Simon says PM is an unprincipled liar and he will seek redress for Browne’s libel in the Court 

UPP by-election candidate, Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon (Source: Observer)

The dishonesty and desperation of Prime Minister Gaston Browne have scaled new heights with his latest attacks on Kelvin “Shugy” Simon, the United Progressive Party’s candidate for St. Mary’s South (SMS), and the Party is condemning his lies and misbehaviour.


In a post released on his Facebook page this afternoon, October 12, the apparently idle Prime Minister made libelous statements having to do with the health of the Party’s previous SMS candidate and ascribed them to Mr. Simon.


We will not repeat the statements here since that will only exacerbate an already distasteful situation and perpetuate the libel. 

However, Mr. Simon denounces Mr. Browne as an unprincipled liar and assures supporters that he will challenge the scandalous statements in Court.


In the meantime, the UPP is concerned that Prime Minister Browne’s growing erratic behaviour – punctuated by self-delusional statements and, now, dangerous lies – could be signs of mental deterioration.  


Accordingly, it urges his Cabinet colleagues and family members to see about his mental health – in his interest and in the interest of the country and its people.





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  1. What is wrong with us? People just need to relax. The pot keeps telling the kettle it’s black and vice versa.

    • As long as it’s Gaston people need to relax but when it’s a UPP member y’all under there commenting like fly pan shit!

    • It is time for us to have free and fair elections. I don’t see this happening once we continue to have electorate stretching out their hand for vote. SAD SAD.

  2. Preacher man shoogy can’t even pronounce the word “UNPRINCIPLED” 😑 😒 🙄

    Imagine your son can read better than you a big man. Over 90,000 people see how the preacherman fumble over the “big words” Gisele Isaac-Arrindell DICTATE for him to read.


    • imagine this the prime minister use pierre for the wrong area which should have been pier for the correct spelling so pot should never called the kettle black.

      • @Jules

        Shoogs can’t even spell PREDICTIVE TEXT. He not accustom to be in contact with other prime ministers like St. Lucian Phillip J. “P-I-E-R-R-E”

        shoogs care only about fete party carnival lifestyle

      • @ Jules
        Have you heard Gaston’s English? Have you heard him pronounce words?

        Have you heard, really listened to Dwayne, his grammar and how he wants to ‘elevate poverty’?

        The answer here is that the UPP just let the jackasses bray on radio. they don’t answer them. Waste ah time. The Colins and the Lamins who just found out they could cut out some deserving young persons who qualify for UWI but they get to go because they support ALP.

        The 2 of them sound like kids with a new toy. ‘I am at university, I have a paper to do’. I can’t come into to the studio today because I have a class to do.”
        You would swear they are the first to go university.
        ALP didn’t bring them over to go to school.
        They bring them over to cuss UPP.
        Lamin left UPP because he could go to university even though he did not qualify and did not have to pay money to go to school abroad. As simple as that.

        Just a bunch of losers.

    • @ Shuggy can’t read . Iam sure that Mr. Lester Bird could have read more than his father. What’s your point? Make a guess at one thing I KNOW that Shuggy can DO far far far better than you. We black people are our worst enemy.

  3. No interest in the PRESERVATION of marriage vows after accusing wifey of getting fat from having HIS baby. A real SUPERFICIAL “husband” indeed.

    • @SHUGY CAN’T READ! Shame and Disgrace!
      What? You must be kidding? That low a man would go?
      I don’t believe you at all.

      • It’s true check out the VIRAL VIDEO at the “staged” press conference. AZARIA LAVIA had to help he pronounce SUPERFICIAL!!! 🤣 😂 😭 she min too shame jack. Ah so Pringle a laugh atta duncey head Shugy 🤣 😂

        Watta ting to see a wannabe “representative” dat can’t read!!!!

    • Are you Shugy’s ex? You seem pressed and HIGHLY bothered always posting this crap. I’m not religious but since you seem to be big on it, how about you practice the principle of forgiveness and move on?

  4. Mr Simon, everybody know you scared a court, so stop making noise about taking people to court. The election is here, focus on presenting your manifesto, keep your people full and overflowing as to all you’re about to do for them and St Mary’s.

    • Carvaa

      Again if he fraid court 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Homeboy don’t have any plans. Just some fabricated imaginary investor to spend 15m on basketball court 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

      As if any investor so dotish and risky with time and money to waste on a PICK-UP-CORN EMPTYHEAD WASTE MAN of a barbershop moonlighting clown.

      Ricky own the barbershop!!! The barbershop belongs to RICKY!!!!!

      • @Smh October 12, 2023 At 7:40 pm
        In 2004 before the election UPP said they had many investors waiting at Sandy Island, and they can match Stanford.
        I guess their boat sank before they could get here 🙂

  5. the people deserve honest member of Parliament. GOD-FEARING man who dont turn he back on God………respect God respect the people, love the people. ex-Apostle Kelvin he changed for the worse….used to serve God now dancing with Satan kingdom

    nazarene dont mess with Alcohol dont gamble dont jump up in carnival…..pray he change he ways. he dont suit politics. he living for the flesh, not good. very bad example for youth n other ppl

    “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62

    • He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Some people on pulpit are doing worse, it’s because God is not like man. Are we God to be judging people? ANTIGUA PEOPLE LIKE TO GET TOO PERSONAL, IT SHOWS HOW LOW-MINDED AND SHALLOW SOME OF US ARE.

      • @Ken

        “Ye shall know them by their fruits” Matthew 7:20

        ex-apostle Kelvin Simon PUBLICLY display he fruits for all to see at jouvert and LAst Lap. he not hiding. not judging/guessing because de facts and evidence he post online for all to see. what about he wedding vows? he keeping that covenant he make in de sight of Jesus?

    • Boss, I think you’re upset with shugy because he refused to wine up on your bottom.
      You keep presenting the most ignoramus post, and highlighting that you are nothing but a TIRD,.

    • All sort of people do things so why the church condemning the young man .he without sin cast the first stone .study about one self first.amen

    • Thunder fire you!!! 🔥 bunch a hypocrites always picking the speck from others eyes while a big fat boulder a blind your self-righteous useless idiots.. you childern of Satan.

    • How many Parliamentarians do you see out with their wives? How many Antiguans have reserved intimacy for marriage? How many have “outside pickney”? The allegations made against some MPs have NEVER been made about Shugy so I don’t know how you are acting like him leaving the church is like committing murder. He has the constitutional right to religious freedom and to change his beliefs. Is Nazarene a cult so he has to be in there now and forever?

  6. where is shoogy WIFE? she lose the baby fat yet? Only then he might go back to she

    SMS don’t want representative tht can’t even read properly….🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿…where’s the pride…🤦🏿🤦🏿




    Party animal, jet-setting using constituency allowance $$$ SHAME & DISGRACE! shugy lie on ZDK saying they take out $300 out constituency allowance

  7. At one time even Lovell said he will sue the PM, but to date nothing has happened. On the other hand, when the PM says he will sue, you can bet your last bottom dollar on that.

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