Statement by Director of Education, Clare Browne

Chantel Crump

Statement by Director of Education, Clare Browne

As a father myself and as the Director of Education, my heart lies in ruins, shattered, utterly crushed, by the cruel abduction and senseless murder of Five Islands Primary School student, Chantel Crump, a delicate bloom plucked too soon from this world. An innocent flower, untouched prior by the darkness of life, her beauty, her purity, her precious light stolen in an unspeakable act of savagery.

Her last reported public image lingers in my mind like a ghost – a fleeting smile, a gentle wave, a moment of innocence captured before she was whisked away by evil. I cannot help but imagine the terror, the confusion, the helplessness she must have felt. She was only nine years old, a child who should have been wrapped in warmth and safety, not taken away by the hands of a monster.

My heart is shattered, completely crushed, as I think of her parents, whose arms will forever ache to hold her again. Her siblings, robbed of a sister’s laughter. Her relatives, her friends, her teachers – every life she touched now drowning in sorrow. A community left grieving, a nation left questioning: How? Why?

No words can truly convey the depths of my grief. No expression can encapsulate the anguish of knowing that such innocence was met with such cruelty. And so, today, I do the only thing I can – I pray.

I pray that Chantel Crump may rest in eternal peace, cradled in the arms of angels where no harm can ever touch her again.

I pray that her loved ones will find comfort, strength, and eventual healing in the embrace of God and the support of those who mourn with them.

I pray for a wounded community, for a grieving country, for a world that must reckon with the depths of its own darkness.

I pray that the scales of justice will find their balance and truth shall shine like the dawn.

And today, I plead.

To parents- hold your children a little closer. Whisper to them words of love. Teach them, guide them, remind them that their safety is priceless.

To children – trust your instincts. Keep a safe distance from strangers, no matter how kind they may seem. If ever you feel afraid, scream, run, seek help, your voice is your shield.

To the community – let this be the last time we mourn a child stolen from our midst. Let us be vigilant, united, unwavering in our mission to protect the innocent. Let no evil go unnoticed, no threat unchallenged.

For it takes not one, not a few, but all of us to be the keepers of our children.

And for Chantel, we must.

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  1. My God, what sad news. May God strengthen the family, let us take care of our children. My heart hurts a lot. Rest in peace, little one.

  2. Mighty God I’m for a moment so viciously angry to those people who did this to little Shantel. It’s a very sad day for us here in this twin Island. We don’t want to hear nothing less than death penalty!!!! We have all evidence, and we are not going to twist the story around. I am mad!!!!!!! Tears can’t stop running down my face. Antigua we need to get our self together. And thank you to all who helped the police. Thank God for the praying police commissioner. It makes a big difference 🙏

  3. Wow! My condolences to the family. I still find it hard to believe we have these wicked, heartless, evil people living and walking and partying amongst us.
    An innocent 9yr old on her way home from school, but again why this particular little girl? Let me ask the question again, the two individuals being question, are they known by the kid parents or any other relatives of this little girl and if so in what particular way?
    This happened so swiftly, I wonder if our investigators can pin point the precise time of her death, this will be very significant to the case.
    We now need to have some deep counseling going on at this school. A day ago I asked of the little boy who’s father from Bolans and Mom five islands, a case that came on the scene and just like so many went silent.

  4. What Clare brown need to do, is create pedagogical gingles on the radio and television , sang by little children that children can relate too, not adult singers, we a boring to kids, the gingles should communicating to children not to talk to a strangers, run and scream for help, and don’t take ride or eat from strangers, that gingles should be played every half hour on the media, along with prints at school in a cartoon fashion denoting the same, if possible the exercise books should have it printed inside, right now in the virgin islands , they are selling Viagra candy to school kids, the system is in turmoils.

  5. To be honest the system should be changed up already from since after that little girl on the beach. What has be come of that ??? The bigger heads. Sit back come and talk words after things. Happen. What can words do after no effort has been done. When peope. Do. These kind of. Crime. Thay. Must be punish. There. Face must be platserd on every social platform red. Flage be placed on ther pass port a eye for a eye. And a toot for a toot when u take. Some one. Child life bits. The biggest crim u rob that person of. Every thing. There fun there freedom there. Life it’s. Sad.

  6. “May peace be with us all. My deepest condolences and prayers for comfort and peace to her family during this incredibly sorrowful time. We are living in increasingly troubling times, and sadly, we can expect such events to become more frequent as we approach the end times. The pervasive evil in the hearts of humanity is evident.
    Ultimately, we are all accountable to our Creator, the Righteous Judge, for how we’ve lived our lives. Life’s journey, from birth to destiny, is shaped by the choices we make every moment. Unfortunately, a vast majority of humanity has chosen a path of evil. A loving God, however, respects our free will and does not force us to follow His path of love. This is a daily, conscious decision each of us must make.
    We are witnessing a decline in moral values, a trend that will only intensify. Our educational systems focus on career preparation, neglecting the fundamental principles of righteous living. As prophesied, perilous times are upon us, and the ground beneath us is becoming increasingly unstable.
    The choice is ours: which path will we follow? We alone are responsible for our lifestyles and will be judged accordingly. Time is fleeting. Observe the signs; our redemption is drawing near.”

  7. Chantel was not just taken—she was targeted.

    Her innocence, her purity, her untouched light—this is what made her valuable to them. She was a bright star, a soul full of promise, and they sought to steal her destiny for their own gain. The kingdom of darkness thrives on such sacrifices, feeding off the vitality of the young while leaving behind only grief, horror, and unimaginable pain for those who loved her.

    Their agenda is ruthless. Once set in motion, it will stop at nothing. Their altars must be honored. Their plots, schemes, and rituals must be fulfilled—at any cost.

    Antiguans must wake up. This is no longer just speculation or whispers in the dark. This is happening, right here, on this little island. And if the nation does not rise—if it does not unite in truth, repentance, and action—this will only be the beginning.

    They will grow bolder. They will become more brazen. Because their altars demand more.

    The only solace is knowing that she now rests in the Saviour’s arms, untouched by the weight of personal sin, her innocence forever preserved.


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