Source says ‘interfering’ senior policeman should share blame for truck stolen from Langfords


REAL NEWS – While pressure is coming to bear on the police officer on whose watch a truck full of building materials and tools was stolen from the Langfords Police Station compound, a source says that a senior police officer should also share the blame.

Reports say the truck that was stolen has been involved in similar incidents of larceny, and its owner and his spouse are known to the Police, with several matters pending before the Districts A and B courts.

A source tells REAL News that, weeks before the August 26 theft, officers had been involved in a high-speed chase with the truck’s owner, who allegedly had been caught stealing from a construction site.

At that time, the alleged offender had managed to pack only some steel onto the truck.

However, it had not been properly secured and reportedly fell off during the chase. Officers managed to apprehend the suspect and took the truck into custody.

However, days later, the man – said to be a friend of a senior officer – made a complaint that officers at Langfords were holding onto his vehicle.

Reportedly, orders were then given by the senior lawman to return the truck to the owner. Allegedly, during a prior incident, the truck had been seized and taken to Police Headquarters, and the battery had been stolen.

The senior officer reportedly made reference to this incident when ordering his subordinates to hand the vehicle over to the owner – since the theft of the battery had taken place in spite of cameras being set up at that location.

It was mere weeks later that the same vehicle was involved in another theft and found, hidden, in a bushy area. In that latest instance, it was taken to the Langfords compound from which it was stolen.

The lumber and tools, allegedly, were sold after its disappearance. Given that the truck owner has been involved in quite a number of these incidents – which are known to the Police – the source says the truck should not have been turned over to him. After all, it should have been an exhibit in the larceny case, she says.

Accordingly, instead of blaming only the junior officer, the senior officer should also be held responsible for the most recent incident, the source states She claims that this is not the first time this particular senior officer has intervened in investigations – reportedly asking that persons whom he knows be released from custody, among other “favours.”

Meanwhile, an Ottos man, said to be the stepson of the truck’s owner, reportedly is now serving a seven-month prison sentence for selling the lumber and tools. He is alleging that he paid an officer $5,000 to steal the truck, but refuses to identify the person.






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  1. Ah! Just another case of artful enrichment in the rank and file of the Barracks & Canteen gangs at the RAPF: where transparency equating to accountability is none existence in the mantra of Governance Operations as per The Top Dawg, who is large and in charge.

  2. This kind of behavior by senior officers is something I am very familiar with as it often occurred in my work place. I find myself being victimized for the past 12 years for refusing to carry out those kind of illegal instructions. Managers and supervisors need to understand the law that they are require to enforce equally apply to them and to all.

    • PS
      My advice to junior officers in every law enforcement agencies is whenever you are given these kind of instructions is to ask for it in writing and keep a copy.

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