REAL NEWS: Plans to use Antigua and Barbuda’s coast as a point to sink the troubling Sargassum seaweed to the bottom of the ocean are now in the testing stage.
According to reports, this country has been selected as a “key deployment area” for a company that is seeking to commence this initiative. The action, it claims, will bring relief to residents who are impacted by the annual migration of the seaweed.
The company, Seaweed Generation, out of Glasgow, Scotland, believes it can “mitigate and remove carbon emissions using seaweed” – through the use of technology, automation, robotics and data.
Several Eastern Caribbean islands experienced record amounts of sargassum during the first quarter of 2023.
However, at this time – when the seas are relatively free, but with more seaweed forecast for the upcoming months – the company is testing an important piece of equipment.
Paul Gray is the company’s head of marine engineering. He is hoping this technology can positively impact the challenges created by the annual drift of the foul-smelling sea plant.
Reports say that equipment testing began earlier this week and is set to conclude next week.
Following this phase, company officials are expected to return to Scotland. There, they will continue to develop the vehicle they intend to use for removal of the seaweed from the water’s surface and sinking it.
The Sargassum has been an issue for several years now, affecting mostly the eastern and northern coastlines. However, this year there was a shift, and beaches on the western and southern sides of the island were affected.
Gray says the rapid increase is the result of a number of factors.
Meanwhile, Seaweed Generation believes that sinking the seaweed to the bottom of the ocean will lock carbon away for hundreds of years. It will also prevent the environmental disasters caused by the seaweed, which wreaks havoc on the coastline and affects the operations of hotels and other beachfront properties.
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My question is what is the long lasting effects of the seaweed sitting at the bottom of the Caribbean seas will it have a negative impact on coral reefs and underground sea life. You all looking for easy relief but not considering the long lasting effects that will impact our way of life. Seaweed stays intact on the surface of the water. Whatever happened to the other company that wanted to collect the seaweed and utilize it to make products. Before Antigua jump to use something for instant relief consider the pros and cons.
What effect, if any, would this action have to our marine life and sea creatures?
Great for the first step in research of the “sinking of seaweeds”. This must be done as a pilot project. We ought to follow up closely not leaving it to be a political decision only. Let the science be used to guide us. May common sense prevail.
This venture is a disaster in the making and should be halted immediately.
You people who sit behind desks in airconditioned offices, did it ever occur to you that, before sanctioning such projects, you have a duty and responsibility to consult with those who make a living from the sea? There has not been any consultation with fisherfolk. None.
Well, let me enlighten you as to exactly what the effects of this operation will be: Decaying Sargassum seaweed deprives the sea of oxygen and kills fish in vast numbers for a prolonged period. Some months ago, a heavy drift of Sargassum entered Willoughby Bay from the Atlantic and became trapped in Daniel’s Bay, across the waters from the Crossroads Rehab Center. Millions of sprats and jacks were suffocated to death as a result. I, and others, winessed this massive fishkill and duly reported it to the staff of the Fisheries Division at Pointe Wharf.
When thousands of tons of Sargassum weed is sunken to the bottom of the sea all around our coastline, what do you expect to happen? This venture is pure madness on steroids.
I would urge the Ministry responsible for fisheries to bring an immediate halt to this mindless operation by this Scottish Company, and consult with fisherfolk, before a largescale catastrophe is visited upon our already challenged fisheries and fish stock.
A word to the wise is (or should be) sufficient.
They are going to kill our marine life disaster in the making
Anything likely to affect us the people must first be brought to the people. If it stinks on top the water what effects will it have beneath? Have the local environmentalists weighed in on this? How large will this testing area be and will our reefs be affected?
STOP NOW they are going to destroy our 365 beaches.
They are going to destroy our sea life.
These people are hell bent on destroying African people.
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