concerns for the people of Antigua and Barbuda. I must thank the public for its support, understanding, and concern for the safety of the citizenry of this country. Finally, I must thank the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda for its professional approach in solving these two regrettable incidents in a very short space of time. May the souls of these deceased persons rest in eternal peace. May God continue to bless us and may we always remember to love one another. -end-
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We also need to find out what happened to the other missing persons and completely stamp out this evil from our society. Our children must be able to walk our streets without fear.
I still cannot believe I am reading an article about this in an Antiguan news outlet. I am so disappointed. This culture of silence has allowed these types to operate in the island for decades. Each of you who knows a pedophile and said nothing is now crying foul, including you opportunistic ministers. You released and retained the names of a grooming gang in Paradise View thst is a few hundred meters from the crime scene. Watch nobody address this again.
Here I go again Can’t understand why so often in the middle of penning a response via this news portal, it disappears, without provocation, from the screen??
Not having time to waste, I will simply ask the AG NOT to close the casket on this female officers death before a thorough investgation has been conducted. There are too many whispered questions and downright accusations within and with out the Force that need to be put to rest..This saga will not simply disappear for the sake of convenience
First thing is Cutie Benjamin must resign.
Cutie Benjamin and all the other politicians and those from other organizations coming to the public with statements, all know what time it is. IT’S SACRIFICE TIME.
The alleged suicide by this Sargent, the murders of Yennifer Bridges, Azaria, Asot, Chantel and the missing homosexuals seem to be linked in some way from their ritualistic and hedonistic energies they’ve put out.
The day that police crack these cases, arrest, charge and prosecute all who are involved in this Untouchable Order, it’s the day that the walls of the Parliament will bleed blood to reveal its secrets.
Cutie Benjamin how do you sleep?
This is laziness. One death had nothing to do with the other. Couldn’t the AG address each one separately, giving respect to both of them?
This government has failed Antiguan’s big time. They have never taken crime and violence in this Island seriously, never. And don’t even talk about the lax immigration system that has now put Antiguan’s on the no-travel list by the US.
The fact that this inept AG and recently resigned Commish is still in their jobs, is a spat in the face of the citizens of Antigua.
I can’t even believe that the citizens of Antigua are still listening to this Government and this inept AG when it comes to crime and the terrible immigration system in this island.
Isn’t it this very Government that let in 1000 immigrants from Africa who simply disappeared into thin air?
Many who were undoubtedly criminals themselves? Is this the Government Antiguan’s really trusted to keep their streets safe?
These are the fools y’all put back into office, so now bare the burden of your terrible mistake Antiguan’s.
I’m sorry for the kids who had no say in this, but have no sympathy for many of you who voted in these fools. The same way many are crying now about their foolish decision to put the orange man back in office.