Prime Minister Gaston Browne Thursday heightened speculation about another snap general election in Antigua and Barbuda after it emerged that Cabinet has instructed the Supervisor of Elections to be prepared to “conduct free and fair elections”.
Browne led his Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) to a 15-2 victory in the March 21, 2018 general elections he called more than a year ahead of the constitutional date. The main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) was declared winner of one seat on the main island, while the Barbuda People’s Movement’s (BPM) Trevor Walker won the lone seat on the smaller sister island.
In June last year, Browne hinted that the general elections, constitutionally due in 2023, could be held “as early as November next year” as he reacted to the decision by the UPP to name its first four candidates for the next election.
Predicting that his ABLP would improve on the 15 of the 17 seats it won in the 2018 snap election, Browne said that it would sweep all the seats.
A statement issued after the weekly Cabinet meeting noted that “the Cabinet has instructed the Supervisor of Elections to make the arrangements to purchase ballot paper, to acquire all other supplies necessary to conduct free and fair elections, and to ensure that all human and material resources required to hold flawless elections are available to the Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission in quick order”.
Information Minister Melville Nicholas told reporters that the move is necessary if Browne decides to call the early general election.
“The Prime Minister would have signalled his intention to have the option of calling early general elections. Accordingly he would have asked the Electoral Office to be in a state of readiness to ensure that ballots are ordered and to ensure all necessary provisions are put in place,” Nicholas said.
The Cabinet statement said that a decision had been taken under The Antigua and Barbuda Constitution Order 1981, to establish an Election Boundaries Commission (EBC) consisting of four commissioners, three of whom are to be named by the Government and one by the Opposition.
It said that the government’s three commissioners are former minister Hilroy Humphreys as chairman with Garfield Christopher and Ivor Ford as members.
Nicholas said that it is going to be left to the Leader of the Opposition in the Parliament to name the fourth member.
“He will be engaged by the Office of the Prime Minister, a letter should be (sent) shortly to invite his nominee to the Electoral Boundaries Commission.”
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Please pause and think carefully.
The ABLP has a huge majority and elections are constitutionally due in 2023.
Is it really necessary for the PM to plan elections
& get the population hyped in the midst of a global health crisis for political expediency?
TnT had elections, rally’s & whatnot …and are now suffering badly from covid 19 throughout the population, low vaccination rates etc.
St. Lucia election June…how coincidental the Cabinet announced a June 1-30 easing of entry restrictions for fully vaccinated returning Lucian’s (proof of vaccine, neg pcr test – no test on arrival, no quarantine). Note the easement is currently ONLY showing for month of June.
St Kitts/Nevis had election…rallies & so forth, people got sick…and now sick again due to protocols NOT being adhered to, so on shut-down.
India held elections…plenty rallies & gatherings, hundreds of thousands dead, medical system can’t cope, low vaccination rate.
PLEASE focus on an eased step by step forwards to get the economy going again for EVERYONE.
Forget Carnival.
Forget election $1000 envelopes, refrigerators, laptops and suchlike individual sweeteners.
Spend the money you & donors plan to spend on a ‘flawless’ election on the here & now, getting the economy on track, paying pensioners on time etc.
Forget elections this year – it is such a disrespectful notion to the medical profession, all business owners, the tourism sector and every woman, child & man in this country.
Let’s keep focused on the pandemic, our economy and respecting the health, security and livelihoods every Antiguan & Barbudan, irrespective of red, blue or green shirts.
OUR LIVES MATTER over your political expediency.
Maria even in Antigua? She get bang plenty. How much more bang up she go take?
And there are still some idiots that will vote the current members in again.
You mentioned KNUCKLE…Tabor..Are you talking from EXPERIENCE?????
That picture above. Is that of Gaston Browne and his daughter.
She is the Prime Minister Beautiful wife. Please STOP your idle talk. BEACH BUM…You are a DUNCE ELEMENT.
You jealous Hon.Gaston Browne. You are really a BEACH BUM. Shut your BIG MOUTH. Hon.Gaston Browne best Prime Minister in the WORLD.
How much did he pay you to say that.
Is Harold Lovell married? If so, who/where is his wife?? And the comment he made about you treat your wife good and still get knuckle, is he speaking from his real life experience???
We shall label HAROLD LOVELL throughout the ELECTION 2023 as ( HAROLD RENT A CROWD). What a shame. What say you TABOR and DESERT ROSE ??????
You mentioned KNUCKLE…Tabor..Are you talking from EXPERIENCE?????
WELL WELL WELL knuckle is a phenomenon many men have experienced, whether married or single. Some leaders not only get knuckle from fellow party Parliamentarians but also their spouse’s exercise coaches. Learn to deal with your knuckle when it happens and not resort to domestic violence like others.
We shall label HAROLD LOVELL throughout the ELECTION 2023 as ( HAROLD RENT A CROWD). What a shame. What say you TABOR and DESERT ROSE ??????
We in St.George cannot wait to kick Serpent in the A*****S next election.
You mentioned KNUCKLE…Tabor..Are you talking from EXPERIENCE?????
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