Swane Gore Arrested for Alleged Shooting Incident in Perry Bay

Swane Gore of Green Bay

Swane Gore of Green Bay has been arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a .38 firearm, possession of two .38 rounds of ammunition, and shooting with intent to murder.

The charges stem from an incident on Saturday, September 14, when Gore allegedly fired two shots at a man while he was sitting in the Perry Bay area around 9:30 am. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Following the incident, police were alerted, and Gore was taken into custody. He is scheduled to appear in court on Thursday.

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  1. Why on earth is he smiling?? Lock him up and throw away the key ! No place for people like that in our society at all, you must be derangeds. You won’t be smiling inside 1735.

  2. With everything that is happening, he is not going to get bail. Young man you should have think first before react to any time of conflict. I am sorry that you have chosen this path of lifestyle. Didn’t he have a father to help guide him in dealing with conflict??


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