Sir Clare Roberts Urges Compassionate Care for Elderly and Vulnerable at National Service of Thanksgiving


Sir Clare Roberts Urges Compassionate Care for Elderly and Vulnerable in Independence Day Address

His Excellency Sir Clare Roberts, Governor General’s Deputy of Antigua and Barbuda, called for renewed compassion and community collaboration in caring for the nation’s elderly and vulnerable. Speaking to a congregation gathered at the National Service of Thanksgiving held at St. John’s Pentecostal House of Restoration,in honor of Antigua and Barbuda’s 43rd Independence Anniversary, Sir Clare underscored the importance of treating society’s most vulnerable with dignity and respect, reflecting the nation’s Independence theme: “From Community Collaboration to Global Gains.”

Sir Clare drew attention to the growing issue of elderly abandonment, citing recent reports from the Ministry of Health that reveal an alarming number of elderly patients left without family support in institutions like the Clarevue Hospital and the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre. “It is disheartening,” he stated, noting that many patients are left in state care with no visitors and ultimately buried without family present. He urged the nation to rekindle values rooted in African traditions, where elders are revered as custodians of wisdom, and their care is considered a community responsibility.

The Deputy Governor General emphasized that caring for the elderly is not merely a legal obligation but a moral and divine duty. Citing scripture, Sir Clare reminded attendees that compassion for the elderly and the vulnerable reflects a commitment to Christian values, and he encouraged the nation to follow the example of good Samaritans who serve others without expectation of reward.

Sir Clare also addressed mental health concerns, particularly among youth, citing a 2023 report highlighting an increase in mental health challenges. He called for mental health care to be a cornerstone of community support, advocating for compassionate systems that ensure no one feels abandoned or isolated. Encouraging the audience to engage in face-to-face connections and to foster a culture of mutual support, Sir Clare noted that “no man is an island.”

Concluding with a powerful affirmation from Micah 6:8, he urged citizens to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” calling for all to live out these principles in their everyday lives.

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  1. His Excellency Sir Clare Roberts, Governor General’s Deputy of Antigua and Barbuda, called for “renewed compassion and community collaboration in caring for the nation’s elderly and vulnerable”.

    This call remind me of the call I gave to the current Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda with his ABLP who all practically ignored my call to establish an endeavor whose purpose was to advocate for and understand the vulnerable.

    The PM minister’s words was, I cannot help you. I am sick and tired of reading these pretend statements from ABLP supporters pretending they care for the vulnerable likes victims of elder abuse, crimes and terrorism, when they care nothing about these people. They care nothing for you, no good government would ever say, I cannot help you help those in need and those in horrific situations as my crime, abuse, and terrorism victim advocacy and research endeavor does.

    People you deserve better, trust me on this one.


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