Showcase 2024 in Antigua Attracts Travel Trade Representatives and Local Suppliers


Antigua recently hosted the highly anticipated annual event, Showcase 2024, bringing together numerous travel trade representatives and local suppliers.

Now in its 8th edition, the event remains a crucial marketplace for buyers and sellers in the tourism industry. Colin James, Chief Executive Officer of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority (ABTA), highlighted the continuous growth and expansion of Showcase.

He expressed gratitude to the travel advisors and tour representatives for their unwavering commitment to promoting Antigua and Barbuda as a prime tourism destination, emphasizing their significant impact on the industry.

James further highlighted the remarkable progress made in 2024, with a notable 7% increase in tourism compared to the previous peak year of 2019.

The goal to surpass 300,000 arrivals by year’s end is well within reach, thanks to the collective efforts of all involved.

Additionally, Craig Marshall, Chairman of the Antigua and Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association, warmly welcomed the travel trade representatives to the country and conveyed excitement for the array of opportunities that lay ahead.

With a total of thirty-five exhibitors and forty travel partners from various regions such as the UK, Europe, Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, and Latin America, this year’s Showcase promises to be an engaging and enriching experience for all participants.

The event kicked off with an opening ceremony at Veranda Resort, graced by the presence of Sir Robert Barrett.

As the event progresses, business sessions will unfold in intimate meetings between buyers and sellers at the Royalton Resort.

The itinerary also includes a visit to Barbuda, offering participants a comprehensive and immersive experience in the dynamic tourism landscape of Antigua and Barbuda.

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