State of crime and condition of City South make Benjamin unfit for knighthood, deFreitas says


REAL NEWS –  It is a disgrace that Attorney-General Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin is to be knighted, considering his dereliction of duty in the constituency and the country on a whole, says Franz deFreitas, the United Progressive Party (UPP) caretaker for St. John’s City South.

News broke on Wednesday, October 11, that the National Honours Committee has agreed to bestow one of the country’s highest honours on Benjamin, on November 1, Independence Day.

Many residents are of the opinion that Benjamin does not deserve such recognition, and say his portfolios – justice and national security – are in shambles.

They point to the increasing crime rate, with armed robberies and rapes occurring at an alarming rate, and the state of the police stations and courts as evidence.

DeFreitas adds that even the constituency for which Benjamin has been the parliamentary representative for more than three decades, has been woefully neglected.

And no one can point to anything the MP has done in City South to make the lives of constituents better, deFreitas charges.

As a matter of fact, the UPP caretaker says, the constituency is in a dreadful condition – and yet Benjamin is being honoured.

Meanwhile, deFreitas says that Benjamin has little use for the people – except to “sweeten them up” during an election period in order to secure their votes.

This is how Benjamin has unfairly won the City South Seat and why the constituency is in such a mess, the UPP caretaker says.






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  1. I like cutie. If molwyn can be knighted and this marionette appointed to head the sanitary bureau, Steadroy can be the next Sir.

  2. Is this BANKRUPT. BANKRUPT Franz talking ? You cannot walk in Hon. Steadroy Benjamin shoes. You are wanted in USA for all the BAD deeds you committed.

    Hon. Steadroy Benjamin best AG in the CARIBBEAN. Congratulations on your ACHIEVEMENTS.

    • PRIM, you funny, I think you actually believe what you have written 😂😂😂

      HOLD-UP, MI RIB AH HURT MI 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ PRIM- ROSE:
      The cabinet ministers in Antigua are the best in the Caribbean. If that is so.Why is the Island so poorly managed? Why is the capital St Johns,so stink and filthy.

  3. Franz will never be elected in City South. We do not like Him. Big mouth with no substance. Franz find yourself a job and get off the damn radio. You are a BAFFOON.

  4. The Honourable Franz deFreitas has hit the nail on the head. The Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin is not fit for purpose.

    He obviously enjoys the POMP, POSITION and PROTOCOL of high office, but he’s not tackling the issues that concerned citizens are worried about.

    Here are just a handful:

    Gun crime has risen. Silence by the AG

    Rape seems to have risen. Again silence

    Home invasions. More silence by the AG

    The justice ⚖ and judicial system leaves a lot to be desired – especially the growing backlog in court cases. Silence

    Better Homeland security for Antigua. AG silence once more


    Antiguans pay a lot of taxes here, and we need to know that we are getting value for money from our incumbent politicians.

    Knighthood?! … what for?


  5. @ Cutie have my nod, Prim and the city South Community
    If you were not able to comment unanimously, you would have nothing to say. Your attempt to degrade the writer is indicative of your character. A character trait that plagues our society.
    I have no reason to believe that you are a trio of disparaging airheads.
    The writer is a political opponent of Benjamin, whose role is to criticize the performance of, or lack of performance of his opponent.
    As the Minister awaits his honors; why don’t you offer something of substance, more than that of a political fan club designed to degrade others.

  6. No one degrades others more that Franz on the radio. He constantly degrades Antiguans about not wanting “better” because he didn’t win that seat. It’s a daily ritual of his to criticize everything about Cutie and Gaston; and, I’m not a supporter of them. He can’t even go ONE day without using his daily word in a sentence that’s not a criticism. The irony though is, Franz can’t take people critiquing him. He interrupts callers who don’t agree with whatever he’s spewing on the radio.😂 Believe me, it is nauseating to tune in to voice of the people these days. I’m sure serious UPP supporters are sick of his negativity. I don’t know what kind of politician he’s going to make — because criticism is part of the natural order of political life.

    Petty politician = Franz deFreitas.

  7. Franz’s statement sound more like sour grape. Here is a declared bankrupt man, who feels he has the right to preach to others about finances. His life example is truly a study of what not to do. He prefers to focus on the few negatives but ignore the many lives that Benjamin has helped to make better. Many will testify that Benjamin goes out of his way, to show love to his constituents, while losers like Franz only offer talk.

    • @Tenman: Did Gaston Browne ever write Checks that bounced all over the place.Maybe I should be asking Asot. Declaring of Bankruptcy is not a CRIME.Writing bounced checks is a criminal matter.

  8. Can all the Labourites and Gastonites please post a list of anything that Shamu Benjamin has done? All you clowns do is resort to character assassinations and mudslinging but never really addressing the issue on the table.
    The man is an embarrassment to the AG office and how often have we seen him make an ass of himself in parliament? Let’s not forget he had criminal charges hanging over his head that he will answer for. Do you think America has forgotten how this man had a role in the snipper shootings?
    Again,just point to one thing, anything that this man has done that is deserving of this honor? Just one.

    • “All you clowns do is resort to character assassinations and mudslinging but never really addressing the issue on the table …”

      Well highlighted @ Watching.

      I see you have also noticed that the Gastonites and ABLP acolytes CANNOT respond to any well thought out and well written ANR correspondence/commentators, they use deflectionary tactics (just like their beloved Prime Minister 😁).

      Just watch how they ALWAYS react when they are presented with FACTS and the DERELICTION of duties by this government.

      They WHINE and WAIL like DEMENTED hyenas when their political representatives are critiqued, but they NEVER respond to the topic at hand.

      That’s when you know they’ve lost the debate/argument.

      That’s why I thoroughly enjoy taking them to task … have a great day 🤜🏽🤛🏽

  9. Politics is a big proponent of what have you done for me lately, and under this AG the criminal justice system of Antigua has not improved, and many will argue that lately Antiguans are in distress over the current criminal activities in the nation.. all these rapes, burglaries, and missing people gone unsolved is rather disturbing.

    So yes, wether you like Franz or not, the facts are the facts.

  10. BANKRUPT FRANZ IS G-R-E-A-T-F-U-L for de likkle minimum wage the 🐍 🐍 🐍 pay he to spew lies on radio.

    Where was BANKRUPT G-R-E-A-T-F-U-L Franz when de horse-voice UPP-appointed GG bestowed knighthood on she SON, GARDENER, TOILET CLEANER and Hazelyn??? Oh dats right he min day a merica a lost he morning!!!

    Go sit yo broke arse down in de corner fool. Cutie use you own bullbud and put a royal assing on you 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

  11. Franz DeFreitas is a COLOSSAL FAILURE!! What a waste of life, time and space. Nothing to show for all those years he abandoned Antigua and STRUGGLED under Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump.

    Now why should Antiguans even take this FAILURE seriously?? 🤔 Franz DeFreitas is the epitome of “WASTE MAN” on full display!

    Left Antigua behind and filed for bankruptcy like his republican president. Now back in Antigua looking recognition and MP salary to plaster a nasty infected wound called failure and regret.

    Too late, too late Franzy Panzy

    • … and your take on the WASTED 40-odd years of Birdism and Browneism @ Well well well?

      You ABLP supporters always saying that a couple of
      the UPP Members can’t talk properly, but Gastonites and acolytes definitely haven’t a clue about MATHEMATICS 😁

  12. Please return the money in the collection plate . CUSS pan you. You BANKRUPT …GRATEFUL son of a BITCH. We in City South will never elect you. Join with your BANKRUPT partner BRIXTONIAN. Both of you are fighting for nothing. We do not want to see Franz face in city South. Franz is DISHONEST , SCAMPISH and TOTAL FAILURE. Working for minimum wage at Observer after spending many yesrs in USA. a DISGRACE.

    • “Please return the money in the collection plate …[?]”

      How you mean @ CITY SOUTH COMMUNITY? What about Gaston Browne’s transparency on CIP; NAMCO and YIDA?

      Wouldn’t this be a whole lot more than what goes MISSING on a collection plate?


      Remember, when jackass 🐴 smell corn 🌽 he gallops … 😁

    • @City South Community
      Dishonest, scampish, who are you talking about? Forgot the woman who was only paid her money on the courthouse step after she sued. Forgot the fraudulent certifying of a dead man’s passport to give a criminal. Name me one crime Franz committed in Antigua? It appears that these labour politicians get knighthood for their expert ability to thief. When all the riches flow to the top, poor ass Antiguans waller in their poverty and shower praises on the people who keep them so.

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