Chairman of the Visiting Committee to Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP), located in the nation’s capital, St. John’s was reported to have been barred from entering the corrections facility to perform his function.
Reliable sources close the development inform that the dual positions holder of Deputy Commissioner of Police and Prison Superintendent Albert Wade had made an order that Prison Visiting Committee Chairman Bishop Charlesworth Browne shall not be permitted entry to the facility.
The situation reportedly unfolded as the 7-member committee showed up Friday morning, January 17, when the Chairman was informed of the order to deny him entry.

Good sense reportedly prevailed and entry was permitted on the intervention of the Chief officer who was not identified by name.
Working relations were said to have been deteriorating over the committee’s inability to function in an atmosphere of hostility and antagonism with an attitudinal display of arrogance and disrespect.
A source close to the prison indicates that the chairman and superintendent have been at variance over their respective functions.
It was further revealed that issues and concerns raised by prisoners and communicated to the superintendent through the Chairman, were either ignored or given scant attention, prompting referrals to Public Safety Minister Steadroy Cutie Benjamin.
None of the parties could be reached for explanations. ANR will continue to monitor the situation.

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Please ANR do continue to monitor the situation… We want to know what is happening to our love ones behind those walls. Is it really a rehabilitation correction facility or is a facility to treat human like wild animals??
I can assure you they think it’s a facility to treat humans like animals rather than a rehabilitation correction. More family needs to speak out about the situation.
Is Browne a “real” bishop? Is he recognized by ANY of the bishops who are in the “Apostolic Succession”? Is he recognized by the Anglicans, Catholics, Moravians, Methodists etc. Not everything calling itself by some title is necessarily so. It needs to be looked into by the churches who are in the “Apostolic Succession”, whose ordinations/consecrations can be traced back through their history all the way to the first church. This needs to be carefully explored.
The two of them power hungry. Let’s see who fah ballazoo bigger now
Charlesworth needs to relax and stop overestimating his importance beyond the little shack he runs on upper Corn Alley. My understanding is that he used to be a Methodist minister, but since he couldn’t get his way, he started his own sect leading to apostasy. Where is the “live peaceably with all men” that Jesus talks about? I believe Rolston Jeffrey also goes to 1735, yet no scandalous reports have reached the media about him.
Charlesworth ought to humble himself and search the scriptures so that him nah fall deeper into apostasy.
I totally agree with you. By the way, is a salary payable to this man for that job?
“My UnDeRsTaNdInG”…you sound educated as ever. Have you been around to see or know what has been going on, HAVE YOU?!?… Have you placed your two feet on to that prison ground to know exactly what is going on?!? Have you?!? Before you take your unnecessary, and uneducated thoughts under the comment section of a story I reckon that you have your facts straight.
Seems like he mash the superintendent toe. Mr. Wade isnusually easy to get along with so I can imagine he must have really passed his place this time. If the report is true, it was iut of his place to go to Minister Benjamin over the supers head. The rank and file should be respected even if the Bishop considers himself a watchdog. The most obvious response is for Wade to put him in his place. He has to respect the man even if he feels ignored.
Correction. I meant to say Mr. Wade is usually easy to get along with
Pictures that are worth a ‘…Thousand Words.’
Whatever may be the contentious issues or personal differences, with ‘…functional cooperation; …mutual respect and understanding,’ they can amicably be resolved.
Before war, there is peace, and somehow, as unity demands, after war comes peace.
Thus, ‘…Men-of-War,’ can also become ‘…Men-of- Peace.’
I can assure you they think it’s a facility to treat humans like animals rather than a rehabilitation correction. More family needs to speak out about the situation.
Dear editor, when a junior Officer over rides the instructions of a superior Officer it is called undermining. The only time common sense prevailed is when the chief officer came to his senses and asked the man to leave, which he did. So the chief officer did not intervene he attempted to undermine the instructions of the superintendent of prisons.
As a prison Officer I have served under 6 superintendents and when super (Wade) came the prison was in chaos. He brought calm where there was a storm, he never speaks down to anyone, not even the inmates as some have done and the chief is doing. He opened the prison to family and friends so that they can see the harsh conditions their love ones are living under. He is the first to publicly state how bad conditions are, he is the first to give inmates a voice by listening to their concerns, he pushes hard for rehabilitation and tells every prisoner to remember rule 68 which prohibits we officers from annoying them. He don’t pick up for officers because we are officers but listen to both sides and dispenses justice fairly.
Line up the super with the bishop and the his henchman the chief, conduct a survey of officers and inmates and see who comes out on top. He is not perfect, but he is also not power hungry, pompous, and boastful. He brings calm to any situation and I am certain the bishop must have done something to cause this humble man from grays farm to take such a drastic step.
Mr. Minister, if you were unaware of this situation please call a meeting and get this settled, as we will hate to see the super go without someone equally as competent and compassionate to take his place. As for me and the majority of the staff Wade should stay, and I am begging him to leave the police force and come home to where he is loved, respected and adored.
he is fired now
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