Teen mom and baby missing from Seaview Farm home since Sunday; postpartum depression suspected


REAL NEWS – A teenage mother and her baby are missing, and the Police are investigating their disappearance.

The report was made to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), reportedly by the teen’s mother, who resides in Hatton.

However, the 18-year-old, along with her four-month-old baby, is said to live in Seaview Farm with her grandparents. The mother and child reportedly were last seen at about 10 a.m. on Saturday, September 23.

Her grandmother says she returned home at about 1 a.m. that day and realized they were missing. Further reports say that the baby’s father, who also resides in Seaview Farm, last spoke with the teen at about 8 a.m. on Saturday.

It is alleged that they discussed the issue of their relationship not working, after which she appeared to be depressed. The teen mother is said to be dark in complexion, about 5’1” tall, and of a slim build.

It is not known what she was wearing when she left home. Reports say the teenager does not have many friends and is not known to be outgoing .

In fact, it is alleged that she is suffering from postpartum depression and that several calls to her cell phone went unanswered.

Officers at the All Saints Police Station are reported to be on the case.

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    • I hope she is OK. With all the pressure for moms to breast feed, no wonder any 18yrold with a 4 month child will be depressed

  1. PP Depression is no joke. Praying for her safe return and her baby too.

  2. Lord, we all pray to you to bring the teen and her baby back home safely, where she can get help from the officials,who deals with the situation she’s in,lord find her please,I pray to you 🙏

  3. Our young men need to be thought to be more supportive after you get a young lady pregnant and a baby is born. They don’t have a clue of the stress these young women go through after giving birth. After just 4 months he is ready to leave her under this depressing situation. I hope she is found and finds support. This young man is partly accountable.
    Calling on the young girls to be careful who you go with . In fact get an education/ stay in school- sex can wait- sex na run away.

  4. I have expressed the importance of my crime victim advocacy and research endeavor in Antigua and Barbuda. It would help develop programs for emotional support that not only victims of vicious crimes can benefits from, but people like this young lady, if the allegations here are correct.

    I went to the Minister of Health, Molwyn Joseph, for assistance in getting the appropriate license I need for me to be comfortable starting my business since I know my service will also substantially impact mental health services.

    It is time emotional support is accessible to tourist who are victims of vicious crimes or crisis, the same for locals.

    My Business would have provided away to access billions of US funds to the qualified.

    Instead, all ABLP ministers completely IGNORED my request for them to use their inherent power pertaining to national interest and National security to order for a license to be expedited ON THE MERIT.

    So, I am sad to hear this, and this can be done to better help those with severe emotional distress.

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