Statement From The Antigua And Barbuda Workers’ Union On The Increase In Vehicle Licensing Fees


Statement From The Antigua And Barbuda Workers’ Union On The Increase In Vehicle Licensing Fees

The Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union (ABWU) is deeply concerned with the Gaston Browne Administration’s arbitrarily planned decision to increase vehicle licensing fees.

This Machiavellian-style administration has repeatedly failed to engage stakeholders in meaningful consultation, opting instead to impose policies in a dictatorial and heavy-handed manner. This blatant disregard for dialogue with workers and citizens—the very people who will bear the brunt of this increase—is both reckless and unconscionable.

Moreover, this administration seems bent on the impoverishment of workers based on its economic policies over the past several years. Since its re-election to office, the Gaston Browne administration has been clawing away at the pay packets of ordinary people by increasing the Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST) and raising Social Security contributions, all while allowing prices at the supermarkets to skyrocket.

This latest tax hike on vehicle licensing fees is a continuation of the Browne Administration’s unjust and oppressive treatment of the working class. The increased licensing fees will undoubtedly impact the transportation costs of goods which will inevitably be passed on to consumers—adding yet another burden on workers and their families.

Meanwhile, the Union continues to fight tirelessly to secure wage and salary increases for workers. Yet, it seems the Browne Administration is just as determined to strip citizens and residents of their disposable income through its relentless taxation.

What justification can the Gaston Browne Administration offer for this increase when it continues to squander millions on extravagant concerts and other unprofitable undertakings? These funds could have been far better utilised in addressing critical infrastructure projects, such as much-needed road repairs, which would provide lasting benefits to citizens and residents.

We call on the Browne Administration, on behalf of our members, to reconsider its position and engage in genuine social dialogue. We further call for the establishment of a tripartite partnership—including the government, employers, and the union—to develop a holistic approach to addressing the economic hardships affecting large segments of the population.

We urge all our members as well as all citizens and residents to hold the Browne Administration accountable for every dollar yielded from this proposed increase. We also urge the public to demand full transparency on the terms and conditions of the bond arrangement. What is the period of the arrangement? Will the tax increase be repealed upon maturity of the bond? These are questions residents would like to have answered.

The Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for fairness, transparency, and economic justice for all workers, citizens and residents. Again, we call on the Browne Administration to engage in meaningful dialogue and adopt a more responsible approach to governance—one that prioritises tripartite engagement over unilateral decision-making.

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    ABWU don’t give 2 shit about workers!!! Sandals can hold on to employees tips and use it to fund their very own “Sandals Foundation”

    This EVIL, DESPICABLE “Union” is a PISS POOR EXCUSE of a “Union”

    George “STEEL FRAME” Walter must be rolling over in his grave.

    Tiny penis needs to zip it!!

  2. GERIATRIC DAVID MASSIAH NEEDS TO EXIT THE SENATE!!! Give a chance to the 25% YOUTH that UPP promised leading up to the last general election.

  3. Of course the ABWU would gladly jump into the fray. They, like the party to which they are attached at the hip, find themselves dwindling into oblivion and obscurity and therefore have little choice but to huddle and cuddle to give their respective, rapidly disappearing supporters some semblance of a fighting force.
    To hear the ABWU top boss refer to this administration as adopting a Machievellian approach to governance must be the joke of the century, and reveals the level and extent of scorn and contempt, that the ABWU/UPP have for the people of Antigua and Barbuda.
    It was during the reign of terror (2004 – 14) that references to Machiavelli became a buzzword, ad nauseam! Former PM Spencer (in his ignorance and naivety) actually proudly described himself as a devoted disciple of Machievelli. Those close to him, his so-called colleagues, who jolly well knew better encouraged him in his foolishness and relished in the feelings of notoriety and unchecked power the Machievellian name evoked. During that period in question, the wicked, corrupt, super dunce, power- hungry wannabes fashioned their policies and practices after the Machievellian principles and philosophy, much to the detriment of Antgua and Barbuda.
    Following the defeat of the Machievelli clowns in 2014, all reference(s) to Machievelli seemed buried alongside those who once proudly proclaimed him…….until now! Coming from the ABWU/UPP, both led at one time or other by the then Hon. Balwin Spencer the self acclaimed modern day Machievelli, this time accusing and codemning the Hon. Gaston Browne and his administation of/for adopting a Machievellian approach to governance!! It is sooo laughable. These people think that they are so intelligent that they can spin any nonsense to the people of Antigua and Barbuda and we just lap it all up.
    Calling on the former PM, Baldwin Spencer to call off your ignorant.desperadoes. Tell them of your earlier fascination with Machievelli. School Massiah on the wisdom of your previous endorsement of Machievelli and save you and himself from deserved but unnecessary embarrassment.

  4. The ABWU loves to complain about every government policy while offering zero solutions. If they had their way, we’d have a bankrupt economy with no infrastructure improvements.

  5. Misleading and Dishonest – The ABWU conveniently ignores the fact that revenue from these fees is used to improve roads, transportation, and infrastructure—services the same workers they claim to represent use every single day. But, of course, they prefer to spread misinformation.

  6. demands better wages and more benefits while simultaneously opposing every revenue-generating measure. How do they expect the government to fund improvements?

  7. sick me tummock…… a complete lack of understanding of basic economics. Every developed nation has taxes and fees to support public services.

  8. The Browne Administration is focused on progress, not political theatrics. We will not be held hostage by a union that refuses to engage constructively. We remain committed to making tough but necessary decisions for the future of Antigua and Barbuda.

  9. Oh, how the mighty do squabble! The Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union, ever eager to clutch their pearls and wail at the heavens, once again paints the government as a villainous overlord, when in truth, they are merely keeping the kingdom afloat. Taxes, my dear readers, are the lifeblood of any civilised society, yet the Union would have us believe they are shackles upon the poor. How curious it is that they cry out for better wages, improved roads, and public services, yet faint at the mere mention of the means to pay for them. One wonders, is it genuine concern or merely the latest performance in their grand political theatre?

  10. Hark! What discordant noise dost spill from yon union’s quivering lips? Like a tempest in a teacup, they do rage against the tide of governance, calling tax a tyrant’s toll, yet beseeching the same sovereign for bounteous gifts of wage and welfare. O, fickle tongues that wag with woe yet spurn the burden of duty! Shall roads mend themselves, or coffers brim with naught but air? To govern is to weigh the balance of burden and boon, and those who would take all whilst giving none are but jesters in a court of folly. Let them prattle, for the course of the ship is set, and no tempest of protest shall undo its sails.

  11. You concern yourself with the gov business yet you cld not secure the sandals workers tips. Its the same gaston browne administration had to stand up for sandals workers smh

    • Exactly! It was the WICKED SUNSHINE GOVERNMENT and Harold Lovell that ALLOWED SANDALS TO HOLD ON TO OUR ABST MONIES!!!!! Wikkid Setta Peeple!!!!


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