It can be challenging to know what kinds of sports equipment you are allowed to carry with you when traveling. Many items are not allowed on airplanes. These items include equipment that could be used as a weapon, such as baseball bats, cricket bats, and hockey sticks. Also, items or equipment that exceeds size or weight limitations, such as a surfboard, are generally not allowed. It is essential to keep in mind that there are always exceptions to these general rules, so contact your preferred airline and ask about your specific needs before booking your flight.
So what sports equipment can you easily take with you? Let’s find out!
1.) Basketball
If you’re into shooting hoops, you’ll be glad to know that most airlines allow basketballs as carry-on luggage! You can also deflate your basketball, so it packs flat, and bring a manual air-pump to inflate it when you reach your destination! Considering how popular basketball is all over the world, bringing a ball with you could help you connect with locals and have a great time doing so!
2.) Soccer
The most popular of all sports worldwide, soccer is always an excellent choice of game to play when abroad. Like basketballs, a soccer ball can be stored in carry-on luggage, or deflated, stored in your checked baggage, and inflated again once on land. Because soccer can be played with only the ball, and needs no other extraneous equipment, it is one of the most accessible and most convenient sports to play while traveling.
3.) Wakeboard
If you’re planning on wakeboarding at an exotic, aquatic destination, you have a few options. If you’d like to travel with your board on the plane, you need to be aware that most airlines charge an additional fee to store sports equipment. Also, you will need to pad your wakeboard to prevent any damage during transportation. A unique bag may be used for padding and storage.
If you’re willing to part with your board for a short period, you can also ship your wakeboard to your destination ahead of time, which may save you some money and hassle. Just be sure to use lots of padding when you send it!
4.) Skating
Skates of all kinds are allowed on airplanes! They are usually stored in your carry-on luggage. In-line skates, roller blades, and ice skates are all permissible for travel, and when you arrive at your destination, the only thing you need to go skating is some pavement!
5.) Tennis
You can get all of the tennis action you’d like while abroad! Tennis balls, tennis rackets, and even netting are allowed on planes, and usually at no additional cost! So if you’re hoping to get out onto the court and play a game of singles or doubles while you’re traveling, you absolutely can!
There are many kinds of sports that you can bring with you, all across the globe. Knowing your airline’s baggage restrictions, fees, and limitations will save you a lot of frustration and time, so be sure to ask questions if you’re unsure of something. If you’re intent on bringing large, or ungainly equipment with you, remember that international shipping is always an option and may actually cost less and make your traveling more comfortable.
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