Spanish Community Leader Condemns Murder of Chantel Crump and Calls for Unity

Alex Martinez

Dominican Community Leader Alex Martínez Condemns Crime and Calls for Unity Amid Rising Tensions

The leader of the Dominican community in Antigua and Barbuda, Alex Martínez, has strongly condemned the recent murder of nine-year-old girl, Chantel Crump, urging authorities to bring those responsible to justice while calling for unity and peace amid rising tensions.

A hispanic woman Angela Mejia has been charged with the murder.

In a Facebook Live address, which was originally delivered in Spanish and translated, he expressed deep sorrow over the tragic loss, describing the crime as “horrific” and extending condolences to the victim’s family. He emphasized that the Dominican community stands against violence and that its members come to Antigua and Barbuda to work and build better lives, not to commit crimes.

“We reject this crime in the strongest terms. It is an unspeakable act, and we demand justice,” he stated. However, he also voiced concerns over what he described as unfair blame being placed on the Dominican community due to reports suggesting that a Dominican national may be involved.

“Our community is being dragged into a scandal because of the actions of one person. If someone commits a crime, they alone should be held accountable. The entire Dominican community should not be blamed,” he asserted.

He further condemned calls for violence against Dominicans in response to the crime, revealing that some individuals have been using social media to incite hostility. He urged community members to remain vigilant and avoid confrontation, stressing that retaliation would only escalate tensions.

“There are people inciting hatred against us, calling for attacks on Dominicans. We must stay safe, be alert, and not engage in conflict. We do not want violence, but we will also not allow ourselves to be harmed,” he warned.

Martínez also referenced a previous case involving the murder of Dominican national Jennifer Bridge, noting that justice has still not been served in that case. He called on authorities to provide answers and to treat all victims equally.

To express their concerns and demand justice, the Dominican community is planning a peaceful march. He encouraged all members to participate, reiterating that their objective is to seek justice, not conflict.

“We will march in peace, just as others have done. We want justice for this little girl, and we also want justice for Jennifer. We are all human beings, and we all deserve safety and respect,” he stated.

He ended his address by urging community members to remain united, focus on their families, and continue contributing positively to the country. He also thanked the Antiguan government and people for allowing Dominicans to live and work in Antigua and Barbuda.

“We are grateful to Antigua and Barbuda for the opportunities we have here. We respect the laws, and we are part of this society. Let’s work together to fight crime and keep our communities safe,” he concluded.

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  1. He’s right, this was the work of individuals not a community. When we Leeward Islands people go to UK and USA and an individual of our community commits a crime like rape or murder it would not be fair to target all of us because of the bad deeds of one person

  2. Yes, classical divide and conquer. We have learnt well from our slavemasters and we are busily passing it down from generation to generation. So one human commits a terrifying act depravity against a young human being and we blame a whole community for the action of one human not recognizing that we all have the same origins and slavery was our genocide. We are seeking revenge. An eye for an eye. Yes the perpetrator should be locked up but it is up to us to ensure that savagery of this nature cannot happen in our society.

  3. I heard ppl saying they gonna kidnapped Spanish children an do them the same smh am Antiguan an you can't let one person crime condemn all nation we love kids we protect them I heard ppl saying they gonna kidnapped Spanish children an do them the same smh am Antiguan an you can't let one person crime condemn all nation we love kids we protect them

    The whole nation is in turmoil over the wicked brutally act done to this girl she only wanted to go home from school sn they took her life but let’s not make it make us bitter against all Spanish children thry too are innocent an do not deserve to be punish by what this wicked gyal did an other person out there trying kidnapped persons too we need to get them off the street

  4. This article from the Antigua News Room about the Spanish community leader is misleading and mischievous. Dominicans are from the Commonwealth of Dominica. Spanish people are not Dominicans. This is sending a very bad message out there. She is from the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo. (Dominicana). How would people out there read this none scense thinking that she is from Dominica. Correct that forthwith. Antigua News Room always printing none sense.

  5. I am not one a them foolie moomoo Antiguan about unity, Spanish people though black believe their ancestors are Spaniards, they don’t associate with African ideology, look what Santo Domingo is doing to the Haitian people, deporting them as they run from the ensuing war in Haiti, and I now think it is time the ALP stop look vote at the expense of the true native Antiguan who can go back three generations and stop them damn amnesty thing giving our passports to criminals, am sure that same Spanish girl that murder Shantel possess our passport, we need laws like america and the virgin islands that any heinous crime is committed that your property is seized and you are deported after serving time, it must be the ALP advising this so call Spanish community leader to come placate us, wait why is it that we don’t have Antiguan community leaders in our villages? We need to vote in blocks like how the syrians, Spanish and white people do for our interest and stop been divided for ham and turkey, in that case we will have a say like how these foreign interlopers come here and organize our politicians to their benifit. Hang that evil girl and others waiting in prison for murder.

  6. Move ar you rass !!! Y’all know about this girl and her grooming and also her online scams conning men overseas. Y’all keep to yourselves and can’t even speak English. Always criticise Antigua even though you run way lef that dump. Your departure from Antigua would have zero effect on us, it would only be for the betterment of the nation if Y’alll left. Unless you are a landlord of a brothel of course.

  7. Sorry, but I don’t have much faith in nor respect for your “condemnation of crimes and calls for peace and unity.” I understand that you feel moved to say something about the abduction and vicious murder of a nine year-old Antiguan/Barbudan child at the hands of a(n) Hispanic woman
    At no point in your lengthy condemnation did I see am apology for the heinous crime commìtted made to her parents, family, the Gray’s Farm community or to the citizens of this country on behalf of the ever growing number of Hispanics to whom we grant the privilege of settling amongst us. No apology given! Instead what I see is a burly-looking character, with sunshades concealing the level of sincerity that can often be seen through the eyes, trying to issue subtle threats to grieving, hurting people in whose space he now resides. Before warning the affected population of potential retaliatory backlash from your Hispanic posse “….but we will not allow ourselves to harmed.” you should have just firmly and quietly addressed your own troops.
    Wrong song selection for this occasion!
    You condemn the violent way in which this child’s life was taken, but in the same breath warn against any harm possibly coming to your members
    You claim to want justice for Chantal then immediately shift the topic to a Jenifer Bridges, another unfortunate victim of unsolved who-dunnit cases. We KNOW who murdered little Chantal Crump abducted on her way home from School and subsequently mutilated and murdered. At least one Dominican (Hispanic) has been arrested and charged following her confession. We still don’t know who murdered the young mother of a two year-old, whether or not it was a Hispanic man or not, some months ago.
    Don’t you DARE mention the two unfortunate incidents in the same so-called condemnation of violence here!

  8. You are right.
    There should be no broad brushing.
    Everyone cannot be held responsible for the criminal actions of one mentally deranged Dominican.
    Have you forgotten that it was one or two Dominicans who committed murder some years ago and the Spanish community marched and blocked our streets against the just sentence handed down by a duly constituted court? Will the community do the same when justice is handed down in this matter? Where does the disassociation of the Spanish community to crime and criminal behavior begin and end?
    I am happy that you have disassociated yourself and the civic minded, law abiding Spanish community from the actions of this one young monster. I simply hope that your heads do not resurface in months or years to come blocking our streets against a sentence that may not meet your approval.

  9. All I can say is let common sence and peace prevails.
    What a thing one of the bad apple is spoiling the rest.
    I must say here there are lots of Dominicano (Dominican República) citizens lives on Antigua of good character and contribute to the further developments of the nation of Antigua and Barbuda.
    Let avoid using that board brush.

  10. @eldreade or whatsoever you mean with this silly name. First study properly the history about the DR and Haiti,them you will get the answers that will unlock the critical criteria in your brain,as you may don’t know,this island was surrounded in the past not just for the Spanish (Spain)..the conflict as your try wash ” between the Haiti government ( not their citizens ) and the Dominican Republic government ) not their citizens ” dating back from the FAMOUS 1800 until now. Why you not mention ( Both sides of the island ) was until now under the command of foreigners government ( the French/American..for Haiti ) and the ( Americans ) for the Dominican Republic side. I wish and plead to you DIVE INTO THE HISTORY and you will understand the game. Follow the USAID money distribution in both sides.


  11. Do you all check her Facebook page, why did she mentioned Passo on her Facebook book page? We need to find out who all are involved.Maybe we all should come together and pay money for own private investigator. Like they trying to put all the blame on the one person at the bottom of the chain.

  12. I know you people was going to start reaching out because you want your citizen back, but this girl will not return until she face her punishment hopefully it’s the death penalty. Antiguan has nothing against Dominican right now just the girls family and her accomplice,just like Antiguans know she did not do the killing Dominican community dam well know she did not commit this crime on her own.Her family if she has one in Antigua will have to leave Antigua we have no place for Evil people,as for her other accomplices they will be caught and pay for their crime.F.y.I Dominican is not even part of CARICOM so you people don’t have to come to Antigua to work unless you have clean police records keep your evil people in your country.

  13. For the love of money
    The dominicans and doctors have that one thing on common
    When it’s not promoting plastic surgery, it’s organ retrieval scams

  14. …Now hear this!
    …Ignorance is still bliss!
    …but, when it comes, to #truths_N_rights!
    …I n I, nar fuss & fight!
    …’cause, in the Heat Of The Night
    …when, darkness comes to light!
    …messengers shall always write
    …with vibes, that’ll blow your mind
    …each and every time
    …like Willy Deeeez & JJ #DYNAMITE.

    Kum een Broddah Bob…

    …oh what a Rat Race
    …in the place! Dis Yah Place.
    …this is A Rat Race! Rat Race!
    …oh a disgrace. In our face!

    …she was a Pimpers Paradise!
    …that’s all she became now!
    …a Pimpers Paradise! Pimpers Paradise!
    …infested with bugs and lice
    …and, dem tings dey no nice!
    …but, every need!
    …has an EGO to feed!
    …so, who becomes the VICTIMS now!
    …because of greed!
    …yes Indeed! Yes Indeed!
    …that’s what she became
    …a Pimpers Paradise!
    …running with the Rats & Mice!
    …all in the name of fame.
    …so, go ahead; call on jesus name
    …ask H.I.M. to take The Wheel.
    …but, you’ve already made your deal
    …then, #wheel; #pull_up!
    …could you possibly REWIND!
    …and KUM AGAIN, to RASS!

    A Pimpers Paradise is what #Sweet Sweet Sweet WADALI has become!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg 🦶🏾 Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  15. This reminds me of England and their “Open Britain” policy sucking up to immigrants. How many grooming gangs and terror attacks have they had now ? They are our version of that. Don’t assimilate, don’t like us, keep quiet about each others crimes. Soon they will start seeking office and trying to twist our policies to suit their own people. To be a patriot in your own country will be deemed as Racist !

  16. THERE is absolutely no replacement for Chantel
    no amount of words spoken or written can begin to heal the wound this devilish act has brought on her family relatives and friends and indeed the entire nation
    What the leader of the Dominicana community needs to do is to advise the young lady rather than going down alone is that she should speak “THE TRUTH BOLDLY” so that these types of activities be put to an end. HER failure to do so will make it look as if she is in fact guilty as charged and we allll know although some people are just naturally devious and heartless this is not easily a one man job. THIS looks more like a business – some drivers, some abductors, some doctors/surgeons and the list goes on – hence a large establishment – NEED TO COME TO AN END

  17. Could the Dominican Community please assist law enforcement into the Antigua Airways Saga and let them know the whereabouts, of the alleged Captain of the boat that sank east of St. Kitts killing several Africans, allegedly, smuggled into Antigua by officials in high places?
    It’s be nice to know who owned or owns the boat?

    …A #SMUGGLERS_PARADISE, #BEACH_BUM HANG OUT and #PIRATES_HIDEOUT, is what we continue to be from the days of The TERRORIST Horacio Nelson.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg 🦶🏾 Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  18. Your face don’t even look like a trusted person all we know she could be your sister,she will be punished for her crimes, abduction of a child,murder accomplice ,she’s not to convincing that she’s capable to carry out brutal killing for body parts on her own. They will face Capital punishment. And your country will go down in history for their crimes.


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