Sources deny reports of Sean “Diddy Combs” landing in Antigua and Barbuda on his private jet, LoveAir. International news agencies previously claimed the jet landed at V.C. Bird International Airport today, but officials state there is no evidence. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATS APP GROUP
They emphasize that no record exists of Diddy’s arrival. The last private jet at V.C Bird landed at 6:42 p.m, and Diddy was not aboard.
This follows federal raids on Diddy’s Miami and Los Angeles homes earlier this week amid lawsuits alleging human trafficking, which Diddy has denied.
Arrests were made, including of Diddy’s sons, but charges remain unclear.
TMZ reported that Diddy’s personal LoveAir LLC jet, a black Gulfstream 5, was tracked to be in Antigua while federal law enforcement agencies raided his homes in the U.S. It’s unclear if Diddy was on board his jet at the time of the raids.
The flight activity of Diddy’s jet showed it moving between California and finally landing in Antigua.
The raids on his Miami and Los Angeles homes were linked to allegations of human trafficking and other claims, which Diddy vehemently denied.
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This news is rife in America 🇺🇸, and according to sources P Diddy was tipped off by friends and then he “supposedly” fled here to Antigua.
Please, I hope this isn’t true … we’ve got enough issues!
If he’s in Barbuda, they need to kick his hedonistic a%#e out of the country. Forthwith!
Anything happening anyway “we in Dae “
Once people hear of an independent and corrupt country where government ministers are on sale that’s it. Antigua.
Oh please ! What ‘sources’ … Antigua and Barbuda will sell out their soul for a dollar .. they probably grease some corrupt politician hand and he is right on the island .. either Antigua or Barbuda ! Antigua Crime minister and his cabinet are so tief and corrupt.. they probably knows he is right there in the island and is protecting him … they will probably make him an AMBASSADOR…
These are the same government that let in 600 Africans in the country .. who still cannot be tracked .. who died trying to flee .. who walked in right through immigration without any place to stay and they were just let right in from the airport to enter our country … ANY ANSWERS ON THAT??? NO .. so our airport is not very secure . Who so ever will May come … they will give him CIP citizenship … some one of those CIP people in Antigua who is living large will rush his citizenship for him and charge him 50,000Us- 100,000US EXTRA… that’s what they do .. just like they did Choski and he is still hiding out in Antigua.. theses CIP “agents “ in Antigua are nothing but smugglers themselves .. they sell passports to Italian and Saudi Arabian criminals and their family and those people don’t even have to set foot in Antigua … trust me .. and 50,000US Is nothing for these criminals who have billions in their empire
and we see these CIP AGENTS in Antigua driving around in big cars and large houses and living extravagant life styles.. do we thing they are just ‘ really good at it “???? DIDDY HAS LANDED IN ANTIGUA & is people like those living in cedar valley that ‘ALL OF a sudden have millions by issuing illegal Antiguan passports will be the ones to profit and live on their high horse … BUT JUST LIKE DIDDY .. no one is untouchable and the truth will come out .. and they may have to run right back to they wooden house in OTTOS.
what’s he gonna do with ANTIGUAN passport????
p diddy he’s gonna run forever he’s a millionaire he has his career regardless of what he’s been accuse of he will go back on the radar how long he go run for you believe every body want ANTIGUAN passport any country he fly to they will know him chupz the man jus wah hide out for a while
if he’s in trouble his source will never admit that he landed here because he didn’t want anyone to know his business so its undercover maybe he landed maybe he didn’t, but wen american is out tracking u an they found where u are its always true somehow hope he turn himself in an defend himself
This is BS. TMZ should issue a retraction IMMEDIATELY. When you fools speak of corruption, I urge you to do it with lots of cheese in Your mouth.
What corruption has Antigua been accused of? Throwing out BS to see what sticks is so old school.
Propaganda and regret plagues the UPP that’s why you will forever live in opposition. You live in a world where truth, honesty, and reality is non Existent.
Anyone who believes this crap needs a lesson in private plane charters and geography.
Why are you in videos so quick to drag Antigua through the mud? You UPP supporters sick ma tomac
@ Voice of Reason, what the hell has UPP and their
supporters got to do with the situation with P Diddy allegedly arriving here in Antigua or Barbuda?
For goodness sake, lay the blame where it really lies.
You ABLP supporters also “sick ma tomac”.
Wow! Say it isn’t so! We have sunk below sea level in corruption, bribery and trafficking, we can take no more scandals. Lester Bird facilitated Aristide’s kidnapping; Choksi is still here living it up; Brian Stewart Young is where, China? Intentional crooks have found a safe haven here in Antigua and Barbuda. The word is out. The government there is corrupt and greedy. Just grease someone’s hands. When will this stop? When Gaston Browne and his hoodlums are removed from office, investigated, and brought up on applicable charges.
Let’s hope, for Antigua and Barbuda’s sake this isn’t so.
Antigua is more corrupt than ever under as the leader. Everyone has a past; However, Gaston past alone tells you who he was and is….a leopard doesn’t change his spots.
Only God alone can tell me that P. Diddy is not in Antigua. Antigua is a small country that people will easily hideaway. America has satellite in space so if P. Diddy was tracked here, then he is here. The officials here in Antigua who is claiming that he didn’t comes in on his jet are all liars including the people at the airport who handle private jets. It is time we stop lie for a few dollars. We need to protect our country image and stop allowing people to used our beautiful country as a scapegoat.
Ummmm Puff Daddy was never in Antigua and Barbuda lmfao!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 at the time of the raid Puffy was on camera in Miami. I really can’t believe people actually take anything on TMZ of the the news outlet as a fact. You people can’t be serious. Thank God for.other sites like The Shade Room, The Neighborhood Talk Its On Site and other black own media outlets🤣🤣🤣🤣
I guess you feel stupid now !! He is right here on island .. I can’t believe you are so stupid .. why is it so far fetch that he is in Antigua .. and by the way TMZ is extremely reputable .. they are the ones who actually sell news to the larger parent companies ..
And do u know how many time TMZ have to retract a story or how many lawsuits they have to settle for reporting false information. TMz is a tabloid news outlet. Puffy ain’t here and even if Antigua wanted to hide him they won’t cause all the US have to do is threaten to stop give visa you will see how fast Puffy get hand over if he was here🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
i know Bramble would LOVE to meet him!
🦉😆😆😆Dave Chappell needs to get hold of this one.
What Diddy is being accused of; what Art Kelly have being convicted for; what Jeffery Epstein, allegedly, committed suicide for; what Bill Clinton have denied; what Donald “Teflon Kid” Trump will take his fight(s) all the way to the Supreme Court for; and, what millions of Americans are, as theyvroam around the World every day, is they’re INDUCTEES into the #American_Gangster Society, Order, Club. It’s part of the norm, of being an American. States such as Maryland are now seriously debating laws, to charge HUEmans, as young as TEN(10) years old with certain crimes which are Federal in nature. Things such as, armed robberies, carjackings, murder, etc., so, while P. Diddy might be cruising the world in private jet, and allegedly landed in Antigua or Barbuda, he’s not a WANTED FUGITIVE. His movements on his private jet are no more serious, than him getting in a limo from his home to wherever in America.
Until, he’s arrested and charged, P. Diddy is no different than any of those billionaire criminals arriving on their MEGA YACHTS, in Antigua and Barbuda for Sailing Week.
TMZ is like the NATIONAL ENQUIRER gossip paper, Jerry Springer Fight Show and Rush Limbaugh Race_Baiting Talk Show all wrapped up, in one.
While Antigua & Barbuda has internal issues which are negatively affecting the People’s way of life, the Sky Is Not Falling. We need better management of Our resources. We could use better LONG TERM PLANNING regarding our infrastructure(s). We have to REGULATE PUBLIC ORDER(noise ordinances, loitering, etc), which means systems in place(sporting to agriculture to aquaculture) to take up what the loitering in particular was occupying in people’s thought processes.
Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA has positive aspects which by far outweigh and outnumber the negatives.
I am not a P. Diddy fan, Gaston fan, Harold fan, Trump fan nor a fan of any conjured up Religious Deity call god, allah, buddha, or any other name given to the ESSENCE OF NATURE’S ETHER, this is what I’m a #fan of, The Essence Of Nature’s Ether. I’m simple stating some of what is obvious, not perceived.
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
@Vere C. Edwards, “TMZ is like the NATIONAL ENQUIRER gossip paper, Jerry Springer Fight Show and Rush Limbaugh Race_Baiting Talk Show all wrapped up, in one.”, and their stories are right MORE often than not. You’re acting like if it’s impossible. Haven’t we been known to give refuge to those running from US authorities? Robert Vesco, Alan Stanford, Calvin Ayre. There are some other names from the 80s that alludes me atm.
@DunlopJ… 😆😆😆❌…X, the cross marks the spot, regardless of what angle it’s rotated to. BTW it’s also a #SWASTIKA which resides at crossroads of life.
A couple of things…
A…Sean “P Diddy” Combs is not a FUGITIVE, and until such time, if he becomes one, he’s free to travel like anyone else.
B…Are there any CONVICTED CATHOLIC PRIESTS residing in Antigua? The Catholic Church is paying out billions in fines(no jail time) for attrocities raised to the N th Power versus what P Diddy is accused of.
Now, if the Pope and his convicted Priests were to come and visit Antigua or Barbuda, they’d be given a RED CARPET to walk on all over the Nation, and none would, as much as fart when they pass by, much less complain about them being in the Nation.
Believe you me, I get the #Fear_Factor of not being chosen to be the next site for an American Embassy in the Caribbean. It puts [the Nation] between, A Rock and A Hard Place, as Antigua’s Government try to appease the US State Department and is even willingly, to let the WTO RULING in Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA’s favor against the USA slide.
Again, Sean “P_Diddy” Combs is as much of an American_Gangsta, as those who sit in the US Congress on Capitaline Hill, Washington, DC.
Check the stats and the facts, the US Congress employs the most crooks in America and they got IMMUNITY from prosecution from where you’re at to heavens gate wherever, the HELL, that is.
But again, I know it’s not easy for Our Pan_Handling Nation, as she sits between a Rock and a Hard place. Beggars can’t be choosers!
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Btw, @Vere, I hope this is not true, because if we offer one ounce of refuge to this guy, there goes our chances of getting back that US embassy.
As per usual an unconfirmed report that supposedly put Antigua in a bad spotlight and the idiots on here who want to see Antigua go down in flames run here like a moth to a flame. Diddy was never in Antigua. He was in Miami but these fools here so was something bad to say about Antigua they just ran with it. Here come the bitch with no work to do but comment under people comment reach now.
Says the IDIATT that also comes on ANR threads as regular he eats food and drink water!!!
Throwing stones at those who are concerned about what’s going on in the country, and then pointing fingers.
Remember @ Chupes, when you point, there’s 3 others pointing at you 👉🏾
Just like the hit bitch (female dog) that u see here u come up under my comments so predictable.
When you start talking sense @ Chupes, I’ll ignore you, but I can’t fathom that happening anytime soon 😉
🎶”Wheeeeeel …”🎶
I just hope it is Brixtonian you referring to!!!
Throw a stone in a pig pen and the hit pig will squeal. As u can see like clockwork the hit pig squeal.
People like you @ Chupes can’t tek criticism.
Remember, if you cuss Johncrow peel head turkey wi bex 😉
Holla bicth holla!!! I wanna here u holla!!!!
If he doesn’t guilty of something,he would not be running,and hiding,but how long he will run for…
At this point I would not be surprised …
Every scandal have to find Antigua some how smh 🤦♂️
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