MP for St. Peter Asot Michael has indicated that he will contest the upcoming general elections as an independent candidate, as he has been removed from the Antigua Labour Party (ALP) ticket.
Michael was not ratified as a candidate during what he describes as the Labour Party’s recent “kangaroo convention.” Instead, Rawdon Turner was unanimously voted in to represent St. Peter.
In no uncertain terms, however, Michael says he will contest the St. Peter seat in the general elections, and declares he will make history by becoming the first independent candidate to win an election in this country.
According to MP Michael, the ALP’s Suitability Committee did not give reasons why it found him not fit to run on the party’s ticket.
In fact, he claims the Chairman of that committee, Hilroy Humphreys, voted in favour of his remaining the party’s candidate for that constituency.
Further, Michael alleges that one of the members of the Suitability Committee is a relative of Turner.
Meanwhile, he says the popularity of Prime Minister Gaston Browne, the political leader of the ALP, is very low in the St. Peter constituency. Browne’s behaviour and attitude have infuriated many of the constituents, Michael claims. – REAL NEWS
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I wonder if :
Will THEY comment on this rift in the ABLP!
@Jarvis why does my opinion matter to you? I have stated before that its my opinion that its time for AM to forget about being a politician. In terms of his accusation that the selection process was illegal, Mr Micheal is free to make that claim to the court so he can find out if he is correct. One of the life lessons I treasure is know when you are not wanted and depart (even help persons pack). I have seen too often persons paying a high price and later having deep regrets for pushing themselves where they are not wanted. In some circumstances this can be labelled as attempted rape
Oh my God, did Tenman just had a come to Jesus moment? What a hypocrite! I must sent this article to his mother so she can read the prodigal son comment. “Boldface say who no know you call you who.” Not Tenman.
@tenman…de original #Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood.
It’s interesting, that certain factions of the ABLP, don’t want Asot around, as a politician, when it’s the same Asot who helped to stabilize the ALP/ABLP with his financing and political savviness.
As you are aware, many of us who understand the dynamics of the Nations politics saw this day(the #divorce between Gaston and Asot. We knew, that this marriage would not and could not last.). again, this day was coming. It’s here and ABLP regardless, of their strength as a political organization, the organization has being rattled to its core with this divorce.
Asot Michael is not Vere Bird III. He knows how to play the political game, is good at it, knows how to win, and will WIN. Don’t forget, Asot’s political savvy took Gaston to the Leadership chair of the ABLP, by playing his Aces against Lester Bird. He’s gonna play his other #Aces which he holds and this will spell even more trouble for ABLP in the upcoming election.
…ABLP is in trouble! Let the #rumble in the political jungle continue!
Asot should do a #Tell_All Book, before he ends up like Jeffery Epstein. I see these two, as playing similar roles in their nefarious organizations.
@Smood- His time (politics) has past, and its his own fault. Unfuntately he is his worst enemy. Anyway with life there is still hope that he will grow. If the party was in trouble as you state, why is AM still fighting so hard to be in said party? AM knows what you refuse to accept ie the party is stronger than any one individual. Without the party he cannot win. That constituency when he ran first was a ABLP strong hold, it remains so
The fat lady is about to sing
and I know a ABLP will not be dancing
Instead they might be hiding wondering what is really happening.
Run Asot run!
run Asot run!
run ASOT run
Win or lose
you will be doing it in your own shoes
And give ABLP all kinds of blues
@ Ras, you’re a poet, but we just didn’t it … 🤜🤛
You approve and calling Ras Smood a poet ? Well heavens help Us. BRIXTONIAN , do you know Gaston Browne on a personal level ? You appear to be a Gaston hater.
Pssss BRIX.
I have a secret to tell you.
Two clues:
(1) His name starts with ” G ”
(2) He love to cuss people
@Brixtonian…I’m a simple #Carpenter & #Farmer! As for being a poet, …”bloom where thou are planted!”
This #divorce between Gaston and Asot was a long time coming, and now that the day is here, many in the ABLP will do what they do best, and that is try to smear all those who opposes what they stand for.
This is nothing new.
Keep shining the light of truth on the wrongdoings.
They can’t wait for a new post to replace this one.
CORTWRIGHT MARSHALL you’re up. #CheckMate
It is interesting to note that you have not commented on the SPLIT in the ABLP concerning ASOT and GASTON.
@JARVIS “split”. Assot don’t want labour or labour don’t want him as a candidate? Has his party membership been rescinded? Based on your definition Marshall has been botted from the UPP? If you wish to see a split, think back to 2017 when Messiah was booted from the party
Asot repeatedly says that Labour IS IN HIS dna.
So Asot wants LABOUR.
Your lie debunked.
Is Rawdon Turner a legitimate candidate?
Is ASOT correct by saying that the ABLP Convention was ” Kangaroo COURT”?
Was the SUITABILITY COMMITTEE empowered to disqualify ASOT?
What are the implication for ABLP if UNCLE ASOT runs as an independent,
Some questions to consider.
No matter your political stripe good health must come before politics!
Just as Teco Lake
Prayers are offered to CORTRIGHT MARSHALL.
Best wishes are offered to JoANNE Massiah who exercised her democratic right to start her own party.
We are watching the spli
The question I want to ask is this: WAS THE SUITABILTY COMMITTEE empowered to BOOT him out.
Some questions to ponder about the ABLP SPLIT
@Jarvis- you are a typical UPP supporter hence I am not surprised by your comprehension problem. Nowhere in my comment was it stated that AM does not want to be in labour. The question put to you was as a candidate who don’t want who. The comment even pointed out he is still a member. How could he be a member if he did not wish to be? He now enslaved? The other issues you raised are questions AM can take to a court if he so wishes but notice he makes clear he will run independent (knows his chances of winning a court battle are low or non existent)
I am no fan of Gaston Browne and ABLP. I like Gastón intellect especially economically. Don’t like his rudeness and greed. Assot is an Idiot, a spoil brat all you have to do is keep a tape anytime he comes to campaign at your home and he will say things that could send him straight to Jail. I predict that the people of St.Peters are going to take his money and vote against him. He is going to create records by the candidate that spend the most money in an election and loose He is going to get the most vote ever as an independent candidate but not nearly coming close to win. Independent candidates normally loose their deposits he might not. St.Peters seat for the first time is open to a UPP candidate. I do not consider the UPP or APLP candidate anything special. They both have strong party support with Assot taking away votes from ABLP.
ABLP hardly ever chose form ass candidates. To memory Wally Browne and to a lesser extent the guy Tamo ( dunce ). On the other hand UPP has over and over done this – The dunce head ,x driver of PM Spencer Young I ranked number 1. DAN pick up that rubbish that is why I will never look at them as being sensible. Next is Drift Wood Athill that ran in liberta. The UPP list is do long that it will take up too much time. Some of them even won that is how strong the popular support has been for UPP in this country. Eleston Mamba Adams is the worst of the winners. Today he and Winston Williams once UPP star kid now opening door and carrying Chet bag . Even taking daily insults ABLP save two former UPP ministers from going to poor house. They can also be educated clowns. This election we have two and both are lawyers. One a convict. Cannot believe that UPP chose Bowen over Shawn Nicholas , the most outstanding and upstanding female personality right now in Antigua. Shawn your Personality can lead you to be the leader of the UPP party in the future. I Also look at Gail Christian as the other educated clown and the best dressed one. Don’t have any interest in serving people. I don’t even think she loves people. It’s all about her snd showing off. Our political memories are short reminder the Stanford million dollar hand out . Wow . Not even a cent was spent in Gray Farm community. She is all of self and none for anyone else. DNA my granny sum them up as forming fool. When she see them on TV she says why them people just taking their lives and time forming fool. They only have one noteworthy Candidate- The young Lady Parker. She is a community person and means well. This is the type of person that we need to serve our country. Someone that is always giving, looking out for others , organizing programs that help develop others in your community outside of politics. Sorry by do much on my mind . Gone off track but necessary.
@Frankly Speaking we differ a bit. You conclude wrongly St Peters is up for grab something that even their own lost pollster Linley Winter has not found. Take the time to research how much the ABLP candidate won by the last election. UPP got 577 votes, ABLP 1736. Fact is even if he picked up 1K votes which is unlikely, ABLP will still win. The persons who are most likely to vote for AM are the same people UPP hoping for. They are fickle (think back to how AM contributed to the UPP candidate campaign—think the manchurian candidate). Its UPP mediums AM campaigning in (eg Observer). Pay attention to how UPP stalwarts are now defending AM(Unfortunately UPP do not understand Game theory). Anyway we will soon see which one of us is wrong.
@Frankly Speaking…
Asot need to WIN, so that he can help to correct some of what he helped to phuck up!
What better way for him to atone himself!
Then he can shine the light in those dark catacombs of the Parliament, to show up those “crooked politicians” which you keep mentioning.
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