National hero, Sir Vivian Richards, shared his views on UPP Political Leader, Harold Lovell, commending him for his integrity and leadership skills.
A debate about Lovell’s contributions to the nation on Observer radio on Saturday led the cricketing legend to call in and voice his opinions.
“While I was in England, Harold was in England at the same time and wherever I was playing that guy would turn up and he would make me feel so proud as an Antiguan and Barbudan,” Sir Vivian recalled.
“The love I got from that individual and the love that I think he himself has for people is paramount.”
The retired cricketer also made mention to the Black Lives Matter movement, crediting Lovell with being “instrumental” in raising awareness of issues affecting black people.
“The colour of our skin seems to be hated by so many different races and we have got to stand up as people and be proud and let them know exactly who we are as people – and Harold did that in the early days. They tried to educate us as much as they can and now it’s being played out for real,” said Sir Viv.
“I can only offer my utmost love … he’s such a wonderful individual and it’s just great to know and hear some of the tributes to him tonight,” he said, referring to fellow listeners who had previously called in to express their backing for the former St John’s City East constituency representative.
Sir Vivian added, “I can tell you that that guy is a good guy.”
Lovell, former Finance Minister, has not officially declare his intention to run in the next general elections but he is expected to do so shortly.
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Lovell’s time has come and gone. Time for new, young minds.
This is a joke, right???
@Kristi: You have the rights endorse anyone.You are a Labor Party supporter.That is your rights to choose.Why is this a joke?
Sir Viv Richards has the rights to endorse whomever,he so wishes.After all ah Antigua he barn.A dey he come fram.He did not bang water come dey.I am awaiting your responses.
Is Sir Vivian Richards the best cricketer ever? In my opinion he is.
Having said that, in my opinion, politically, Sir Vivian Richard is a joke.
Who was his advisor on his Crawl Bay project?
What did his friend put in place as his benefits as a National Hero?
Sir Viv, stick to what you know and stick to what Antiguans & Barbudans and people the world over recognize you for.
@BEEF:How would you know,what someone knows.You must be a mind reader.For as far as I know.You would only know what someone knows if they were to tell you.Your statement in my opinion is very condescending.That is typical of Antiguans.They have all of the answers about all things.All others would know absolutely nothing.No one knows you from jump street.I have read your comments and you have gotten personal.Are you the “Beef” the worked at Observer Radio,on Voice Of The People.If you are,then go back and listened to yourself.And see between you and Sir Viv. Which one of you should stick to what you know.I rest my damn case.For none of you could stop Sir Vivian Richards from speaking.A Ovals he come fram.Me come fram the Deep in The MUD.If SIR VIV did say he endorses TAP DAWG BROWNE.YOU WOULD BE KISSING HIS BACKSIDES.
Still not going to work out. Only how UPP ever getting back into power is for them the get rid of Lovell, Mrs Issac-Arendel and all the old heads. Get some fresh blood and then Antigua people will take them seriously.
Last year January,I came into Antigua to watch England versus West Indies.I had a wonderful time there.My only disappointment,the game ended in 3 days instead of 5 days.During one of those days I ran into the great one Sir Viv Richards.We had a very long conversation.Because we have not seen each other for many years then.You should have seen the amount of England fans surrounded Sir Viv.They were looking for his autograph and taking selfies with him.This man is well respected around the world.I am living in the USA.When persons of Indian and Pakistani ethnicity would ask me where am I from.I would say Antigua.They would ask me if I knew Sir Vivian Richards.This man is the most popular National ever in my opinion.Known around the world by millions.You people need to respect him.You do not have to agreed with him.
Clearly Sir Viv though our national hero, can be misled. Recall him standing behind the UPP in connection to the Wadadli power plant, only for us to find out its a dud. His friend he claims has integrity told us that no law was broken by the persons involved in the fencing scandal. Later we learned via the leaked report, he was not being truthful since the report pointed out at least two areas where laws were broken. Sir Viv is free to support his friend but the people of A&B would be idiotic if they give serious consideration to a decaying party. Fool me once, shame on thee; fool me twice, shame on me
One thing we can all agree on. Sir Viv was and still is regarded as the world’s greatest batsman ever. Nothing else. So with all do respect. Sir Viv. Golfing buddy. Stick to Cricket.
Harold Lovell is the WORST Leader in the Caribbean. Harold has led the UPP in the CESSPIT. Harold will be heading for LOTS of BLOWS next election. Does Not matter who endorsed Harold it would not help. Just waiting to see the remaining of the UPP slate. Not impressed so far. UPP BIG JOKE.
So what. Is Sir Viv’s endorsement of the aging, lack lustre Lovell supposed to breath life in the dead horse??? It’s not the first time that Vivi has openly endorsed Lovell, a very unwise move I thought back then. That’s when my personal respect and admiration for this cricket icon vanished. Sir Viv should have stayed back then well above the political fray and remained neutral. He is/was after all everyone’s hero, a national icon. To debase himself in this way by openly supporting select politicians is most unfortunate. A great cricketer, that he is. A A schooled intellectual, that he certainly is not!
If Lovell is “AGING” and “LACK LUSTRE” what say you of Cortwright Marshall?
Sir VIV should remain neutral with His POLITICAL views. I can assure you if Sir Viv keep this NON SENSICAL endorsement for the second time He would lose some respects of Antiguans. How can Sir Viv keep endorsing losing Harold Lovell ? The ABLP do more for SIR VIV than the UPP. This is a DISAPPOINTMENT for me.in reference for His endorsement of Harold Lovell. Sir VIV should show more respect for ABLP who has done so much for Him. Very DISAPPOINTED
I disagree with you. The man has every right like any other person to make his opinion public. He is not running for political office himself. He has not said anything bad of the ABLP. If he would jump in to politics like his brother once did, he know he will get blows.
Thank you Sir VIV,for pulling all the Labor Party paid operatives out today.Please make your comments on ANR more frequently.Like i did say.They are paid operatives.
You are a BIG BIG FOOL. Because I do not support your losing Party You are saying I am paid for my comments. I am an INDEPENDENT PERSON.DO NOT need money from anyone. I am an INDEPENDENT THINKER. You are a BIG LOSER.
With a net worth of US$15,000,000.I am a Big Loser.A man who gives away a lot,too many.I made others in Antigua millionaires.I AM A BIG LOSER.REALLY? I would not come down to your low life levels.
So Falcon et AL, with all your millions, what have you done for me lately? Don’t be shy, tell us!!!!
DO NOT give a damn of your MILLIONS. Do and Say the right things. Why don’t you give some of your MILLIONS to UPP ?????
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